Chapter 7

505 16 7

Selena Arabella Calos

The first thing I notice when I wake up is that I am chained to a chair.

How absolutely fantastic.

The cold metal chains dig deeper into my skin when I shift in the chair. The hard metal chair is so uncomfortable that it makes my back hurt. The poor lighting makes it hard for me to see the room properly, but from what I can make out, the room I am in is entirely made of unpainted concrete. The only furniture in the room seems to be the godawful chair that I'm restrained to, and the only light source is a dim light bulb situated on top of my head, which flickers on and off every five seconds- making me want to break it.

The only way to enter or leave this room seems to be through a metal door on my right. At least, I think it is the only one because I cannot see behind me, and I doubt that anyone would consider the ceiling a good entrance to the room.

Five cameras are strategically placed around me, so all my movements can be seen, which I think is a little creepy. But what else can I expect from Adam?

I try to turn my head to check if I can try and see behind me, then realise that the needle that the bastard used to knock me out has left a dull ache on the side of my neck. My mouth is also parched, and I feel cold, light-headed, and utterly confused.

I try to observe my surroundings more to keep my panic at bay. As long as I keep myself distracted, noting tiny details about the room, my mind will be too busy to shut down because of panic.

"What do you want?" I ask no one in particular after a while as I try to relax in the chair once there is nothing else left in the room that I can focus on.

I try to keep my voice steady and calm. In other words, completely the opposite of what I'm feeling inside. Now that there's nothing in the room for me to note, my mind has gone to panic mode, and I need to do something. This seems like the best thing to do- at least I'll know then if I will be staying alive another day.

I can scream or shout, but I know that if I call for help or show any sign of fear, it will only satisfy the people watching me. On the other hand, my calm and unbothered demeanour will only infuriate them. Which is another thing that I learned from years of dealing with my family.

I don't know what scares me more- being in this ordeal or realising that my parents' "life lessons" may not be completely useless.

Maybe what scares me the most is the realisation that my parent's behaviour towards me has been borderline psychotic.

Five minutes pass, and no one comes into the room or answers my question. Not like I actually expected them to answer the question; I am not that stupid... I think.

Maybe they will leave me here until I die- which is actually quite sad because I really wanted to die in an epic way, but I guess-

I take a sharp breath when I hear the creak of the door opening. I don't know who or what to expect. Will it be Adam or someone else? Maybe his father- after all, he's the one who wants something from my father.

The poor lighting makes it impossible for me to see who it is. The person at the door does not move toward me. They just stand by the door and... well, I don't know what they are doing. Are they trying to see my reaction? Are they just staring at me- contemplating the best way to kill me? I hope they don't just shoot me in the head- that would be a very anti-climatic way to die.

After a few seconds, the person moves forward, and I realise it is him. Adam. My eyes meet the eyes that once kept me calm during my worst times but now look detached- like a stranger's eyes. He is observing me, waiting for a reaction, because he knows that I want to say so many things to him, and I would say those things under normal circumstances, but he is a stranger to me now, and I don't talk to strangers. Except for handsome ones I happen to bump into on the street, but that's an entirely separate and unrelated story.

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