Chapter 14

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Selena Arabella Calos

"I don't like this," Teresa mutters, looking down at the cat purring at her feet. "It's just waiting for its moment."

I smile at her. She's so tiny and adorable. I wish I had a little sister like her. "I thought you liked cats."

Teresa tears eyes away from the cat and looks at me. "I do. But even I realise that some cats are sent from the darkest pits of hell- they are spawns of Satan."

"Teresa Celeste Castello! Who did you hear that from?" Elena gasps in shock of the words spouting out of her six-year-old's mouth.

"Danny," Teresa replies, unbothered by her mother's glare. Her eyes focusing again on the cat by her feet. It has started hissing now. "Leonardo!" Teresa shouts, and the man in question comes forward and looks at her expectantly. "Please get this creature away from me," she says in a dramatic voice, that makes her sound like Francis.

Leonardo stares at Mia for a second, as if he thinks that she's messing with him. When he realises that she's not, he hesitantly picks up the cat, who immediately stops hissing. Leonard says something to Gabriele, before rounding the corner of the house and disappearing from view.

Leonardo and Gabriele are my bodyguards of sort. Daniel has ordered them to follow me everywhere to keep me 'safe'. I don't know what they are keeping me safe from considering I haven't stepped out of the house in the two weeks since I woke up, but Daniel insists that I keep them with me. Leonardo is Stefan's brother. Although Stefan is Daniel's bodyguard, by the way they interact, I can tell that he is more than to Daniel than his bodyguard.

"Do not say that again, Teresa," Elena tells her in a firm tone and Teresa looks at her with a blank expression and nods.

Teresa is a mix of Daniel and Francis, which makes sense considering she's their little sister. She looks like a mini female version of Daniel and has the same facial expressions as him. She's has a dramatic flair and is a sweetheart like Francis.

At first, when I saw Daniel and Francis together, I thought that it was odd how different they were. I always assumed twins would similar looks and personalities but clearly not. Daniel and Francis are polar opposites of each other in every way. Daniel has dark hair; Francis has blonde hair. Daniel has ocean blue eyes; Francis has sea green eyes. Daniel has a dark and brooding personality, Francis has a light, cheery personality. Their personality difference makes sense, given what Daniel has been through, but apparently it has always been like that. Elena told me that when they were younger, people never believed them when she told them they were twins.

"Where is Leonardo?" I hear Daniel's voice from behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He's getting rid of the spaw-" Teresa starts but Elena glares at her again and she groans. "... cat. He's getting rid of the cat that was about to attack me."

"To be clear, when she says get rid of, she means kick it out of the house," Elena says, then narrows her eyes at Daniel. "Speaking of cats, what have you been teaching Teresa?"

Daniel comes to sit beside me and looks at Elena with a blank expression. "I do not understand what you mean. I merely spoke the truth. And to be clear, I did not mean that solely about cats, I was talking about every creature that there is."

"Yes, especially boys!" Teresa chimes.

"Especially them," Daniel agrees, a little too fondly.

Elena groans. "Stop teaching her these things. She's going to turn into a mini you."

Daniel smiles softly but doesn't give her a reply. Instead he looks at me. "Hello, cara."

"Hey," I reply, almost shyly, because of the intense expression on his face.

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