Chapter 10

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Daniel Nicholas Castello

Four of the guards lead me out of the room, and I quickly glance at Selena before she disappears from view. She looks terrified. I know that she's trying to hide her emotions, but she couldn't- at least not from me.

I look at the guards surrounding me, and they don't seem that impressive. If Selena weren't in danger, I could have easily escaped. But they are, so I need to find another way.

I try and focus to see if I hear footsteps behind us, but there are none, so they probably took Selena somewhere else- somewhere I would have trouble getting to even if I did escape. So I can't risk it. I would never be able to forgive myself if she got hurt or worse, died, because of me.

The guards lead me to a room which, unsurprisingly, isn't that different from any other rooms here. The room is dimly lit, and the walls are made of some kind of stone and concrete, so it's probably soundproof. The room's right wall makes this room a little different from other rooms in this place- it's lined with a bunch of torture equipment.

The guards that guided me to this room look at me like they expect me to be scared of the torture instruments. Any normal person would be afraid, but I'm not. What's the worse they can do to me? Scar me? Make me bleed? Kill me? I don't honestly care much for it. It's not like I haven't been tortured before. On the other hand, dying would be a new experience- one that I'm not entirely opposed to. At least if I'm dead, I won't be in this world anymore- and that is a morbidly comforting thought.

I shake my head. Jesus, I'm fucked up.

The one thing that does scare me, though, is the thought of Selena's situation. She has never experienced anything close to this, and I don't know how she will get through this. My only hope right now is that Lucien Marcello takes all his anger out on me and spares her. I deserve this, but she does not. I've killed, tortured, and then many other terrible deeds so this is my karma. But she hasn't done anything close to the things I have. She does not deserve this.

One of the guards pushes me further into the room, and I turn around to glare at him. Does he have a death wish?

I almost smile when I see him back away in fear when he notices my glare. Good, at least he knows what I can do to him.

"Hello, Daniel," Lucien Marcello says, entering the room. He looks at me and smiles. "We have a lot to talk about."

"We really don't," I reply in a bored tone, and he raises his eyebrow.

"I see that your arrogance is still intact."

I smile sarcastically. "Did you really think that kidnapping me or threatening to torture me would suddenly scare the arrogance out of me? I thought you a better judge of character than that," I say, trying to provoke him, but he simply smiles in return. Motherfucker.

"You still haven't realised who is really in power here. Once you do, you won't be so arrogant," he replies calmly.

I scoff. "Torturing me will not have any effect on me. I'm not nine anymore."

"No, you're not. I know you think that you probably won't care much if I do anything to you, but the truth is you will. It will take away what sense of power you think you have. Let's not forget that there is another person you seem to have affections for that I will torture. That will certainly have an effect on you."

I take a deep breath in an attempt to stay calm, so I don't attack the motherfucker in front of me, but it's proving more difficult than I thought it would be. I don't like people threatening the people I love- those who do usually end up dead. Selena... well, I don't know what she is to me, but I feel strongly for her. I don't think I love her yet, but I do know that I feel protective of her, and that's enough to make me want to kill anyone who threatens her.

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