Chapter 19

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This chapter contains smut (never thought I would write this tbh). It's after ***** near the end of the chapter. Its lasts till the end. So yeah. Just a warning.

Selena Arabella Calos

I throw my hair behind my shoulders and smile in the mirror. For the first time in my life, I don't hate my reflection. I don't hate the extra weight I've gained in the last few weeks, in fact I love it. It makes me look healthier, more radiant- it makes me feel pretty.

I have never been so confident in my appearance before. Distancing myself from my parents was a good idea. I still see them at work and at parties, like the charity gala they are hosting tonight, but I don't interact with them outside of these places and that has helped me immensely.

"Are you ready, cara?" Daniel asks, coming into my room. We look at each other in the mirror and smile. "Hey, gorgeous," he says as he comes to stand right behind me.

"Hi," I breathe. I don't think I'll ever get over just how handsome he is.

He leans down and kisses my neck, making me sigh and rest my head against his shoulder. In the past few weeks, every time we accidently went further than just making out, he pulled away and made a snide remark about marriage. Not only that, but he continuously teased me, made me want more and then didn't give it to me. I know what he's doing. He's trying to convince me to marry him and he thinks teasing me is going to work. What he doesn't know if that I know a thing or two about teasing someone too, and he's going to learn about that before the night ends.

"I have something for you," he murmurs against my neck. I open my eyes as he pulls away from me and takes out a small box from his coat pocket.

I look up at him, suddenly giddy with excitement. "What is it?"

He smiles at my reaction, opens the box and hold out a necklace for me to see. The sliver pendant of his middle name- Nico.

"It's beautiful," I sigh.

"It is nothing compared to you, baby," he whispers against my skin and I almost melt into him. "Do you want to wear it now?"

I nod. "You don't have to get me anything when we're going to events like these."

He presses a quick kiss against my neck. "This gift is for an entirely selfish reason."

I raise my eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

"It will let everyone know that you are mine."

I roll my eyes, smiling. "You're psychotic."

An enigmatic look crosses his face as he says, "Only for you, baby."


"Expensive taste," the man sitting next to me at the bar says when I order a glass of Dom Pérignon Rosé.

"I think you mean superior taste," I counter and his lips twitch into a smile.

"Can't argue with that." He turns to me and bows his head slightly. "Nice to meet you..."He trails off and raises his eyebrow.

"Selena Calos," I reply. He reaches for my hand as a reflex I place my hand in his. He brings it up to his lips and kisses it. Despite his gentlemanly behaviour, I feel like walking away from him. There's a cold, dark look in his eyes that screams danger- and not the kind of danger I am drawn to.

"Antonio Alessi."

I give him a smile, which hopefully doesn't look fake.

"It's nice to meet you too, Antonio," I say, out of courtesy than anything, as I move to take out my card to pay for my drink.

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