Chapter 9

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Selena Arabella Calos

The sound of someone talking wakes me up. I suddenly sit up and look around to check for anyone other than the two of us in the room- but there is no one. Daniel is asleep- so I assume that it's not him. I get up and walk to the door, placing my ear against it- but there's no sound coming from outside.

Is it possible that I'm just being paranoid and just completely imagined someone talking? After the past few days I've had, this wouldn't really surprise me. Every unexpected sound makes my heart race- sometimes I panic so much that I have trouble breathing. But despite all this, for some reason, I am pretty sure that I did not imagine the voice- someone was talking.

I hear Daniel mumbling from the other side of the room and almost sigh in relief- I'm not crazy. I walk closer to him to try and hear what he is saying, but it's all unintelligible.

I take a deep breath and lie down on the floor again. Okay, I can relax now- I'm not crazy, and there's no one else in the room. I can-

A loud scream interrupts my train of thoughts, and I back away from the source of the scream- it's Daniel.

I keep looking at Daniel, scared that he might scream again. Daniel's nightmares must be terrible if he's screaming in them. What could have happened to him to give him such bad nightmares? Is that why he doesn't usually sleep? That must be it.

but that would be insensitive and inappropriate, but that doesn't stop me from wondering about them.

I don't know if I should wake him up. I have heard that no one should wake up someone who is having a nightmare.

I can't help myself when he screams again, startling me. I take a deep breath as I approach Daniel.

I lightly touch Daniel's shoulder and softly say his name- but nothing happens. After waiting for a few moments, I shake Daniel a little, and Daniel immediately stands up, pinning me against the wall with his arm against my neck.

With a start I realise, Daniel is still not awake. His eyes are closed. I can't breathe properly with his arm pressing my neck. "Daniel, please wake up."

When Daniel's arm still doesn't move, I start panicking. What if he kills me before he's even awake enough to know what's happening?

"Daniel, please..." I try again. I'm starting to feel dizzy and my vision is starting to blur. With a last burst of energy, I shout: "Nico!"

This has an immediate effect on Daniel. He quickly backs away from me- like I'm on fire- and starts breathing rapidly. "How... why... are you okay?" Daniel asks me as soon as he has caught his breath.

I told up a finger as I rub my neck, trying to breathe properly.

"Selena, are you okay?"

"I'm..." I take a deep breathe. "I'm fine."

Daniel looks at me, his eyes wide. "How much did I hurt you?"

I shake my head and try to answer in a calm tone- which is hard to do considering I'm the opposite of calm right now. "You didn't hurt me."

"Don't fucking lie to me," Daniel growls, then pinches the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath when he sees me back away from him. "I need you to tell me the truth."

"I am. I'm fine now. I was just scared for a bit."

Daniel looks at me like he doesn't believe me, but thankfully he doesn't argue with me. "I knew I shouldn't have slept."

I take a step towards him but he shakes his head and tries to back away from me, but I take a step closer to him when he steps back. "I hurt you while sleeping, and I did not even known it."

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