Chapter 5

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It only took a couple days for Wei Ying too heal enough for him to hold enough spiritual energy for the test she wanted to run. Even with the container sealed, she can open the spiritual energy only for the amount of time that was needed for this test. She waited until it was late at night, she saw the two boys laying on the same bed snuggling close to each other.

She cast a sleep charm over them both to keep them from waking until the test was over. After that, she put a needle in the back of Wei Ying's neck, there the needle will keep the pain away while the spiritual energy runs through his body through the bonding test. If the test is passed like she believes it will, these two will have a good future as cultivation partners. With a wave of the hand a red string tied to the left ring finger on their left hands. The string will dissipate into the two connecting the two souls if the test is proven positive. With a second wave of the hand, a sprinkle of pink dust flows down upon them, and put them into a dream to let the test run it's course.

~*Bonding Test/Dream*~

A path of crushed pine needles wound among the trees and into a shadowy clump of snow-laden bushes. A sharp, icy wind carried the sharp smell of pine and the damp decay of leaves on the forest floor. Sunlight peaked through the trees, a snap of a twig came off in the distance. Lan Zhan stood there not minding the crisp cold air as he is used to the weather of Gusu. With Bichen (Lan Zhan's Sword) in hand, he grazed forward slowly, looking in every direction, trying to find a sense of direction or any sign to tell him his location. All that he knows, he is in a pine forest. It seemed so vivid of a dream to him, even with a pinch on the arm and a slap on the face, he was still there. He questioned if he was actually asleep or not.

"Achoo!" A sneeze came out of the left side of the woods, near a patch of bushes.

He gripped the halt of Bichen getting ready to attack what ever is near as he approached to bushes. As he rounded the bushes edge, he saw a trail of blood leading to where the sneeze came from. The more that he circled the bushes the more he saw. He saw the familiar black robes, and red ribbon. It was Wei Ying, gravely injured, curled up in a ball beside a tree shivering from the cold.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked in shock.

He moved at a quicker pace to approach him but a growl sounded near him. Lan Zhan stopped and turned towards the growl. It was a fierce demonic bear; it had red glowing eyes, it had old weapons that pierced it's body that looked like it did nothing to damage the beast. it had large frontal fangs and was about ten feet tall (10ft, 120in, 308.4cm) and looked to weigh at least two tons (About 4000Ib, 1814kg). Lan Zhan grew concerned. Wei Ying was too injured to stay here why Lan Zhan tried to fight the bear off. He was also alone, and Wei Ying had not golden core or weapons to defend himself. Lan Zhan quickly whipped out his zither and performed chord assassination, which was enough to distract the beast long enough to pick up Wei Ying and fly off on Bichen.

Lan Zhan had to find a place to get him warm and clean his wounds. He needed shelter. It was getting dark and he had to be quick. He had no idea where they were but at the moment, his only concern was to get Wei Ying somewhere safe and warm. As he flew around, he spotted a cabin and went to it. He looked around and saw that it was abandoned. He kicked the door open and place Wei Ying the the bed that he saw. He took off his outer robes and cover him with them and quickly built a fire in the fireplace.

Lan Zhan quickly looked around the area to see if there was any sort of water or something to use to clean and treat Wei Ying's wounds. He checked the well that sat outside and it was a success. He got a couple buckets so he could he the water. He spend a good little while trying to set things up in the cabin so he could properly work.

"Lan...Zhan?" Wei Ying said quietly. He could hear pain in his voice.

"I am here, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said setting the warm water down beside the bed on a table to clean his wounds.

"What happened?" He asked Lan Zhan as his vision started to become more clear.

"We are lost in some forest. There was a demonic bear-like creature near you and you are severely injured. Will let me removed your robes so I can clean and treat them?" Lan Zhan explained.

"Uhh," Wei Ying said carefully sitting up as his face started to turn red.

"I won't do anything to you, Wei Ying," He told him, "Especially without your consent."

Wei Ying nodded and took off his robes, leaving him with his pants on only.

"Ouch!" Wei Ying winced in pain as Lan Zhan carefully cleaned the wounds.

"Sorry, I will try to be more gentle," Lan Zhan said.

"No, it is okay, it was just so sudden," Wei Ying explained.

"Mm," Lan Zhan hummed.

"How did we get here? I thought we were asleep in the cottage?" Wei Ying asked.

"I am not sure, I don't think it is a dream either, it all seems too real," Lan Zhan said, "But we will try to figure this out together. I want you to rest for now though."

"Will you lay with me?" Wei Ying asked him.

Lan Zhan nodded, "Let me take care of this water first."

Wei Ying nodded back to him and watched him put everything away. After getting bandaged up, he put his robes back on for now and snuggled up to Lan Zhan. They slept the whole night through. Even though Lan Zhan is trained to the 5 A.M. to the 9 P.M. time of Cloud Recessed, Wei Ying was not. Lan Zhan let him sleep, as he was still recovering from his injuries and he wanted to just lay there holding him for a while. He eventually got up to find out if there was anything around that he can cook. He hovered on his sword for a while and saw a village not far from their location. He decided that once Wei Ying has gotten enough sleep, they will head over that way. Until then, he looked around for anything to hunt. He wasn't into hunting pheasants or anything like that, as he was influenced by Cloud Recesses rules, but this was a special case. They had to eat something, especially Wei Ying. He needed food to help his body heal properly. He could quickly fly over to the town, but he was afraid to leave Wei Ying alone, and he had every right to be afraid.

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