Chapter 12

461 14 8

Daniel Nicholas Castello

"He managed to escape," Rafael tells me as we watch the fire engulf everything around it.

The explosion was a necessary precaution we needed to take to ensure that Lucien's men couldn't regroup and save him. But they somehow still managed to, and I'm going to make them pay for it.

"I know," I reply, and he raises his eyebrow.

"How are you so chill about it?"

I'm not chill about it, I'm sure my appearance and reaction don't give that away, but I really am not. I'm currently imagining all the ways I can kill Lucien Marcello- and none of them are very humane. The only thing stopping me from going after him right now is my promise to Selena that I would see her soon.

I smile sinisterly. "Because I know that when I find him again, I'm going to make him regret ever escaping."

He stares at me for a second as if he wants to say something to reprimand me, but before he can, Lorenzo interrupts, "We need to go. We'll meet the others back in the city."

I shake my head. "No. I need to see Selena right now. She's going to be worried about me, why I didn't come back, and she already has too much on her plate to worry about that too."

"We're going to have to walk there," Rafael says, and I shrug. "Are you sure you can walk? You've lost too much blood already."

I am suffering from excruciating pains throughout my body too, but I made a promise to Selena, and I intend to keep it.

Rather than replying, I start walking in the general direction of the rendezvous point. I hear Lorenzo mutter something about my stubbornness but I don't bother replying to him. I'm the boss. Or at least I will be soon. What I say goes. I don't much care for anyone else's opinion.

"How do you know Selena?" I ask Rafael.

He smiles at me, and I can see his affection for her on his face, which bothers me for some reason. Fuck that, I know exactly why it bothers me- I love her, she's mine and I don't like it when anyone else wants what's mine.

"She's been best friends with my brother since they were babies, and our families are close to each other."

"I see," I reply simply. He didn't tell me what she was to him.

He grins mischievously. "I can see that."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're very bad at hiding your jealousy," he says, and I scoff. He being delusional. I'm not jealous at all. I'm just possessive of her, protective even, but that doesn't mean I'm jealous.

Okay, that may sound exactly like the definition of jealous, but I am really not jealous, I'm just... well, I don't know what I am, but it's certainly not jealous. I think.

"I'm not jealous. I have no reason to be," I reply with a blank expression, trying not to give away how uncertain I feel about the matter.

"Sure, Ace. I believe you," he replies sarcastically, and I give him an unimpressed look.

"Why would you think that I would be jealous?" I ask him, hoping that his answer may help me make up my mind, and he smirks.

"I know about the kiss," he admits.

I blink in surprise. "How the fuck did you know about that?"

"Oh, well, let me see. Maybe, just maybe, I know about it because you kissed her in front of some of the people who work for me."

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