Chapter 22

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Lan Zhan felt the gentleness of a finger glide gently down his nose and brush gracefully across his lower lip. He then felt a caress of a thumb rub gently on his cheek. He was loving his touch. He knew very well that it was his Wei Ying. He slowly opened his eyes to see the shine of silver orbs staring back at him.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying whispered, "I love you."

Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying close and kissed his forehead, "I love you too, Wei Ying. You and I have been through a lot. Zumu let us come here to our room to rest," Lan Zhan answered sweetly.

"Okay," he said as he felt Lan Zhan rest his lips in his forehead and left them there, "your lips are warm and soothing."

Lan Zhan gently grazed his lips down his nose and stopped at his mouth. He fit his lips onto Wei Ying's and let the kiss linger. The kiss was gentle and warm, passionate and and longing. Eventually the gently nature of the kiss turned to a slow dance of the lips. Lan Zhan bit down on his lover's lower lip and sucked causing a moan to escape Wei Ying's throat.

A brush of the tongue glossed over Wei Ying's lip as he opened his mouth. Lan Zhan began to explore the open cavern. His left had rested on Wei Ying's hip, his other was wrapped around him. Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's hand from his hip and linked their fingers together placing their hands between them where there hearts were. The love between them was so strong. They loved it. They pulled apart from the kiss and Wei Ying got comfortable against Lan Zhan more. Lan Zhan was happy to just lay there and do nothing.

"Do you want to stay or go back?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" Wei Ying asked.

"Of course," Lan Zhan said, "we can stay like this for as long as you want. We can go back at any time. Zumu and taking care of them."

"Her taking care of them makes it tempting but I'd rather stay here for a while," Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan kissed his forehead left a trail of them down his nose over to his cheek and to his jawline, he nibbled on Wei Ying's jawline for a good few minutes before moving his kiss across his lover's face and stopped at his lips. They kissed for a few seconds before Lan Zhan pulled away and went back to cuddling.

* * * * *
The screen showed the ambush of Cloud Recesses and how they were betrayed by a disciple named Su She. They even witnessed Lan Wangji getting his leg beaten and broken for not giving them what they want, the Yin Iron. They found it on him anyway and took him to the indoctrination.

On the screen was a very aggravated Wen Chao asking  for volunteers first to recite everything.

"Lan Wangji, Jin Zixuan, Wei Wuxian," Wen Chao called out, "Since no one wants to voluteer, one of you can go first."

"I can not!" Lan Wangji said confidently.

Wen Chao was a bit annoyed saying that Wangji should remember as Lan Wangji was one of the notorious and prominent Twin Jades. He only ignored Wen Chao.

"I can not either!" Jin Zixuan also said with confidence.

Before Wen Chao could berate him, Wei Ying spoke up, "I will, I will!" He yelled excitedly.

Wei Ying stepped forward and started stretching and flexing his body as a "warm-up" before reciting. Wen Chao was starting to get annoyed but gave him a few seconds before he snapped, "Wei Wuxian!" He yelled interrupting his stretching, "Get on with it!"

Wei Ying giggled, "Okay, okay! what is the hurry, now listen carefully okay!" he said with a smirk and then began to recite while pacing back and forth with a smile on his face, "Thou shall not kill, fight, or lech, thou shall not shout, wander at night, or sprint."

"Thou shall not bully the weak by being strong or teasing others, thou shall not breach laws, thou shall not skip class or leave early, thou shall not sneer, thou shall not sit improperly!" He finally stopped and let out a laugh.

Wen Chao boiled with rage as his face turned red, "Shut up!" he screamed, and stood up from his seat, "Wei Wuxian! How dare you read out loud the Lan's principles her in Qishan!"

Wuxian gasped as if he did not realize he recited the wrong principles and pretending to make a mistake, "Ah?" He whined and was acting cute.

"Do you have a death wish?!"

Wei Ying started hitting his head with the scroll of rules in his hand, "Whoops! It was an accident Wen-"

"Shut up!" Wen Chao sneered and said, "Do you think you can fool me?"

Wei Ying grinned and stretched being all proud of himself and ignoring Wen Chao's rage.

"Servants!" Wen Chao yelled, "Take them to the vegetable garden... To carry the dung!"

Wei Ying stopped in his tracks and removed the smup look from his face and winced, "Wait What?" He muttered, he then turned to Wangji in hesitation giving him an 'oops..' and 'sorry' kind of look.

The people watched as they witnessed the Wens humiliate the three boys having them work like slaves in the gardens. They saw Wei Wuxian stand up for Lan Wangji and it lead him to the dungeon. Everyone watched stunned as he faced that fierce wolf like creature until help came.

They were relieved to see he was given medicine but then stunned again hearing his thoughts, "I should save this for Lan Zhan."

"Really? He has enough there for the both of them, why only for Lan Wangji?" Jiang Cheng scowled.

"He loves Wangji you idiot," Nie Huaisang finally spoke, "it is already proven he never takes for himself, only for others. When as ever taken care of himself since we started watching. It matches with everything Baoshan had said."

"Mind your words!" Jiang Cheng said, "like this is going to prove anything."

"Shall I remove that core of yours my grandson so dearly gave up for you?" Baoshan asked him. Jiang Cheng swallowed and moved behind his mother, "like she can stop me."

"A'Cheng just stop running your mouth and watch," Madam Yu spat. Jiang Cheng sat down still hiding behind his parents.

They turned their attention back to the screen, it was now of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian trapped in Xuanwu's cave. Lan Wangji was injured. They watched as Wei Wuxian teased Lan Wangji by removing his robes so Wangji could spit up the bad blood.

Lan Wangji had a hard time keeping his eyes off of Wei Wuxian as the herbs were used to treat his leg. Lan Xichen could see the little hearts twinkle in his didi's eyes.

"He is in love," Xichen pointed out.

"Who?" A junior by the name, Ouyang Zizhen, asked.

"My brother, you can tell by looking at his eyes," Xichen pointed out, "it started way back then? He should have said something to him."

"I agree with you on that one," Baoshan said, "you are Lan Wangji's older brother?"

"I am, I had just come out of seclusion and taken over for him as his excellency. I have been meaning to speak with Wei Wuxian about my words I said to him. I misunderstood him back then and I never should have said them," Lan Xichen told her.

"I believe you," she said, "you seem to be a man who has a gentle presence and tries to treat everyone as equals. Though your words stick to him a lot these days, I am sure speaking with you would be helpful."

Xichen nodded, "I'll speak with him when he is ready to see me. I don't want to push him or rush him."

Baoshan could see that the Lan brothers meant well. Though Xichen said things that Wei Ying always thinks about now, she can tell he is in the right direction. Xichen seems to be the only one so far within the group willing to make an effort into trying to make peace with her grandson.

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