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Wei Ying started getting his strength back after two days of rest. The pain free experience he is having, it is so new to him, he doesn't remember the last time he lived without pain. Baoshan told him that she found his original body and is in her cultivation room. She told him it is best that it is stored their to replenish spiritual energy while Wei Ying recovers. The bodies may be different, but the soul is still the same soul. The pain will just carry over if the pain is not dealt with accordingly.

Wei Ying just spent the rest of the time with Lan Zhan and Baoshan. He was so happy that he had an actual blood related family member. He knew of Baoshan Sanren, and her being his mother's disciple. There were times where he questioned if she was adopted by her because she was her favorite disciple. The truth was, she was her biological daughter, so of course she would be a favorite and his mother would be such a great cultivator. Baoshan was disturbed when she was told that Wei Ying was there to see his parents' death. Dying during a night hunt as they underestimated the creature they were up against.

Now that Wei Ying has someone to go to and call home, he was really starting to feel better. His lonely heart was no more. It may just be Baoshan and Lan Zhan for the time being, but two is better than having no one. Baoshan encouraged the boys to go check out the village that had been growing for a long time. They had been curious to see how they lived up in the mountains. Lan Zhan walked with Wei Ying down a dirt path to the village. Children were having fun and playing with toys and interacting with each other. The younger folk helped the elders with their word, and the whole village just seemed so lively, yet peaceful.

"It is like if you put the people of Gusu and Yunmeng in one place, you get this lively feeling but also a feeling of home and peace," Wei Ying said to Lan Zhan.

"I can see that," Lan Zhan said, "If only other villages could live like this outside of the mountain. I noticed the lone branch of Wens that you took in, they were fairly similar to this. If I remember correctly, not as many children."

"It does have that sense of familiarity...." Wei Ying said as he remembered his time with the Wens.

The Wens he tried so desperately to save, only to fail and have them killed in the end. He missed Madam Wen's sweet motherly presence, Uncle Four and his kindness and his alcohol buddy. Then there was Wen Qing. His Qing-Jie. He teared up thinking of her. He wished to see her again, bring her back for her brother. She was such a smart and talented young woman. She was the best healer that he has ever come across. He loved the sister-like affection she gave Wei Ying. She cared so much for him when he had no one. Her and Wen Ning...All of those innocent Wens he thought of as family.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan questioned, noticing tears filling his lover's eye, "Are you alright?"

He looked into Lan Zhan's eyes and shook his head. Before he could say anything, Lan Zhan just pulled him into his arms. Wei Ying's face buried into Lan Zhan's shoulder, his arms wrapped under Lan Zhan's and around his back. He gripped onto his robes fearing that he would disappear. His body started to tremble as he tried his best not to cry, but he couldn't hold it back anymore. He let out a sob into Lan Zhan's shoulder. Lan Zhan held him tight in trying to comfort him. He looked around him to see if there was a place to sit so he can comfort him a bit easier. He saw a large tree nearby that sat beside the lake. Lan Zhan lifted his lover like he was his bride and carried him over to the tree and sat down there. With Wei Ying in his lap, Wei Ying went back into his current position with his arms tightly around Lan Zhan and his face in his shoulder.

"I am here, Wei Ying," He comforted him, rubbing his back with hand and his with his other hand, his fingers tangling in his hair.

Wei Ying trembled in his arms. He had never really had a chance to properly mourn the Wens, his loved ones from Lotus Pier, his Shijie. He only now just realized how he never had the chance to soak all that in and consume his mind. He was so focused on helping Lan Zhan tracking body parts and the Yin Hu Fu that he never had a chance to think about it. Now that it is all over, he can't stop thinking about it.

He eventually managed to find the courage to speak up, "I realized I never properly had the chance to grieve. I never really had the chance to let it all sink in. It all just took over and I broke down. I'm sorry."

"Do not apologize, Wei Ying. I understand that it is hard for you," Lan Zhan said burying his face into Wei Ying's neck, "I want you to know that I can cancel the meeting next week and other plans or have Shufu take over for one week so I can stay a little longer. I want to be here with you to help you get through this. Even if it is just to sit here with you and comfort you."

"I can't have you do that, your job is important, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying tried to argue but it did not work.

"You are more important than my job, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying tightened his hold around Lan Zhan to let him know he is grateful for being there for him. Lan Zhan kissed his temple and then left his lips to sit there to linger. Wei Ying unconsciously moved into Lan Zhan's touch more and moved his head causing his cheek to brush against Lan Zhan's mouth. He brought all his attention now to Lan Zhan, smiling up at him, eyes closed and there noses pressed together. Wei Ying felt like he was in paradise.

"Why didn't we confess sooner?" Wei Ying said in a whisper to him, "I am enjoying every second of this that I don't want it to end."

"We can sit here a while longer," Lan Zhan said, "And I guess we were both afraid of rejection."

"I will never leave you again, Lan Zhan, not in this life, or in any other life," He told Lan Zhan, "I will find you in every lifetime. As my soul belongs to you."

Lan Zhan smiled, "And mine belongs to you, Wei Ying. I will find you in every lifetime as well."

Wei Ying placed his hand on his face and pulled him in to kiss him. He was in love. He never thought that it would be with a man, or with Hanguang Jun. He can have anyone, but his heart and Wei Ying's heart are bound together by a string. Wei Ying didn't want this feeling to go away. Even after their moment was over, they walked hand in hand back to Baoshan's cottage.

What they did not know is that Baoshan watched from a distance. She had not seen a love that strong in years. She started to question just how compatible they were. She wanted to see if they would pass the bonding test that she has. She wanted to wait for Wei Ying's spiritual energy to be restored at least, otherwise it could be dangerous. Having a golden core would be better, but she had to rely only on spiritual energy for now. She then glanced at his Chenqing, knowing that if she cleansed it, it will be much more useful for him. She has much planned for the two, and she will see just how they can handle it.

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