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Marco P.O.V
It to have been at least a week and a half later. I wasn't really keeping track. I had so much on my mind right now. I was going through. My sperm donor had came back again wanting to talk. I don't tho. My boyfriend was just jumped by his own family for only accusations of him being gay. My brother still wasn't talking to me. My father and mother were both dead. I had just found out I was an embarrassment to my boyfriend. I hadn't really heard from Sabias, which was to be expected because he had a new boyfriend, a first boyfriend at that, I knew they were enjoying their honey moon phase. Sad to say mine was apparently over.

Here we were, in my house. He was in my room while I was taking a shower. I didn't know what to do. Was the relationship worth staying in? I mean I can honestly say that I ...loved him. I mean it hadn't even been a year yet but I didn't care. I loved him. I loved his smile, he face, his body, his tattoos, his nose, his laugh, just everything about him you could think of. I of course haven't told him. I didn't know if I wanted to, after what he told me. I didn't wanna scare him off more than our basic relationship already was.

Once I was done with my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood in front of my mirror. I looked at myself. I was really all alone. Everyone around me was dying or leaving me. Or didn't really want me. It used to be really hard to look at myself before and I could feel myself getting back to that point. My mental health was slowly deteriorating.

I should get a haircut. Just try something new maybe. I continued to stare at myself in mirror for a minute before I heard the bathroom door open. In walked Vontae of course.

"Daddy you ok?," He asked me in a soft voice. He knew what he was doing. He walked closer to and wrapped his arms around me from the back, then rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Mhm," I told him looking at him staring at me in the mirror.

"You sure?," He said placing a kiss on my neck, moving his hands to rub up and down my bare chest and stomach.

"I'm good," I spoke taking my hands to grab his moving them, turning around so I could face him.

"Can I have a kiss?," He asked me smiling with his head to the side slightly. I didn't respond to him, I only leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. I think kissing him was my favorite thing to do. So I of course placed a couple of extra kisses on his lips making him laugh.

"Chill man. You always doing that," He said laughing at me placing one last kiss on my lips. I just shook my head smirking and watching what he was gonna do next. "Why you staring at me? You making me nervous," He said to me now placing his chin on my chest looking up at me. He gave me another kiss. Yea I doubt I'm the only one that loves kissing here.

"Cause I can," I responded looking into his eyes. I really loved this man. I could just stare into his eyes and get lost. He was so fine.

"Well can I do something? You say you're fine but you look stressed," He said to me reaching down with his right hand to undo my towel I had wrapped around me. He grabbed me firmly in his hand and began stroking me, all while not breaking eye contact once. He brought his hand up to his mouth, letting spit fall into it, before he brought it back down to stroke me. Damn this felt good.

"That feels good baby," I sighed, watching his every move. He dropped down to his knees. I was eager as fuck now. He doesn't have a gag reflex. I know he doesn't.

"May I?," He asked in this sexy ass "innocent" voice. Hell yea you can.

I shook my head yes.

"Tell me daddy," He spoke once more, before I gave him a verbal yes, making him take my whole length into his mouth. Fuck. He never broke eye contact.
"F-fuck daddy. H-harder!," Vontae yelled out, as I pounded into him from behind. He was currently bent over the sink in my bedroom taking dick like a pro. I swear this nigga was a slut. Just for me tho. Once again here he was creaming on my shit, actually being successful in throwing it back matching my strokes. I was close.

"You about to make daddy nut baby, Can daddy nut in you?," I asked him now following his orders fucking into him harder while the cream he was making kinda, "splashed" around landing on us. This nigga was something else. His ass was fucking crazy. It was a drug.

"P-please n-n-nut in me d-daddy! Pl-please," He moaned out broke word while gripping the sink he was laying over. That's all it took for me to empty inside of him. I didn't felt a lot of my stress being released into him right now. I did feel better.

"Fuck," I said pulling out of him, watching my nut dripping out of him. Damn he made a mess. He always does. I looked on the floor under him and saw alot of cum. I guess he had already came, more than once might I add.

"Now I need a s-shower,"He said to me still in the same position. I guess I needed another one too. Well I guess we will just have to take one together. I stood him up straight turning around and kissing him deep. My dick stood back up. Shower sex?
"You wanna go to Chicago with me? That's  the closest place to us that has the sugar bowl factory and that giant ass mall," Vontae spoke laying on my chest.

"Sure," I said keeping it short and sweet. I would any where around the world with him. He just didn't know it.

"You haven't been talking a lot lately. You sure you are alright?," He asked me yet again.

"Just don't feel like talking. I'm good,"I responded. I really didn't feel like saying much.

"Hm. Ok I guess. Heard from your brother?," He asked me rubbing my chest.

"Nope. I don't understand why he is this angry. That nigga loves to hold grudges. Even after I already apologized to him," I told him. I called him, I apologized, I apologized in person. I tried to explain to him why I didn't tell him. He said he wasn't mad no more but he was barely taking my calls. I just wish we could go back to the way things used to be. "How you feeling?,"

"I mean, me? I'm fine. Those niggas did not know how to fight. How y'all jump me but I'm still perfectly fine? Them niggas lame as fuck," He spoke getting slightly heated. I knew that was gonna happen. Them niggas really jumped my baby. All he had to do was point them out and I was swinging.

"I already told you just point 'em out," I spoke rubbing his back.

"Yes I know. Ha my nigga gone beat they ass," He said laughing. What was wrong with him? Goofy ass.

"Goofy ass," I said chuckling.

"I'll beat the fucking brakes off a nigga for you daddy. Believe that shit. All you gotta do is say 'Baby him right there' and I swear I'm fucking swinging," He said sitting up and getting on top of me getting hype.

"Relax baby. I know you got me papi," I said to him.

"Yea you better know. Ain't no nigga gone try mine," He said leaning forward giving me a kiss before siting back up cracking his knuckles.

"I love you," I spoke in a daze looking at him. Fuck. I just said I wasn't gonna say that shit. Here I am. He stopped laughing and carrying on and just stared at me. " I didn't mean...w-well no I did mean it...I j-just...I love you,"  It was like my mouth had a mouth of its own. I knew this wasn't gonna do shit, but make shit awkward between us. I knew he wouldn't say it back.

"Marco I...," He began before he just stopped talking and moved from on top of me.

"It's cool Vontae. You don't have to say it back. I didn't mean to say it. I do love you, but I just know it wasn't the right time. I should have known you weren't ready. I'm sorry," I spoke looking over him as he avoided eye contact. "It's ok really,"

"I'm sorry Marco...I just c-," He started talking before I interrupted him.

"Baby it's fine. I know you don't feel the same way. I shouldn't have said it. Just forget I did," I replied. I was saying it was ok, but really I was feeling like shit. I was embarrassed and kinda hurt he didn't feel the same way, but I wasn't gonna rush him or pressure him.

"Sorry," He said again, now looking at me.

"It's fine," I spoke once more. It was ok. I'll be fine.

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