Chapter 20

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A/N: 4th update in a day- yeah this is my hyperactivity and impulsivity showing. 

Selena Arabella Calos

I blink against the sunlight streaming through the windows, pull the covers over my head and groan. Who doesn't put curtains in a room?

"What time is it?" I ask when I feel the bed sink down beside me.

"Eight-thirty," Daniel replies making me sit up and look at him in shock.

"I slept for eight hours?" I ask him, incredulous.

"Hmm." He pulls me into his arms. "It seems that getting you off had another advantage as well- I have never seem you sleep so peacefully."

My cheeks flush in embarrassment at his comment and I bury my face in his chest making him chuckle.

"I hate you," I mutter as he runs his hand up and down my hair.

His lips brush my ear. "You didn't seem to share the same sentiments last night when you agreed to marry me or when you were begging me to-."

"Okay! I get it," I say before he can finish, my cheeks warm up even more. He laughs again. "I need to go home and get changed, I have to be at work soon," I say before he can continue teasing me.

"No, you don't," Daniel says and I look up at him. He doesn't look nearly half as amused as he was a second ago. 

"Yes, I do. I have a lot of meetings today and I'm already late."

"I talked to your parents and we agreed that considering the events of last night, you should not go to work for some days."

"My parents agreed to that?" I ask him and he nods. Are they okay? They never let me off of work even when I am really sick. Daniel must have said something to them to make them agree. "I still need my clothes."

"You are wearing clothes right now."

"I don't think that wearing your shirt is the appropriate attire."

"For what? You're not stepping out of this room."

I blink. "What do you mean?"

Daniel sighs in exasperation, running a hand through his already disheveled hair. "You are going to stay in this room for as long as we are here."


"Because I fucking said so," he snaps at me, getting up from bed. Why in the world is he suddenly so angry? His mercurial temperament is honestly so exhausting sometimes.

I narrow my eyes at him. "And do you think that just because you told me to do something, I'll listen?"

He gives me a dark look. "Step out of this room, Selena, I fucking dare you."

I grit my teeth in anger and get up from bed, walking towards the door. I just takes a few steps before Daniel grabs my arm and throws me back onto the bed. When I try to get up, he climbs on top of me pinning my arms to my side.

"What?" I practically scream at him and his eyes flash with anger. 

"You will learn to obey me, one way or another," he says, his voice harsh and cold but quiet. I try to break free from his hold, but I'm not strong enough to do so.

"I'm a human not a dog," I retort and a muscle in his jaw ticks. He loosens his grip on me and I try to get up, but before I can, he slips his shirt off of me. I stare at him wide-eyed as he moves away from me.

"Do you still want to go out?" He asks me, mockingly.

I grit my teeth, staying quiet. Of course, I don't. I am practically naked.

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