Chapter 3

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Selena Arabella Calos

"Why are you still up?" Alessandro asks me as he walks into my room. Alessandro's family is very close to mine, so we have a weekly get-together. I wasn't in the mood to deal with my parents again today, so I informed them that I was sick and going to bed early. I got a short lecture for being rude, but they agreed in the end.

I look up from my phone and raise my eyebrow. "Did you really think that I was actually sick?"

He looks at me; his expression is impassive. "After lunch, I wasn't sure that you feeling sick was a lie."

I rest my head against the headboard of the bed and sigh. "Sometimes I wish I was normal."

"Normal is overrated," Alessandro murmurs as he starts walking around my room to clean things up. If it weren't for Alessandro and his obsession with putting things in order, my room would always look like a war zone. "With our families and our lives, we could never be normal."

"Alex is."

Alessandro glances at me. "Do you ever think that maybe that's why you don't like him like that? He's too normal for you."

I laugh. "Am I supposed to feel offended?"

He rolls his eyes. "You're not, but if Alex was here, he would get offended."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Why? Also, what did you mean when you told him I'm not his girlfriend yet at lunch?"

"Come on, Lena, you know he likes you. Even though he doesn't know you as well as I do, he's known you long enough to know that you will never be into him as long as he's normal. He knows that kind of relationship will never be exciting enough for you. And as for lunch today, well, he wants to ask you out."

I groan. "Did you tell him not to?"

Alessandro sits beside me on my bed and looks at me with an unreadable expression. "I did, but why don't you give him a chance?" I give him a look. He knows exactly why. "Don't give me that bullshit about him not being Italian. Sure, you may not be able to marry him for that reason, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't date him."

I look at him in silence. I know he's right. I know that if I give Alex a chance, I might eventually fall in love with him. But that will only cause heartbreak- for him and me. Alex does not understand why my parents don't want me to marry a person with a different ethnicity from ours. He does not understand my family's traditions. He doesn't understand our secrets.

"What happened today after lunch?" Alessandro says after a while.

I glance at him and then pick up my phone, not wanting to see the disappointment on his face when I tell him the truth. "I felt sick because of how much I had eaten, so I went to the gym."

"For how long?"

"Two hours."

"Did you work out in the morning too?"

"Yes, for an hour."

Alessandro sighs, but before he can reprimand me I say, "Can we please talk about something else, anything else?"

He purses his lips, like he is about to argue but then he closes his eyes and says. "Like?"

I grin. "So, I bumped into this really hot guy today..."


"What do you want?" I snap into the phone when I pick it up. I hate it when people call me when I'm asleep, especially when I have amazing dreams, like the one I just had.

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