Chapter 17

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Wei Ying's core was gaining strength every day. He was practicing his sword with Sizhui and Jingy. After a while Wei Ying took a few steps aside and started working on his own sword technique. Remembering every stance, every step, every swing, strike, and pose. He made up his own style as he grew up with Suibian. Having him back he was in his pure bliss. Everyone just stood by and watched him. Baoshan was in awe with her grandson's sword style, very clean, quick and precise, he was in his own world.

Sizhui and Jingy did not even know what to think. They had never seen Wei Ying use a sword, only his flute. To see him back to his former glory, the way he used to be, and seeing what people had always said about Wei Ying and his sword.

Lan Zhan knew that Wei Ying could fight with a sword, what he did not know was his ability to create his own technique and style. When he fought with Wei Ying on the rooftop in Gusu all those years ago, Wei Ying never took his sword out of his sheathe. Holding Emperor's Smile in one hand and blocking with his sword in the other. He felt that he really missed a good opportunity to really have a nice spar with his soulmate.

Seeing him now, seeing Wei Ying use his sword, happy and lost in his training, Lan Zhan was absorbed in it all. He even had tears falling. Thinking back when he stopped using Suibian and the amount of pain in his eyes whenever people asked him why he stopped using it.

He never wanted to see that pain again. He wanted Wei Ying back. He wanted him to cultivate again. He paid the price giving up his core, he lost more than one family. He even lost his life, he lost everything, that was his price. He said he never regretted giving up his core, but Lan Zhan knows he has doubts about that. Wei Ying won't admit that he wondered how things would be if he didn't give his core up, or if he did not turn to demonic cultivation. There was no doubt in his mind that Wei Ying thinks about that.

So seeing him now, something sparked in Lan Zhan's joints. Unannounced, he leapt forward to Wei Ying which caught him off guard but he was quick to recover, as he saw Bichen out of his sheathe wanting to play.

Wei Ying smiled at Lan Zhan, "I am not sure where I am at with my fighting level, but do not go easy on me," he told Lan Zhan.

"We will see what you've got," Lan Zhan said.

Lan Zhan made another move, taking a strike to the left and a block from Wei Ying. After a moment, he kicked Bichen away and twirled to gain his balance, sticking Suibian in front of him as a guard to his body.

Lan Zhan took a gliding step to his right and lunged Bichen forward. With a slash from Suibian, he was pushed away. With another quick move, leaving Lan Zhan almost unable to keep up, Wei Ying struck again, just barely out of reach a gust of wind from the blade flew past Lan Zhan's shoulder. A piece of his robes got cute in the process.

"Oops," Wei Ying said, "I didn't mean to ruin your clothes."

"They are just clothes, I can change them later, do not try to distract me," Lan Zhan argued.

"Okay," he said and launched himself towards Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan blocked and was soon kicked off his feet making him land flat on his back. He grabbed Wei Ying's robes and pulled him down with him. Their swords were now several feet away. Wei Ying looked into his man's golden eyes. They were lit with a fire that called for him. Called for Wei Ying's lips to give into his.

Wei Ying was defenseless against those eyes. He leaned town and kissed Lan Zhan. His hands hold Lan Zhan's face, and his face tilted slightly to the right. His tongue demanded Lan Zhan's mouth to open. Lan Zhan conceded and opened his mouth to let him in. His arms embraced Wei Ying as close to him as possible. Their tongues fought a battle over the other demanding a victory. Wei Ying sucked on his bottom lip as he pulled away, leaving a string of saliva behind him.

Still inches away from his face, Wei Ying gasped for air as he planted one last kiss on the man's nose. Lan Zhan sat up carefully still with Wei Ying in his arms, he hand felt complete.

"It seems, we did not end the spat properly," Lan Zhan finally spoke.

Wei Ying giggled, "I think that kiss might have helped end it," he said in protest.

"Hello, children and grandparent still here," Jingy yelled out.

Wei Ying looked at them, "Jingy, sorry, we just can help it. As our newly adopted son, you should get used to it....Sizhui too."

"I don't mind it really, I am used to it," Sizhui stated.

"That was nice," Baoshan said, "I do have to say, A'Ying your sword skills are impressive. They don't look like they belong to any sort of clan style."

"I made up my own style," he told her, "I needed something that fit better for Suibian and me."

"By the way, why Suibian?" She asked.

Wei Ying laughed, "When my Uncle Jiang first presented the sword he asked me what the name should be. I thought of so many different names but could not find the right one, so I told him, Suibian (Whatever) the name was then engraved onto the sword and all I could do was laugh. But now I think about it, the name is quite nice. Whatever May happen, or Whatever to can stand with a lot of different sayings and phrases. Plus it is kind of a little inner joke between Uncle Jiang and I. And it really confuses uptight cultivators."

"Hey," Lan Zhan said and pinched his arm.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Wei Ying whined, "you fell for it then. But now you get it. Plus when we first met you were quite rigid and uptight."

"I know how I was," he said in protest, "but did you have to call me out."

"Did not intend to," Wei Ying said, "also when people hear my swords name, they say I'm just like my mother."

"You are just like her," Baoshan said, "her playful spirit and gift in cultivation. When it comes to standing up for what is right too, you get that from her."

Wei Ying nodded with a smile and got up from Lan Zhan's lap. He helped Lan Zhan up and looked at his torn sleeve, "looks like you need a fresh robe."

"I will get one soon," he told Wei Ying, "I had fun sparring with you Wei Ying. We actually had a proper one as promised."

"I hope we can have more later," Wei Ying said happily.

"We can," Lan Zhan said, "Jingy and Sizhui, you two can get back to practicing."

They nodded and went back to practice their swords.

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