Chapter 23

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《Selena Arabella Calos》

I cover my eyes as soon as I wake up- groaning in pain because of my pounding head. The headache made worse by the light streaming into the room because of the open curtains. Ugh. What the hell?

I turn around and bury my face into my pillow, struggling to remember what happened last night.

I turn my head and pinch the bridge of my nose. Wha-

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I think as memories of last night come flooding into my brain. The memories are in fragments, bits of conversations I had with Alessandro and Daniel. And Gabriele for some reason.

The long car ride with Alessandro where we drank more than we should have.

The elevator ride up to the apartment with Gabriele- oh my God. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment when I remember the disappointed looks he was giving me.

And Daniel. Oh my God. I messed up.

I remember him ignoring me. His anger.

My eyes widen when I remember one of the most mortifying conversations of my life. Did I really ask him why he would not have sex with me? What was I thinking?

I press my legs together when I remember him pressing him hard-on between my legs and my reaction to it. Oh, God. Did that really happen?

And then throwing up while he held my hair, taking care of me despite his anger.

And when he finally tucked me into bed.

"Are you still angry at me?" I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. He shook off my hand and I frowned. He had never done that before.

"I'm beyond angry at you, Selena, but we will talk about it in the morning," he replied, closing his eyes.

I bit my lip, tears threatening to run down my face again. "Do you still love me?"

His eyes snapped open, the blue in them so dark, they looked almost black. "Always," he muttered, wiping away the few tears that managed to escape. "Do you?"

"The only way I will stop loving you is if Thanos snaps me out of existence."

Daniel shook his head, feigning disappointment, but the tiny smile on his face gave him away. "I will always love you but when you say shit like that I wonder how I ever fell for you."

I closed my eyes because they were becoming too heavy to keep open. "Rude."

The last sound I heard before sleep overtook me was of Daniel's laughter.

God. I am in trouble. He isn't going to let go of what happened last night until he has gotten his anger out... and as far as I remember, he has a lot of anger to get out.

I know he was trying to control it last night because of how drunk I was but he won't show the same restraint today.

And there is nothing I can think of doing or saying that will help me avoid his fury.

It's my fault really. I dug my grave and now I am going to have to lie in it- or however that saying goes.

Shit. I have never been so scared of anything in my life.

I open my eyes slowly and let them adjust to the light before throwing off the covers and getting out of bed.

I glance at the bedside table to find two pills of Advil, a glass of water and a note.

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