Chapter 6

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~*Bonding Test/Dream*~

Wei Ying was good enough to travel after a day of proper rest. He felt useless as he did not have a way to defend himself or help Lan Zhan in any way if it came down to fighting something. The day was nice, and the snow was melting. The two carried forward to the nearby village, but it was completely vacant.

"What is this place?" Wei Ying asked, "The village is empty, but the buildings looked as if they were just stocked of goods, and other materials. I don't understand."

"I am not sure, but it looks like the village near your grandmothers house, but at the same time, it does not," Lan Zhan said looking around.

"Maybe we should investigate, there has to be a reason why there are no people here," Wei Ying said, "Also, I am sorry that I am useless at the moment. I am unable to help you fight or protect myself properly. I have Chenqing, but I can't use him."

"There is no need for sorry and thank you between us," Lan Zhan said, "and I understand your situation. You may not be able to fight, but your brain is still functional. It is your best trait, your intelligence."

"I have always been told to be intelligent, but dense," he corrected.

"That is because there are some things that fly right over your head that people literally have to spell things out for you," Lan Zhan disclosed.

"Hey," he said to Lan Zhan, "you are not suppose to agree with me."

"Too late," Lan Zhan told him and walked around to find any sort of sign or clue as to where they were or why there are no people around.

Wei Ying scanned the environment, and felt that his senses are heightened as if he has a little spiritual energy, "Wait? Lan Zhan, can you come here for a moment?"

"Hmm?" He hummed approaching Wei Ying.

"I know this is a weird question, but can you check my spiritual channel, within my body?" He asked him.

Lan Zhan was confused by his request but he check anyway. He felt a small amount of spiritual energy that he used to have before his spiritual container was sealed, "Are you in any pain?"

"Aside from small amount from the bite marks and bruises I collected the other day, no," Wei Ying told him, "I thought I felt it, I thought it was sealed?"

"Maybe you are okay here?" Lan Zhan questioned, "Just be careful and don't use Chenqing unless you absolutely have to."

Wei Ying nodded, "I can use some talismans as well but I promise I will be careful," He assured Lan Zhan.

They again started searching the place. Wei Ying walked around carefully scanning every inch of area he passed. He then heard what he fears most, a growl that comes from a canine.

"AHHH!" he screamed and hoped up on the table.

Lan Zhan turned and saw Wei Ying cowering in fear. He jogged over to him to see what was wrong, "What is it?"

Wei Ying jumped into Lan Zhan's arms, clinging onto him like a Koala clings to a tree, "I-I-I-I hear-r-rd a d-d-do-dog growl," he said with a trembling and shaking voice.

Lan Zhan knows of his fear of dogs, he knows it too well. After hearing his reason for it, he could understand his fear. He looked around to see where the growling was coming from. It came from the opposite side of where they were. A pack of four wolves the size of bears, stood there, ready for a fight.

"More giant animals?" Lan Zhan questioned.

The wolves started to stalk closer to them. Wei Ying was no longer breathing as he was frozen with fear. Lan Zhan had noticed that too. He either had to fight them, or hop on bichen and get away fast. He could not fight very well with Wei Ying clinging onto him so tightly. He needed to train to fight holding him if there is another scenario like this. Before they got cornered, He hopped on Bichen and flew off. He looked around the area to see if they should move forward or head back to the cabin they stayed at. He wanted to get out of these woods, that was his main goal. Wei Ying was having a very hard time in this environment.

"Wei Ying, we are flying on Bichen," Lan Zhan said with his calm, soothing, angelic baritone of a voice.

Wei Ying could now breathe as he finally came back to his senses, "I hate this," Wei Ying whined, "I'm here cowering like a four year old."

"It is alright," Lan Zhan said with a chuckle, "I understand you, Wei Ying, I know more things about you then you probably realize. I know your fear for dogs, remember? Because of Fairy you told me way."

"Oh yeah," Wei Ying said remembering, "Now that I think about it, even though I am afraid, Fairy isn't as bad and those wolves were. Have you ever seen wolves that big before?"

"No, it's like the animals here are much stronger. That bear, for example, it had old weapons and arrows still stuck in it's body from being attacked in the past and it was like it was not phased by the weapons at all," Lan Zhan explained.

"I was was unconscious, I did not notice to much about the bear," Wei Ying said, "I don't even remember everything. I was already injured and covered in blood when I came to."

"I could tell, I think the blood just attracted the bear," Lan Zhan acknowledged.

"Where are we going?" Wei Ying asked.

"I am trying to find a way out of this forest," Lan Zhan answered, "As you are still recovering from injuries, I don't think being here in the woods is a good idea."

"You are right," Wei Ying said looking around. To the northwest of them, there was an open area that no longer had trees, "How about that way, northwest?"

Lan Zhan looked where Wei Ying pointed and nodded in agreement. He flew over to the open field and landed for a while. They needed to think of a plan to get back to civilization but they also seem to think there is something very strange about this land. It was flooded with giant, rabid, animals. It was hard to tell what they were going to encounter if they are not careful and thoughtful of where they go and what they do. Wei Ying had his compass of evil on him to see if it would lead anywhere. Surprisingly, it continued to point toward the northwest.

"Seems to me that there is something resentful in the northwest," Wei Ying pointed out.

"Let's rest for a few minutes to compose ourselves and then we can get going on our way again," Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying nodded. The two looked around and gathered firewood to make a fire. They found large enough stumps that seemed to be dry enough to sit on. Lan Zhan sat holding Wei Ying as it was helpful to keep warm. It was also an excuse to hold him in his arms.

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