Chapter 16

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The four boys traveled back to Celestial Mountain after a couple days to give Wei Ying time to meditate and cultivate. When they arrived the two juniors were captivated by the sight before them.

"Wangji, you returned so soon," Baoshan greeted him, "who are these young men you brought with you?"

"This is Lan Sizhui, he is the little boy Wei Ying saved long ago and I took him in as my son, and his best friend Lan Jingy. Then this man here is Wen Ning, this is the conscious fierce corpse Wei Ying created," Lan Zhan told her.

"Really," she said looking at the three boy.

"Sizhui wanted to see his Baba, and Jingy is someone who admires Wei Ying. Wen Ning is his sworn brother," Lan Zhan said, "I thought with the two boys I can continue their training. My brother took over as his excellency and my uncle is now the current sect leader at Gusu, so I can spend time with Wei Ying and figure out want I want to do."

"Do you mind if I take the boys as disciples? I am sure they would love to learn some things from me," she offered, "and I have to look into Wen Ning. His story fascinated me when A'Ying told me about him. Seeing him now, I want to know more."

"You can ask me anything you like," Wen Ning offered, "I have been this way for a long time and have come to learn to live this way. I am happy to answer your questions."

"Good," she said, "A'Ying just got his golden core developed so he is meditating over by the river. It was where you like to meditate, Wangji."

Lan Zhan nodded, "would he be okay for an interruption to see them."

"I am sure he would not mind," she said and led them to where Wei Ying was meditating, "A'Ying, you have company."

Wei Ying opened his eyes and saw his little family. His heart warmed at the sight. He carefully stood up and ran to them, giving them a hug. He hugged Lan Zhan last as he held onto him the longest. He did not want to pull away from him. Lan Zhan could tell by his posture and the tension in his lover's body.

Eventually, he pulled from the hug, gently caressed his lover's cheek as he placed his hand on his face. Lan Zhan pulled him in and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I am here," he said to Wei Ying in a soft gentle tone, "Xiongzhang took over as his excellency and Shufu is taking back his position as sect leader. They are allowing me to spent time with you and decide on what I want to do. I might resume someday, but all I want is you right now."

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said in a whisper as some tears escaped his eyes, "thank you."

"There is no need for thank you and I am sorry between us Wei Ying," Lan Zhan told him, "I brought our boys with me this time though."

Wei Ying smiled, "our boys, I only remember adopting one boy but if you are wanting to have a Jingy as our son as well, I would love that. I like that boy. He is much like me when it comes to no filtered words," Wei Ying teased.

"I heard that," Jingy said, "unfiltered?"

Wei Ying stepped out from his lover's arms and turned to the boys, "I missed you too Jingy," he said, "don't tell me you did not miss me even a little."

"Why would I miss you? I have you around a lot as it is, since Sizhui is your son," Jingy said with a pout.

"He is also your brother, as you are our son too, Jingy," Lan Zhan told him.

Jingy looked at him then at Wei Ying, "Hanguang Jun, does that mean I can call you A-Die?" He asked with tears forming.

Lan Zhan nodded, "and Wei Ying as Baba."

Jingy rushed into a hug with the two people in front of him, "thank you," he sobbed. Sizhui was pulled into the hug by Wei Ying and they just embraced in the moment.

"Baba, we were told you have a core again," Sizhui said happily, "when you are able, I'd love to spar."

"You got it," Wei Ying said with a smile.

"Are you boys hungry?" Baoshan interrupted, "I have food ready."

"Yes," they all said.

As they ate, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Wen Ning were concerned about the boys postures. They were trying to sit properly but they were having a hard time.

"What happened?" Wei Ying asked.

"Those boys need some work," Baoshan said and laughed.

"What did you do?" Wei Ying asked giggling at her having a good time.

"The Lan Clan really can't handle spice can they," Baoshan stated.

Wei Ying laughed as he looked back to the two young boys suffering from the heat of a spicy meal. Lan Zhan was trying to keep his composure but couldn't help but laugh.

"A-Die, why are you laughing?" Sizhui asked, "I don't find this funny. Why don't you eat it?"

Lan Zhan took a piece and ate it. Though it was too spicy for him, he kept his composure and sat as if nothing happened. He knew how to handle it as he ate spicy food around Wei Ying in the past. He knows what to expect.

"Now this is a man who can take it," Baoshan pointed out.

"That's because he has accidentally eaten food of mine that had too much spice on it for him to handle. He knows how it is and how to handle it," Wei Ying said in protest.

"Well, you still found a good man, the juniors need some work though," she said and looked at Wen Ning, "why aren't you eating?"

"I do not need to eat. I do not eat, sleep, and I am immune to poison," Wen Ning explained, "I am this way because I am considered dead but I am not. So nothing effects me."

"Fascinating," Baoshan said and looked at her grandson, "how did you do this?"

"I created an amulet out of a piece of yin iron. He was close to dying and part of his soul was snatched by the Dancing statue at Dafan. With the amulet it drew out resentment and brought his soul back that was snatched. It's sort of confusing but he is alive because of the amulet."

"Where is the amulet now?" She asked.

"I destroyed it," Wei Ying answered, "other clans were greedy for it that they did not care about killing anyone to get it. Because of their greed, I lost a lot of people I cared about, and even myself. Lan Zhan tried to tell me to go back to Gusu and hide with him but I didn't."

"Wei Ying, you have suffered so much, haven't you," she said putting some of his hair behind his ear, "Wangji told me the pain he went through when he lost you."

Wei Ying looked at his soulmate, "I know, we both suffered a lot," he said and then looked at the two juniors and Wen Ning, "we all have. It all happened because Wen Ruohan wanted to use the Yin Iron, and then it got worse the day I gave my core to Jiang Cheng. I do not regret it, but I regret decisions and choices that happened afterwards. I hurt a lot of people. Everyone says I have nothing to fault myself on or be guilty but I feel guilty every single day. All I wanted was to protect my family. A look where it all lead to."

Baoshan pulled Wei Ying into a hug, "you are the most innocent one here. You did what you could to help those you love. In the end, only a few stood beside you. It is hard to hold on when you have the world against you. You do not have to feel that way ever again. You have me, you have your two boys and your sworn brother Wen Ning, and you have a man sitting here beside you, who loves you dearly. He is willing to do anything to be with you, protect you, and make you happy," she explained to him.

"Zumu," Wei Ying said and cried into her shoulder, "thank you for finding me on the mountain."

"I am glad I found you, dear," she said, "if I hadn't how much longer do you think you would be on this planet?"

Wei Ying pulled away, "honestly I am not sure."

Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand and held it tightly. Assuring him he is there, "we will show those who have wronged you how you are living now. Show them how much their actions caused you to gain strength and show them you do now back down easily. You have me beside you, no one dares to do anything with me around, especially to you."

"I will," he said with a nod.

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