Chapter 2

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Daniel Nicholas Castello

I lean against the pool table, with my finger on my lip to try and suppress my smile, and look at Marcellus Davis's bewildered expression.

"I... but ho-" He starts, but I raise an eyebrow, and he stops talking. Marcellus, apart from being a business associate, is a college friend.

"Point proved, Castello," he mutters glumly. "There's no need to look so fucking smug about it."

Oh, but there is. Marcellus and I are very competitive, so winning against him feels better than winning against anyone else- except my father or grandfather.

"Never underestimate me again, Davis," I warn him coolly, only half-joking. I despise when people underestimate me so much that I go out of my way to prove them wrong.

Marcellus and I were playing pool less than an hour ago when he told me I could not win against him at snooker. He was overconfident, which is never good, especially with me.

"I haven't seen you play before, so I assumed you didn't know how to. And I've been playing for almost 10 years now, so I thought that-"

"You could win against me? There was no chance because my father taught me how to play when I was really young," I tell him, and he raises an eyebrow.

"When you were young? Oh, I forgot that I graduated with an old man," he remarks, and I narrow my eyes at him.

That's not what I meant, and he knows it. I open my mouth to retort, but a knock on my door stops me.

"Come in!" I answer, knowing that it is my assistant who knocked.

"Mr Castello, your father has requested to see you in his office," Stacy informs me as she opens the door.

"I will be there in five minutes," I tell her, and she nods and leaves.

"We're playing tennis on Saturday," Marcellus reminds me as he prepares to leave.

I smile, knowing that he is only reminding me to satisfy his ego. He knows that his victory playing tennis is almost entirely assured because despite being good at tennis, I am nowhere near his level. I will still try my best to beat him, though.

"Fine," I say, dismissing him.

He grins at me. "Be prepared to lose, Castello."

I scowl at him, and he walks out the door laughing. He doesn't learn a lesson, does he? The only thing that his words do is make me want to win even more.

I run my fingers through my hair, wondering what the fuck my father is doing at the office. Papà's visits to the office have become rare since he handed over the company to me almost two years ago, on my twenty-second birthday.

I put on my coat and leave my office. He is probably just here because of Mamma.

"Mr Castello," Stacy starts as she starts following me. "You have a twelve o clock with Ricci Enterprises," she tells me, and I freeze mid-step.

What. The. Fuck.

"When did that happen?" I ask her, my voice dangerously quiet, and she backs away because of it.

Calm down, Castello. It probably wasn't her fault.

"I- That's what your father wants to talk to you about," she tells me quickly, and my jaw clenches.

I love my papà, but he makes life so complicated sometimes. But nothing compared to my grandfather. Thank fuck.

"Next time, do not confirm a meeting without telling me first." I don't add, 'or else you're fired' because it is implied. She nods, scared, then turns and walks back to her desk.

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