Chapter 6

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Daniel Nicholas Castello

"When will you take Nico for a haircut, Elena?" Nonna asked Mamma.

Mamma groaned in response. "He doesn't need a haircut yet, Mamma."

"The boy can barely see through the mop of hair covering his eyes. Of course, he needs a haircut."

"Why do you call me 'Nico', Nonna? My name is Daniel." I asked Nonna.

She brushed my hair off my face, giving Mamma a patronising look. Mamma rolled her eyes. "I call you Nico, caro mio because Nico was my brother's name. And that's who you were named after."

"Where is your brother now, Nonna?"

She smiled sadly. "He's sleeping with the angels now." Mamma snorted at this, and Nonna gave her a glare. She then looked at me again and kissed the top of my head. "Wear his name proudly, Nico. He was one of the best men I knew."


I surprised myself when I told Arabella my name was Nico. I haven't heard that name in 15 years. Only Nonna used to call me that, and after she passed, the name was forgotten by everyone but me. I had promised Nonna I'd wear her brother's name proudly. Though I later found out that Nonna was slightly delusional, and her brother wasn't a good man- he was the worst Cosa Nostra had to offer.

But the name still reminds me of innocence, as did Arabella. So I gave her that instead of Daniel.

I close my eyes and sigh. Jesus, I really need to stop thinking about that girl. But I know I won't stop thinking about her- not until I fuck her at least once. That poses its own dilemma because I'm so turned on by her, not having even touched her; if I ever sleep with her- I'll probably be addicted to her. And then I'll do whatever it takes to keep her, probably destroying both of us.

I pour myself some vodka into my coffee. That ought to help things.

I need to find out who she is; now that I have her name, it will make it so much easier.

"You're a fucking asshole," Francis seethes as soon as he comes in, his eyes dark with rage.

I sigh in exasperation. What will it take for my family to give me some space?

"How have I managed to offend you today, Francesco?" I ask him, patronising.

He looks at me blankly before picking up a butter knife from the countertop and throwing it at me. Knowing what he was about before he did it, I dodge the knife. As surprising as it may seem to other people, we've thrown slightly dangerous objects at each other many times when we're annoyed at each other- much to Mamma's chagrin. And Mamma doesn't even know half of what we have done to each other.

I lean back in my chair and look at him mockingly. "I see your aim has improved since last time, brother."

Francis gives me a look that makes me think he wants to throw a sharper knife at me, but then he closes his eyes and sighs.

"Why?" He asks tiredly, as if he's done with my shit, and in all honesty, I'm surprised it took him this long. He usually calls me out on my behaviour sooner.

"I don't understand what you mean," I reply nonchalantly, taking a bite of a brioche.

I know exactly what he means, but that doesn't mean I will answer him.

Francis sighs, now looking more tired than angry. "Why are you acting so closed off again? Do you know how sad Mamma was yesterday when you left the office because you knew she'd be coming? She thinks it's her fault because this time, nothing happened to trigger your emotional withdrawal. She then-"

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