Chapter 16

423 15 5

Selena Arabella Calos

"We need to talk," Daniel says from across the table and I raise an eyebrow, an amused smile on my face.

"That sounds like a break up line," I retort but his face remains impassive and my smile drops.

So, he is breaking up with me. I just think that is odd because I didn't realise that we had something to break up. We have only been on one date and even though we have already told said 'I love you' to each other, there's no proper relationship between us to break up. He never asked me to be his girlfriend and I never asked him to be my boyfriend. It didn't seem right because he means more to me than a word such as 'boyfriend' can convey.

"Before this..." he pauses to gesture between him and I. "... can go any further..." So he isn't breaking up with me? That's oddly relieving. "... there is something about me that you need to know."

Despite the seriousness of his tone, I laugh at how mysterious he sounds. "What? Are you going to tell me that you're some kind of serial killer?"

"Not exactly, serial killers have a certain pattern of killing- I don't."

I roll my eyes. "Stop messing around. Tell me what-"

"I'm not messing around," he says, looking into my eyes. His eyes hold nothing but sincerity.

My lord, he's telling the truth.

"What?" I manage to say despite my shock.

"I'm not a serial killer but... Jesus," he mutters, rubbing his forehead. "This is harder than I thought it would be."


"Fuck, okay," he cuts in before I can continue. "I'm going to tell you something. I'll start from the beginning but you are not allowed to speak in between. If you have any questions leave them for the end. Is that clear?"

I blink at his stern tone. He sounds more like a professor than whatever he is to me right now and I'm tempted to reply with a 'yes, sir' but I restrain myself, knowing that it would only serve to anger him. "Um, okay."

He sighs and closes his eyes, as if he's in pain. "When Francis and I were two, our sister Amara Alaia Castello, was born. Everyone who met her would fall in love with within seconds- she was perfect. Teresa looks and acts like Amara."

"A few days before her sixteenth birthday, Amara snuck out of the house to go to a party even though Francis and I told her not to. She got annoyed at us for trying to tell her what to do and being the stubborn girl that she was, she still went. And that was the last time I saw her alive. She went missing at the party and no one, absolutely no one knew where she went. A few days, on her birthday, we got a call from the police telling us that they had found a body that matched Amara's description. It was her."

"According to the autopsy report she had been physically and sexually abused before she died. All the biological evidence had degraded so the police could not find who did it. I used all my resources, as did my Nonno but we didn't get anywhere. Eventually, I found out who... killed her." He looked at me as I tried to blink the tears away. I couldn't imagine what his pain no matter how much I tried to. Even hearing him tell me what happened scared me to death. "And I killed them."

My heart starts hammering, not expecting him to say that.

"I didn't trust the police or justice system to do their job. Because of how powerful my family is, they would have, but still not properly. They would not have suffered so much if they were handed over to them."

He killed people. I don't know how many but he did. I know his reasoning for doing so and as much as I feel for him, I can't condone that- can't justify his actions. If I choose to stay with him after this, I don't know what that says about my integrity. Do I really want to be with someone who has taken another person's life?

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