Chapter 9

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After two days, Lan Zhan did not want to wait any more. He was getting impatient as he knows this poison will spread if they don't find the antidote. The thing is, he only knows of the flower, how was he suppose to prepare it? He was not sure entirely, but if he came across someone, he would have to ask, but how and who. Lan Zhan managed to convince Wei Ying they needed to move. Lan Zhan did not want to let this poison spread any more than it should and he wants to cure him as soon as possible. They gathered non-perishable foods they found in the kitchen into a Qiankun bag so they had food for the road. Incase someone were to return, Lan Zhan left some gold as compensation for the food.

Once they stepped out, Lan Zhan was about to mount Bichen when he heard movement to his right. He pushed Wei Ying behind him to protect him and had Bichen ready to strike who ever wants to harm him. He of course cared for his own life, but Wei Ying's was just as important, if not more. He had always put Wei Ying before himself, just like Wei Ying had always put Lan Zhan first since the start of the relationship. Wei Ying though, has a habit of putting anyone else first before himself.

"You said they were near here right?" A young voice spoke from the distance. Lan Zhan recognized it immediately.

"Sizhui?" Lan Zhan asked as the junior came into view.

"A-Die, Baba!" the boy called out and jogged to his parents hugging Lan Zhan first, "Wen Ning heard Chenqing, and asked me to come."

"A'Yuan," Wei Ying said coming out from behind Lan Zhan, "You are still as handsome as the last time I saw you."

Sizhui chuckled and hugged him, "Wen Ning is with me," he said pulling from the hug and point to him.

"Wen Ning?" Wei Ying called as he saw his sworn brother approaching them, "You actually heard Chenqing from so far away?"

"I did," He said, "You said you were in trouble and needed Sizhui and my help. Hanguang Jun, It is a pleasure to see you again."

"Hello, Wen Ning," Lan Zhan greeted, "We have to go to the Southern Mountains to get a flower to help Wei Ying. He has been poisoned and could die within a month if we do not move. The problem is, it is called Bone Chilling Poison, so he will get colder as the poison sits. The poison will worsen if it is near the cold. I can only take him so far until he has to stay put somewhere while I get the antidote."

"We will help with what we can," Wen Ning said.

"When we get to the closest location he can be at, I want Wen Ning to stay with Wei Ying, and I want Sizhui to come with me to get the antidote. That way I have a hand getting it and someone can stay with Wei Ying so try and keep him warm as much as possible. The poison will slow down the spread if he is near heat," Lan Zhan informed, "this place though, is dangerous. The animals here are all hybrids, they are stronger and larger then the average animals and other creatures back home."

"Okay," Sizhui said, "Why don't you tell us more as we go, I am strong enough to hold Wen Ning if you want to fly. It might be faster if we fly."

Lan Zhan nodded as they mounted their swords. He explained the situation as best he could to the two that had come to help. They seemed to understand the situation with what information they were given. Just about 5 kilometers from the Southern Mountains is when the felt it was far enough for Wei Ying to go. Lan Zhan told Wen Ning to keep him warm and treat his wounds carefully before heading to the mountains with Sizhui.

"A-Die, how are you holding up?" Sizhui asked As the mounted their swords and left for the mountains.

"As best as I can," Lan Zhan answered, "it's not the first time I had to worry this much for your Baba."

"I know," Sizhui said, "how did you two get to this area anyway? This is a random area to just go to?"

"We woke up here," Lan Zhan admitted, "we were sleeping at his grandmother's cottage one night and the next morning we woke up in a pine forest."

"That's strange," Sizhui said, "why would you randomly come wake here? You were with Baoshan Sanren right? How did she let you both just disappear from her place?"

Lan Zhan thought about his son's questions. He had a point. How would such a powerful immortal let two young cultivators, one who was only a mortal soul now, get taken from her home? He was starting to wonder if she had brought them here. If she did, for what purpose? Why bring them here?

"Is it some sort of test?" Sizhui asked out loud.

"Test?" Lan Zhan questioned.

"I was thinking, did she want to test your love for each other? To prove that you will go through any length to help each other. Especially when one is gravely injured and is unable to defend himself," Sizhui explained, "I remember studying something similar to this in a lecture. A test to prove compatibility and love to each other."

"That does make sense," Lan Zhan told him, "after all, we have been devoted to protect each other since we got here. Plus Wei Ying is defenseless as it is due to no golden core."

"If she is testing you, this is some test," Sizhui stated, "I hope I don't go through this if I ever have a partner."

"If?" Lan Zhan asked, "you say that as if you don't think you will have one or deserve one. You do deserve a just haven't met them yet. So don't say if, say when."

Sizhui smiled at him, "thank you, A-Die," he said fondly, "I will keep that in mind."

"Good," Lan Zhan said.

The two searched the area for the cold cave that were hidden in the mountains. They said they were forbidden but the two thought that it was because it was dangerous. The two had to prepare to fight if they needed to face something to get what they came for.

Meanwhile, with Wen Ning and Wei Ying, everything seems to be okay at the moment. Wen Ning kept the fire going in the cabin they stayed at to keep it warm. Since Wen Ning had no need for food, water, or sleep, he was also immune to poisons and other things, he was able to keep watch on Wei Ying the whole time.

Wei Ying was happy to spend time with Wen Ning. It has been some time before they had any alone time. It gave Wei Ying an excuse to finally ask how Wen Ning was and how he was really feeling. He of course, misses his sister every day. Wei Ying knows that, as he misses her too. Wen Ning was happy he has a family member left from his clan. He has the opportunity to talk about his childhood and about his sister. Sizhui liked spending time with Wen Ning as he spoke about his past and learned about his present self.

Wei Ying was starting to now feel the effects of the poison in his body. He has chills running through his body and it made him shiver uncontrollably. Wen Ning took notice and told Wei Ying that if he needs warmth, he can huddle up to him. So he snuggled up to Wen Ning to try and gain some warmth. It helped a little bit, but the longer the poison sat in his body, the more he is beginning to feel it move through him. He had to just hope that Lan Zhan and Sizhui were okay and would come back in one piece.

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