Dont Talk

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Vontae P.O.V
I felt my phone vibrating from up under my pillow as I had my head stuffed in one. I sighed before looking at the caller I.D to see it was this girls Dana number.

"Hello", I spoke into the phone waiting for her to reply so I could go back to sulking and wanting to die.

"Hey daddy I was wondering if you wanted to...Ya know. Meet ", She spoke seductively. (Tried to) Maybe this was just what I need to get him off of my mind and make me straight again. Not that I'm gay now, but you know what I'm trying to say. That was a complete accident so that doesn't count for anything.

Then after it happened he looked at me as if he wanted to do it again. He wouldn't stop staring at me. Then he kissed me again. He really is a fruit. No strawberry. I really wonder if he did ra-"Um Hellloooooo Tae you there", Dana cut me off as I started to get to caught up in my thoughts.

"Yea I'm here and what you tryna do. We can meet at my place or yours", I said to her. She said we could meet at her place and after I hung up the phone I proceeded to put my head back into my pillow to get that extra 5.
Once I arrived at her crib I went inside and decided to smoke but we fucked. I sat down on her bed with a blunt hanging from my lips. Dana walked over to me and straddled my lap while biting her lip.

"Daddy why you not hard yet", She asked me while doing a "cute" pout. I honestly didn't know I just didn't feel like this was right. My mind immediately thought about him which caused me to strangely harden up. I tried to think about something else but it wasn't working.

I didn't understand it. We fucked and I was drunk don't even remember what it felt like but for some reason when I think, I find myself getting caught up.

"There we go daddy you want me to ride that?", Dana asked biting her lip. I wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't beautiful because she was for sure. It's just my mind was else where.

I simply nodded my head yes and she got up. She removed my pants and underwear at the same time and proceeded to move her panties to the side. She crawled back on top of me and slowly slid down. Her shit was tight, wet, and warm. But it seems like as soon aa she started riding me, I wasn't turned on. I placed my hands on her hips and slid her off of me. I grabbed my pants and underwear and quickly slid them on. She looked at me confused before speaking.

"Did I do something wrong? Why are you leaving?", Dana said softly. I just looked at her and shook my head no and gave her a kiss on the head before grabbing my keys and leaving. I walked outside and got into my car. I started it up and blew out a breath of frustration. I checked my rear view mirror before pulling out of the drive way that belonged to her.
Once I got home I went straight into my room and lay on my bed. I deeply sighed feeling myself become even more confused than before. My bed started to vibrate letting me know my phone was ringing since I always had my sound off. I grabbed my looking at the incoming Ft call from...Marco? I quickly declined as an impulse which only caused him to immediately call me back. This time I answered.

"What", I spoke more harsh into the phone than I had ever intended.

"What's all the attitude for Vontae? I haven't done anything wrong and don't decline my call again. But I was going to get some food and wondered if you wanted to accompany me. I would ask my brother but he is gone. ", He spoke in a calm tone. I don't know why but sent a shiver up my spin from him telling me what to do. Wait no what the FUCKKKK.

" Uhh...I'm sorry it was an accident didn't mean to hang up or uh decline yo shit so quick.", I spoke then I remembered who the fuck I was. "And dont yo lonely ass have some friends fuck you calling me for nigga. I don't need you looking out for me I'm not yo bitch," I yelled into the phone.

" I'm paying Vontae. And I don't fuck with people", He spoke and I could hear him chuckling at my attitude.

"Well apparently you fuck with me since you literally fucked me," I said and I regretted saying it the moment the words left my mouth.

"Yep that's right grumpy, I'll be there in 20.", He spoke before hanging up.

I let my mouth hang open from being shocked and looked down at my phone and then down then around and then back at my phone. I sat up crossing my arms and then stopped realizing I was acting like a female. I looked around until I saw my slides and put them on. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room and sat down. I decided to watch a little Spongebob while I waited for him to come. A few minutes later I heard a horn honking. I turned the tv off grabbing my shit and walking outside. I turned around to locked the top lock with my key. Can never be too careful.

I walked to his car but stopped to see him holding the door open for me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the gesture and opened my mouth to say something smart.

"Nigga you really got me fu-", I started but was cut off by him.

"GET yo ass in the car I'm hungry", He said with a pleasant smile. I just got in because it's obvious the nigga crazy. He walked around to his side before getting inside the car and putting his seat belt on.

" I thought you said you wasn't gay either nigga why you getting me food and holding open doors for me bitch", I said harshly. He just looked at me and blinked.

"I been thinking about you a lot and was just tryna be nice. Buying food for someone is not gay. I buy all my niggas food. And I'm not gay. But it's fine tho I would thought the same. I won't make any moves on you we just getting food together", He said while now pulling off. " What you want to eat?", he asked. I looked at him still shocked at his sudden confession.

"What do you mean "all yo other niggas" you got other niggas that I don't know about?", I said slightly irritated as to what that meant.

"You saying that like you one of them at all. But I was referring to people I'm cool with. Like I bought yo brother food. My brother food. My homie Sabias food. It's just food now what the fuck do you want to eat?", Marco spoke in that same calm tone that driving me up a fucking wall. I scrunched my face up at what he said and looked out the window ignoring his question.

" Nigga you jealous "I thought you wasn't gay" If I did why you mad at me right now hmm?", He said. I continued to ignore him hearing him sigh and pull into b dubs parking lot. " Do you want to eat here or do carry out and drop you off?", I put up two fingers instead of responded. I watched him poke his cheek with his tongue while laughing and shaking his head.

"Well what do you want to eat?", He said.

"What's my limit", I asked I didn't want to spend his money.

"Imma ask you again what you want to eat grumpy", He asked again. "Stop calling me that shit nigga I'm not grumpy", I said pouting which made him laugh more. I walked up to order my food.

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