The Face Off

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Vontae P.O.V

I was currently laying down on the couch in my living room, watching GOODTIMES on my tv. It had been at least two months since our "argument" and him kicking no me out of his car.  KICKING ME OUT. Like who the fuck does he think he is. The one time I'm actually tryna be on him and shit he cuts up. Well he doesn't have to worry about me no more. Yea he has called me since then, but I always let it ring or decline. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to block him though. If it was an emergency I would know, but he wouldn't call me anyway now would he?

I felt so bad for him when his dad died. He looked so crushed. And his mom looked...sick. Like she o my has a few months to live type sick. But who am I to put a timer on people. I'll shut up.

"Aye Von go to the store for me," My older brother said looking down at me. This nigga must be retarded. Go where?! Does he not see me relaxing?

"Do you not see me relaxing nigga?," I asked him with my eyes still locked onto the tv. I'm not going to no store. It's too early.

"I wasn't asking you I was telling you. I have somewhere to be and I need you to get some groceries and shit because the family is coming over for dinner," he finished up. Family coming over. I don't want to see any of these niggas. Maybe I should just leave and not come back tonight and whatever happens happens. What he gone do beat my ass?

"Man nigga, fuck they coming over here? I don't have time to hear nobody complaining tonight, and why can't you just go after you get done doing what you doing nigga?," I asked him. This nigga was annoying as hell. All he did was throw his debit card at me and walk out my room. I needed to find my own crib. I hate this bitch.

I rolled out of my bed while reaching for my phone to check the time. 12:30 Ok. I guess it was that early, but still. My sleep.

A few minutes later I was now sitting in the drivers seat of my car, figuring out what song I wanted to play for this exhausting ass trip to the store I was about to take.

Once I made it to the store, I found a parking spot, grabbed my shit, and walked into the store grabbing a basket. This nigga wanted me to buy the whole store. Let's see how fast I can get this done.

I was almost done with my shopping now, only looking for a few more things. My progress just has to be stopped though right.

"Watch where you're going," This white ass man with his ugly ass wife said to me, after bumping into ME.
Just get your groceries and go.

"You bumped into me bitch, fuck is you talkin' bout' dumb ass. You need to keep walking before I beat yo ass and yo wife ass," I said to him confused on how he tried to get loud with me when he bumped into me. I wasn't even gonna say shit when he bumped into me. I was just gonna get my shit and go. Now I gotta beat this nigga ass for talking to me crazy. Call me a hothead I don't care. Fuck this man and his cow built wife.

"You people always think you're tough. If you touch me I'll call the cops buddy. Dumb ni-," I didn't even let him finish his sentence before I decked him right in the mouth. Fuck the cops. Fuck this man. Fuck his wife. Fuck his whole family. I just know he wasn't about to call me no nigga. He probably would have added an -er. All of a sudden all I could hear was his wife screaming at the top of her lungs like I was killing this nigga. All I was doing was punching his. I wasn't even using full strength. See why I didn't want to come to the store.

As I continued cuss him out he tried to swing on me. Ok so I guess he needs more cool. As soon as I went to punch him for real I felt someone grab me and yank me off of him. Now all I was seeing red. I immediately turned around, snatching away from the person getting ready to swing at whoever it was but I stopped mid punch once I realized who it was.

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