Chapter 13

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Selena Arabella Calos

"Do you always wear a suit?" I ask Daniel, struggling to finish the last of my food. Daniel is making me eat a whole serving of Shepherd's pie with Caesar salad. I don't think I've eaten that much at once since I was sixteen.

He continues to stare at his laptop screen. "Most of the time, yes. I have grown up wearing suits."

That makes sense. Every time I have seen him outside of that place, he's always wearing a suit.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" Even Jax and Father don't wear suits outside of work, meeting and formal events.

"Not really. I feel comfortable in suits. I mean, I don't wear a suit on the days I'm not working."

"Did you have work today?"

He manages to look away from the laptop screen. "Yes, I had to go to the office today."

"And you were against me even getting up from bed. That's very hypocritical of you."

He narrows his eyes. "No, it isn't. You sustained more injuries than I did and were considerably weaker than me. I am also the CEO and have been away from my company for close to a month, so I had to be at the office as soon as we got home."

"Why aren't you there now? It's the afternoon. Don't you have meetings to attend?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"I'm doing what I have to from home. I couldn't leave you alone like that. What would you have done if I wasn't there when you woke up?"

So he's prioritising me over his work? That's a first. No one in my life has ever done that for me- not even Jax. When Jax has to work, he doesn't let anyone distract him from it- except if someone is dying, but that is the only exception. He probably learnt that from our parents, who, as far as I know, weren't there for me on my second birthday. If my parents weren't as wealthy or had as much power and influence as they do, I'm sure child protective services would have taken me away before I turned five. But then, if my parents weren't as wealthy, they might not have treated me the way they did. They might have even loved me.

"Why would you prioritise me over your work?" I ask him, and he blinks in surprise.

"I- why would I not?" He asks me in a confused tone.

"No one else ever did," I reply indifferently, then look down at the plate of food.

I don't understand why he's confused. For that matter, I don't even understand why he cares so much for me. If my parents, the people who are naturally supposed to love and care for me, don't, then how can he? Why does he love me when he can have anyone he wants?

I hear the scrape of a chair against the floor, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps. I don't turn to look at him even when I feel his presence behind me. I can't. He'll see through my anxieties and insecurities, and I can't let him. I've already allowed myself to be too weak in his presence. He can't know about my insecurities too. He'll think of me as weak and pathetic if he does, and I can't have that. I just can't.

Slowly, so I don't become dizzy, Daniel spins my chair around so that we can look at each other, only I don't. I stare at the floor, not wanting to look at him. I cannot allow him to see through me any more than he already has.

A moment later, Daniel slides a finger under my chin, tilting my head back and stares into my eyes. I look away as fast as I can. He's trying to read me again. He wants to know what I'm thinking. I cannot allow him to do that.

"Look at me, Selena," Daniel whispers. His voice is quiet yet authoritative, and I almost give in to him. "Now!" He snaps in a slightly louder, harsher voice and this time, I listen.

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