Chapter 21

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《Selena Arabella Calos》

"Message me when you wake up, I'll sneak you out," Alessandro says and I sigh. There are maybe a dozen or more people between this room and the entrance, there is no way Alessandro will be able to sneak me out of here.

"We'll see about that, A," I reply, running a hand through my hair.

"Is he not there yet?"

"No." I glance at the clock. "He'll be here soon. He comes home around midnight everyday."

As if on cue, the door opens and Daniel steps into the room. My eyes immediately drift to his hand and I scoff when I see specks of blood of them. Was cleaning blood of his hands really such a hassle or did he fail to do it because of me?

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, A," I say to Alessandro and hang up before he has a chance to reply.

Daniel narrows his eyes at me. "Who was that?"

I narrow my eyes at him. I know he wants to know whether I was talking to Alex or Alessandro but I'm too mad at him right now to give him a straight answer.

"Good day today?" I ask, indignation evident in my voice, as I point at his hand.

He gives me a hard look, angry because what I said and because I did not answer his question. "I asked you a question."

"Which I don't care much to answer."

He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time for your childish behaviour."

"Then leave," I spit out and his eyes snap open.

"This is my room," he retorts, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Then I'll leave." I walk to the door and just as I open it, he places his hand on it and closes it again.

"You are not leaving."

"Why? As you said this is your room, so what-"

"I did not say it was just my room. It's our room. I made that clear to you the first day you moved in here," he says, placing a finger under my chin and tipping my head back so I look at him. His eyes are filled with anger, like they have been for the last few weeks. I know he's trying to push that anger down but I also know that at the end of the day, it won't work.

We have repeated the same cycle every night since Daniel moved me into his apartment a few days ago. I stay up every night, waiting for him to come back from his office or Cayto. I can't go to sleep until I know he's here- until I know he's safe. When he comes back, every day, without fail, we fight. And each time our fights end in only one way- with me under him, begging him for an orgasm which he always gives me- multiple times. But not before teasing me and punishing me to make me realise that at the end of the day he is always going to be the one in control.

As much as I love it in the moment- the pleasure he gives me- I hate it afterwards. Because he always uses sex as a way of ending arguments. He hasn't slept with me yet, though. He won't, not unless we get married first. I don't know why he is so insistent on marriage before sex- it's not like he's a virgin too, so sex before marriage in general is not the problem. And even though I would never admit it out loud, his blatant resistance makes me feel self-conscious. 

I hate how he uses sex to end our arguments because we never resolve our issues because of that. Our lack of communication is going to catch up with us one day and it will be fatal- for both of our sanities but there is nothing I can do about it. 

I push his hand away. "The least you could do is get the blood of your hands before you touch me."

Daniel sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Don't leave the room," he says, his words carrying a not so subtle warning, as he brushes past me and walks to the bathroom.

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