Chapter 19

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"Hey, what the!"
"Watch it!"

So much yelling and shouting, the six that were already there were just enjoying the show of all them yelling and bickering. Wei Ying and Jingy were hunched over laughing at the sight. The Lan Zhan, Wen Ning, and Sizhui just smiled and rolled their eyes in amusement.

"Wangji! What is the meaning of this madness!" Lan Qiren yelled.

"Shut up old man!" A disciple from the Jin Clan yelled.

"Do not talk to your elders that way!" Qiren spat.

"You have to give respect to get respect ya old goat," the disciple said.

"Wangji," Xichen said standing beside him, "what is going on?"

"I'm not sure," he lied and looked at Wei Ying who had his face shoved into Lan Zhan's chest.

"A'Xian?" A woman called.
"A'Ying?" Called another woman.

Wei Ying sat up only to see the two women. Jiang Yanli and Wen Qing, "Shijie? Qing-Jie? Is that really you?"

"A'Ying, A'Ning?" Wen Qing said kneeling between them. They both hugged her. They did not know how Baoshan does it, but they did not question.

Jin Zixuan, Jiang Fengmian, and Yu Ziyuan we're back as well. Jin ling hugged his parents tightly. Jiang Cheng went to his and got a hug and recognition from them. All those who got resurrected looked at Wei Ying who was terrified. He clung onto his soulmate and hid within his arms. He dared to not look at any of them. He tore them all apart, their families.

"A'Ying?" A woman's voice rang out like a song. It was a lovely voice according to Wei Ying. It was a voice he barely remembers...his mother's.

"A-Niang?" He whispered as she touched his cheek. He then saw the man beside her, "A-Die?"

"You look so handsome," Cangse said to her son, "you've grown so well."

"I am not the best son, A-Niang. Because of me, people died and I hurt them all," Wei Ying looked around the room of cultivators, "I hurt everyone."

Cangse grabbed her son's wrists to reassure him but he whinced in pain, "Cangse, I know you mean well Dear, but please be careful," Baoshan said to her.

"A-Niang, what do you mean?" Cangse asked and looked at her son.

"Wei Ying had harmed himself not long ago, he has fresh wounds on his arm," Baoshan said.

Lan Zhan was aware of the self harm from his past but he didn't know he did it recently. He carefully reached to his lover's arm and pushed his sleeve back, only to see his arm was bandaged but blood was seeping through. He was loosing a decent amount from it.

"A'Ying, Why?" Cangse asked her son.

"Because I deserved it," he answered quietly, "I am a mistake and a disappointment. The pain is the only thing that soothes me right now."

Wei Ying had tears falling. Lan Zhan pulled him into a hug and held him tightly, "you don't deserve to treat yourself this way. You are not a mistake or a disappointment. You are loved by me, and your two sons. You are loved by your sworn brother Wen Ning, and you are loved by your Grandmother. You are not alone Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said now crying himself.

"What have you people done to my brother?" Yanli asked angrily as she stood up and looked at everyone, "he sacrificed so much for all you you and this is how he is now?"

"A'Li, please calm down," Zixuan begged her, "we can talk this out without getting angry."

"I have every right to be angry. I did not push my Didi away from getting stabbed and taking it myself only to see he is in so much pain that he is like this. Tell me, how should I be acting?" Yanli yelled and looked at her brother Jiang Cheng, "and what have you been doing? Why did you just push him away? He was there for you more than you realize and you just tossed him away like garbage!"

"He left on his own, what do you expect me to do?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Continue offering a helping hand," Yanli told him, "I don't know the whole story, but I trust A'Xian's intuition. All he did back then was protect people who took no part in that stupid iron. You all killed them anyway!"

"He died in the process," Wen Ning told her, "the clans wanted his amulet so bad that it drove him to insanity. He jumped from a cliff after he saw his Shijie take a sword for him."

Yanli looked at her Didi in Lan Zhan's arms, "how is he alive now?"

"Someone sacrifice themself for a sacrifice summoning. Giving his soul up to offer his body to Wei Ying. Later Baoshan found his original body and put his soul back where it belongs," Lan Zhan answered.

"You know what my grandson said to me, death did not want him, as did no one else. All he had left was pain and loneliness as his friends. How bad must a person feel to say something like that?"

Everyone was stunned by how badly they hurt the boy in Hanguang Jun's arms. Some did not care but a lot did.

"Why bother trying?" Wei Ying said as he stood up to leave, "I'm not, so let it go. I don't care anymore."

Wei Ying started to walk out of the room when Lan Zhan rushed to him and just held onto him tightly.

"Let me go, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying yelled, "let me go!"

Wei Ying begged and punched Lan Zhan to get him to let go, but it was no use. The two collapsed to the ground and Wei Ying just crumbled into his arms. He sobbed hard. He begged Lan Zhan to let him go. He begged him to end his pain and suffering. He begged and begged, but Lan Zhan just sat there and let him cry. The screaming and crying was so painful to hear on Wangji's side, but it was even hard just watching the man that was known for his glowing smile and warm and loving personality, fall apart.

Wei Ying's sobbing and struggling eventually calmed down. Lan Zhan did not move. He hummed their song, the one tune that was always known to soothe his love. The humming caused Wei Ying to calm down greatly, and even fall asleep in his soulmate's arms. Lan Zhan stood holding onto Wei Ying and went back to the table where they sat. He sat down and had Wei Ying lay comfortably on him as he slept. Baoshan actually slid a sedative in his mouth as well so he can sleep for a long while, while she takes care of everyone else. And they were in for a big awakening.

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