Chapter 22

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《Selena Arabella Calos》

"Want a beer?" Alessandro asks me and I shake my head, scrunching my nose in disgust. I hate the taste of beer. I have since the first time I tried it a few years ago... with Adam.

"No, thank you. I don't want my first time getting drunk to be from beer."

Alessandro rolls his eyes. "Would you prefer champagne, then, princess?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "If you want to call me 'princess', say it with respect and not indignation."

Alessandro shakes his head, amused. "What would you like to drink, my darling princess?"

"Whiskey, if you have it, my lowly servant," I reply with a hint of sarcasm and Alessandro laughs.

"Interesting choice," he comments, as he pours my drink of choice in a glass and hands it to me.

"I've seen Daniel drink it a couple of times, I just want to see what's so good about it."

Alessandro mutters something under his breath. I raise an eyebrow in question but he shakes his head. "Nothing. I don't know what kind he drinks, but I prefer my whiskey to be sweet."

"I like it," I tell him, taking a sip of it.

"Now that you have picked your beverage of choice, would you mind telling me what's wrong with you?"


"Nothing," I reply and a cushion hits my face. I narrow my eyes at Alessandro. "Ouch! What the hell is wrong with you? You don't just-"

"That's what happens when you lie," Alessandro interrupts. "Now, spill."

"We're not going to last," I finally confess, and as much as I try to control my emotions, tears start to well up in my eyes.

Alessandro puts his glass on the table and holds my hand. "What do you mean, Lena? Why do you think you guys won't last?"

My lips tremble as tears start to flow down my face. "We fight everyday- sometimes multiple times a day. It's so exhausting and painful- sometimes we say things to each other that we can never take back. Things that hurt so much that a knife in the heart would be better."

"Maybe it's just a phase," he suggests.

I shake my head. "It's not just a phase, A. I don't know how to describe it, but it's this feeling I have that we're going to hurt each other so much one day, we will never be able to go back. We will never be able to forget those things and move on. Even now, the things I have said to him, the things he has said to me-"

Alessandro narrows his eyes. "What has he said to you?"

"Nothing worse than anything I've said to him. I love him. I don't want to lose him, but I know it's not possible. He's slipping out of my hands like sand. God, A, he-" I start sobbing mid-sentence and Alessandro puts his arms around me.

"Everything is going to be okay, princess," Alessandro mutters, holding me tighter, but no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to believe his words.

It's not going to be alright. I wish that day had never happened. I wish I had never met Antonio Alessi. I wish we never went to that park. I wish we never went to Cayto. I wish things were different. I wish he was mine again.


Three hours later

"She broke my heart," Alessandro cries, downing another shot.

"At least Nat broke your heart only once, Daniel breaks mine everyday," I tell Alessandro, trying to comfort him.

Alessandro refills our drinks again. "Why did both of us have to fall for heartbreakers?"

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