Chapter 8

499 18 4

Selena Arabella Calos

Before I can decide for certain if I want to read his letter, I hear the click of the door unlocking. I back away from the door in anticipation. The door opens, and three people with guns push a person inside the room.

The guards' faces are covered with ski masks, so only their eyes and mouths are visible. The person that they pushed in, on the other hand, has a burlap sack over their head, and their hands are tied behind their back.

The guards force the person to sit on the floor in the middle of the room.

"If either of you moves before we get out of this room, we'll not hesitate to kill both of you," one of the guards says. The guard then looks at me. "Is that clear?"

I'm still in shock over everything that has happened, so I just nod instead of saying anything- because in all honesty, I don't think I can trust my voice right now.

The person sitting on the floor also make their best attempt at nodding. The guards back away, keeping their guns trained on all of us until they close the door.

Now that I'm left alone in a room with a stranger, I feel even more anxious. What am I supposed to do? Should I help them, or should I leave them be?

Before I call fully decide, the person suddenly stands up. This startles me so much that I bump into the wall with a thud.

I bite my tongue to keep myself from crying out because of the pain. Ouch, ouch, ouch. That hurts so-

"Who's there?" The person asks, his voice muffled because of the burlap sack.

Why does the person's voice seem familiar?

I don't answer. Hopefully, if I don't say anything, he'll just assume the noise was from something falling down.

My plan doesn't work because he starts moving in my direction, probably following the source of the sound. I quietly try to tiptoe away from my position.

"I can hear your footsteps," the guy says, making me freeze. He sighs. "I promise I am not going to hurt you. Just help me untie these ropes."

I try to calm my racing heart before replying. "No."

"Why?" The guy asks, tilting his head.

Thankfully he doesn't take another step towards me, or I would have freaked out even more.

"The only advantage I have right now over you is that you're tied up, so you can't hurt me. I would be dumb to take that advantage away," I reply, trying my best to keep my voice even.

"Would that still be an advantage when they come back? Because they are going to. The best chance either of us have against them is if we work together, and we can't do that if one of us is tied up and unable to see," the guy replies and I hate him for being so logical.

"I don't even know you. I have no reason to trust you. For all I know, you could be working with them."

"Do you really think I'd be tied up if I was with them?" He growls, taking a step towards me.

I move around the guy, trying to keep as far away from him as the limited space in the room can allow, and walk to the opposite end of the room.

"I'm not untying you."

The guy turns around and sighs. "Fine, at least remove the thing on my head. I can't breathe properly."

I consider his request. I don't want to listen to him but at the same time if anything happens to him because he can't breathe, I'll feel responsible for it. "Fine. But you need to sit down first otherwise I can't properly untie that rope from your neck, you're too tall."

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