Jungle Juice

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Vontae P.O.V
I can't believe this shit. He saw the way he touched me. How he looked at me. The shit I had in my basket. What he said about the shit in my basket. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. I fell back onto my bed taking a long drag from the blunt I had. Marco had been blowing my phone up. I didn't want to talk to him. This was all his fault. Well I mean not really, but it all leads back to him. Why did he have to fuck me? Why did he have to be so caring? Why did he have to make me like him? It all starts with him.

My uncle. We made fucking eye contact. He heard and saw everything. I know for a fact he was going to tell everyone about it. This couldn't be happening. I felt bad for talking at Marco. He was so confused. I mean...lately everything has been going good. So good. I was more comfortable around him than I had ever been. It was crazy. It was like lately I had just been craving attention from him. Craving his touch. Craving...other things. I kept dreaming about it. I wasn't gonna try and fuck him tonight, but maybe a little something. That's why I wanted to get that shit at the store. Yea he was right it was for him. Him saying it out loud made me feel nervous but then I turned and saw my uncle. I had to play my role. If my family finds out it will just be another thing to fuck with me about.

I really wanted to see him now. Maybe I should go to his  "party". It was about 10:30 at night now. Would he be mad if I just popped up after ignoring him all day? I needed to see him. I wanted to be babied. I was high as shit and sad. Fucking terrified really. He made me feel good. Maybe I should smoke one more blunt before I head over there. Maybe two. Yea ok three more.
Fuck. I was so blowed I just wanted to fucking lay down. My legs felt crazy. I felt like I was walking on clouds right now. Fucking clouds. Maybe I shouldn't have walked here. I didn't want to call him. I didn't want to drive either. So I walked. Now here I was walking into the backyard of the house that currently filled with random people. Where is this bright ass nigga? I continued through the house but stopped once I saw a large pitcher of...jungle juice? I turned right towards and grabbed me nice sized cup of it. I needed a drink after the day I had.

"Hey Vontae. Why didn't you call me?," ...some girl said to me pouting.

"I don't even know you," I said trying to walk away from her but she blocked my path.

"Now you don't know me? We fucked nigga," she said like that was supposed to remind me.

"I still don't know who you are. Was that supposed to remind me? I fucked a lot of bitches. If I don't remember you to pussy must've been trash as fuck," I told her. Maybe it was the weed, but I felt like I being harsher than I usually was. Maybe it was the weed, but I really didn't give a fuck. I wanted Marco and this bitch was stopping me. I brought my cup up to my mouth as she continued talking and took it to the head killing the whole cup. Damn that shit was good. Strong. But good.

"Look are you going to continue talking to me or can I go get another drink?," I asked her not really caring about her answer because I immediately turned around to fill my cup back up. She started talking again. Blah, blah, blah, "feelings". Blah, blah, blah, "disrespectful". Blah, blah, fucking blah. By the time she finished talking, my second was now gone. Maybe I should stop. We know what happened last time I got cross faded. One more cup won't hurt. I filled my cup up again before just brushing past her head in outside to find him.

I looked around the backyard in hopes of finding him but found Sabias instead.

"Aye where's Marco?," I asked him. If anybody knew it should be him since that's his best friend.

"Uh hey Vontae. He's been looking for you and calling you. We stopped by your house but nobody answered. He's in his room now worrying about where you could possibly be," Sabias told me looking at me like he was shocked to see me.

"Thanks bro," I said taking a large sip of my drink walking back into the house to find him. As soon as I got to the stairs I saw that girl looking at me and heading my way. What did I do? Sprint up the stairs. Once I made it I had to catch myself a little. I think this juice was staring to kick. Along with my blunts.

Once I had completely gathered myself, I walked towards his room and once I found it I walked in.

"V-Vontae? I've been calling you and texting you. I thought something happened to you," He exclaimed getting off of his bed that he was previously sitting on, walking towards me and standing right in my face.

"You really look good as fuck," I complimented. I just had to let him know. The way I'm feeling right now and the way he is looking... I might have to f-

"Vontae. Are you ok? Why you been ignoring me? What happened in the store?," He let out getting closer to me, putting arms around my waist. I simply responded by putting mine around his neck and kissing him. Of course he kissed back. What started as a normal kiss turned into something dangerous. Dangerous enough for me to walk him to his bed and push him on it.

"Chill baby, you gone wake sumn up. You're fucked up right now. I can tell," He said looking up at me. All I heard was keep going. So that's what I did. I my shirt and hoodie off, before taking off my shoes, and then my sweats. I had on basketball shorts underneath.

As soon as I got what I wanted off I proceeded to sit right on top of him, on his dick. I then leaned down and shoved my tongue back down his throat as he moved his hands to my ass.

"B-baby. S-stop," Marco tried to get out as soon as I started grinding into him. Dick on dick. I wanted to actually feel lit. "Hey! S-stop. You are drunk. You're not in the right state of mind Vontae. You're not. I can't do this while you're like this," he spoke again while holding my hips place, halting my grinding in the process.

"Stooooooop Marco. I want you. I walked all the way over here just for you. Please touch me," I said to him. It's like my mouth had a mind of its own. I had never been this hard before. I felt crazy. He made me feel crazy.

"No man I cant. Why you getting fucked up like this?
Huh? What happened earlier?," he asked me tryna change the subject. I don't wanna talk about that shit.

"Marco. Please lemme just...," I begged him grinding into him harder now biting my lip as he moved his hands back to my ass. He took his hands a layer under my shorts, right on top of my underwear, and began to rub and squeeze my ass. I've never felt something like this. I liked it. I sped up as he used his hands to pull me into him more.

"I-I... Vontae, you're," He started to groan out before stopping and moving his hands away from me. I moved off of him and started to take my shorts off. I needed to but bad. My shit was leaking.

"No stop Vontae. What are doing? I m not doing this with you," He told me while trying to stop me from taking of my shorts. Too late. Here I was standing in front of this nigga, butt ass naked, dick leaking, and "starving". I walked over to him stand up in front of me. I tried to pull his pants down. "Vontae stop it man. Do you want me to take you home? Put your clothes back on. I can't fuck with you while you stuck and high,"

"Yo if I was at a party I would be tryna fuck any pretty girl I saw and I would be fucked up. What's the difference now? I want you. Just please do something,"  I asked him once again. Why does it matter that he is a nigga? Wasn't he saying that before?

Before I could say or do anything else, Marco had picked up my clothes and was tryna dress me.

"Are you dead ass?," I asked him as he made me step into my underwear and shorts. Could this night get anymore embarrassing? I hated being turned down. Now it was just an awkward silence while he continued to dress me.

"Look. I'm sorry ok? But I can't. Not while you're like this. That's how we got in this predicament the last time man. Let's just go lay down. I don't want you waking up in the morning and you're tryna kill me because w-," He tried to explain but I cut him before he could finish.

"Shits different now tho and you know that. It's different," I said. Maybe if it was before yes. But now? It's just not the same.

"Come on baby. Let's just lay down," He said softly while guiding me towards his bed so we could lay down. He let me get in first and then he got in right after me. I turned my back to him tryna think of unpleasant shit to make my dick go down. It didn't help when he got extremely close to me wrapping his arms around me and unintentionally pressing his dick into my ass. He could have at least gave me head or something. Fuck this was gonna be a long night.

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