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Vontae P.O.V
It was the next day after that whole "not wanting to give me a kiss" shit happened. He petty as fuck for that but whatever. I was in my room waiting for him to come over since he decided to not come and get me last night. I didn't even do anything. He sensitive as hell.

"Yo Vontae! Yo boyfriend just pulled up," I heard my brother yell at me, jogging down the stairs.

"Shut the fuck up!," I yelled back at him getting up to beat him down the stairs so I could open the door before he was childish.

"Hey wassup Marco," I heard my brother say, while I pushed him away from the door.

"Don't talk to him," I said grabbing his wrist pulling him away.

"I can't speak to my brother-in-law? That's crazy," Javon said laughing while walking out of the front door to go do whatever he was supposed to be doing before he decided to be childish. Once we finally made it to my room, I let his wrist go and I locked my door.

"Brother-in-law?," Marco asked me raising an eyebrow. "He knows about us?,"

"I mean...I didn't confirm it, know. He kinda just, knew," I told him. It was true. I never really told him he just knew about me. Well had his suspicions. I mean he said he still fucks with me so. I guess that's all that matters.

"So I can kiss you in front him? I can do me?," He asked me smirking. I was about to cuss him out and call him all types of  dumb, but he looked actually happy which was different from when he first walked into the house.

"You stay cheesing and shit. Mad annoying, but anyway, what's wrong? You seem sad," I replied to him , wondering why he seemed sad.

"You got me cheesing," he said chuckling before his smile left his face a little. "And nothing is wrong baby. I'm ok," he said sighing while laying back in my bed, motioning me to come over to him.

"I'm not coming over there until you tell me what's wrong," I spoke, crossing my arms looking at him.

"Baby come hereeeeeee," He dragged out holding his hand out for me to come closer. He doesn't listen. Imma come here tho.

"Why didn't you answer me earlier? What were you doing?," He asked me looking up at me as I sat down on top of him.

"I up," I said looking him in his eyes. Today was the day. I had watched porn, looked shit up, and everything else. I wanted it... for real this time. When I was completely sober. I mean. I had know him for a while. Seen him in passing, because his brother was cool with my brother. I had personally known him for months. I never waited months with girls and technically we had already fucked. I'm grown and he is grown. He was my boyfriend so what was the wait?

"Cleaning up what? You couldn't talk to me and clean baby?," He asked me, now placing his hands on my ass. I didn't respond. I just leaned down and kissed him. I made that shit sloppy. Marco moved his hands from my ass to the him of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I followed suit, removing his hoodie, leaning back down to kiss him.

"Baby what you tryna do? If you wake him up, you gone have to get him down," He spoke slightly out of breathe from our long kiss.

"What do you think I'm tryna do? I wanna fuck," I spoke boldly, even though I was nervous as fuck right now.

"You sure?," He asked me, moving me off of him to remove my bottoms while looking at me awaiting my answer. I shook my head yes propping myself up on my elbows. Once he got my bottoms off, he looked at my dick and quickly put his face near it.

"Just let me take care of you tonight baby," He spoke sexily whole looking me in my eye. He licked the tip of my dick which caused me to slightly jump. He was a beginner in giving head, but no one has ever made me feel the way he does while sucking my shit and I think it's just because it was him. He was the only person to get my dick hard these days.

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