Chapter 18

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Selena Arabella Calos

"Hi," I mutter as I open the door.

He stares at me for a second, not saying a word, then looks behind me. "Not bad," he says, a small smile on his face.

"I know," I reply hesitantly, not feeling comfortable with the awkward energy between the two of us. It's never been like that between us.

"You're moving up in life, aren't you? New apartment, new job..." He pauses and points at my suit. "... and a new boyfriend."

I roll my eyes at his jibe. "If you're planning on being a jerk the entire time, Lexi, I'm shutting the door on your face."

He sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Get in before I change my mind," I say.

He smiles and comes inside. "Despite my tone, I am happy for you, Selena. You deserve it."

"The apartment?"

He shrugs. "That too but I meant the job. Gigi was right to promote you. It was time you took over GA from your mother."

I smile, praying he doesn't realise how fake my smile really is. I didn't want the promotion. I didn't want GA. But I did not have a choice. Gigi made that clear.


Two weeks ago

As soon as I entered my new office, a coming back gift from my grandmother- Gigi, I grinned.

"Gigi!" I exclaimed and running up to her to hug her.

She chuckled as she hugged me back. "If I'd known you'd be so happy to see me, I would have visited sooner."

"Of course I'm happy. You're one of the few people I don't dislike in this family."

"Your mother certainly doesn't share the same sentiments."

"Why did you give her your company then instead of Zia Sofia, then? It would have made my life much easier."

Gigi smiled. "You know this wasn't her dream. She wanted to be a psychologist, I couldn't stand in the way of that."

"Sometimes I wonder how Mother turned out the way she did considering how nice and thoughtful you have always been."

"She was always her father's daughter- ruthless and cold," Gigi replied, rolling her eyes, then muttered something under her breath- probably cursing her dead husband. She hated him since the day she met him and when she was forced to get married to him- let's just say she never knew she could hate someone that much before him. I tried hard not to smile. I had always imagined my marriage to be much like hers- a burden. But now, I had some hope. "Enough about her. How do you like your new office?"

I looked around properly and smiled. My mother had nothing to do with the decorating and it showed. The office was very me- minimalistic and chic. Almost everything was white- except the couches in the middle of the room, the book shelf and the desk chair all of which were a really light purple.

"Did you do this?" I asked Gigi.

She smiled. "I did not do any heavy lifting of course, but yes, I chose the colours and the furniture."

"When did she tell you she was promoting me?"

Gigi scoffed. "She didn't tell me. I told her to give the company over to you."

I stared at Gigi. "Why?"

"I want to see you run it before I die."

I frowned. Why is it that even one of the most considerate person in my family doesn't care about what I want? She cared about Zia Sofia's dream all those years ago so how can she ignore mine? "What about my dream then?"

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