Chapter 15

493 15 3

Daniel Nicholas Castello

"Rafael," I snap, answering his call. Why is this asshole calling me at four in the morning? Sure I was already up, but that does not mean that I wish to talk to anyone right now.

"I need your help," he says, getting straight to the point. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I want to say I feel like an ass for snapping at him, but I really don't.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to find Dakota," he replies and I blink in surprise at his words. That's an odd request coming from him. Dakota Adams is his ex-girlfriend and Valentina's mother.

Rafael and Dakota met at a party in freshman year of university. They had a very drunken one-night-stand which ended with Dakota pregnant. Even though a baby was not part of either of their lives, they decided to keep it. Both of them had very different reasons though. Dakota wanted the child because she knew that Rafael would never leave her if she had the baby. Rafael wanted the baby because he wanted to be a better father than his own.

Eventually though, Rafael fell in love with Dakota and when Valentina was born, Rafael was the happiest I have ever seen him. But that ended soon when Dakota left Valentina with Rafael, telling him that she had to prepare her family before she told them about Valentina. Except Dakota never returned. She left her new-born daughter behind like it she meant nothing to her.

Rafael hasn't talked or asked of Dakota since then. He loathes her with a passion.

Rafael was heartbroken because of Dakota. He had not told his family about Dakota's pregnancy before because he did not know how they would react. But after Dakota left, Rafael decided not to tell them about Valentina's birth either. It's been four years, and the only one in Rafael's family who knows about Valentina is his brother.

Which is why he probably does not want to use his own men to find Dakota. They can easily find out about Valentina through Dakota and then Rafael's father will know about her too.

"Why?" I ask, still not able to understand his sudden interest with that bitch.

"She tried to take Valentina away from me," he replies and I freeze. What the fuck. "She tried to kidnap her. Thank heavens Stella was there otherwise she would have been successful."

My close my eyes and rub my forehead. That little girl is like a niece to me and I deal with anyone who tries to do her any harm in a very fucked up way.


"I suspect she needs money. She's fucking this bastard who has a gambling problem, and has a debt close to two-fifty thousand euros. I'm assuming she wanted to hold my daughter ransom," he explains and I clench my jaw in anger. Jesus, how can a mother be so cruel to her own child?

"I'll get Lorenzo and Stefan started on this. Where are Valentina and Stella right now?"

"They're still in Vai. They're flying to Kilanea in a while," Rafeal replies.

"Where will they be staying?"

"Stella's old apartment. I don't want anything getting back to my family so-"

"They can stay at mine. It's more secure than Stella's. No one can get in or out without Stefan or Lorenzo knowing," I tell him.

He pauses for a moment to think over my offer.

"I'll make sure no one in your family finds out about it," I add before he can say anything."

"Fine, okay," he replies then sighs. "What are you doing today?"

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