Big Bro

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Marco P.O.V
I was laying in my bed. I had just got back about an hour ago from hanging with Sabias,Juan, and grumpy. I know he hates that shit but I secretly thinks he likes it. He just doesn't want to be seen as the "bitch". I don't see how that makes him one but who knows what goes on in his head. Pussy. It was currently 11:30 and I was dozing off. I felt my eyes closing. And then I felt sleep take over my body.
I sat up in my bed looking around as I heard someone in my bathroom. I was confused because my brother had his own bathroom and I had mine. I know it wasn't Sabias because he was at home. I was starting to get worried. Then suddenly my door opened and out came JaVontae. Fine ass Vontae in all his glory. He looked at me while smirking before getting in the bed and crawling towards me. The moonlight in my room from the window was shining on his perfectly round ass. It shimmered almost as if he had glitter on.
"Like what you see daddy", He said while biting his lip. I shook my head yes at him before he pushed me back and began removing my shorts. I sat up a little to help him and to also run my hands over his smooth brown body. I could tell he had shaved. His ass looked like a creamy milkshake. He smacked him self on the ass while looking me in my eyes.
"Get up in it ", Was the only words his spoke before I got up and went behind him. I leaned down an-.

My shot open as I felt a heavy ass weight on me.
"Wake up little brother. I missed you", He said giving me kiss on the cheek. I groaned before wiping it off and laughing.

"Aye nigga don't wipe my kiss off you love me", He said with a grin.

"Nigga where you been because every time I look up you gone.?" , I asked him. Which was true he was always gone.

"Man the streets not gone run they selves. Besides I don't trust these niggas to watch out for shit if  I'm gone", He said. I hated the fact that my brother was in the streets.

My brother had been in the streets since he was young. I wasn't. It was crazy how we grew up together but lived different lives.
I replied to a message from Vontae before chuckling and putting my phone in my pocket. My brother and I hopped out of the car and headed up to the porch. We decided to go and check on my mother. My mom has cancer and she's not really getting any better. I still pray for her and have hope but she's not doing too good. My brother annoyingly knocked on the door until someone opened it up. Before he could get a word out he was slapped upside his head by our pops. (Our step-dad). After our mom found out what my dad used to tell us and make a us do, she dropped him. She wouldn't let her kids get hit on or get mentally abused by that man or any man.

She would still let him come around to check up on us because he was our dad and wasn't the worst person ever but he just needed to get some things in check. As I got a little older I realized that me kissing Sabias meant a lot more than I thought. It caused me to "come out", if I can even say that. I don't know exactly what my sexuality is but I just know I'm all over the place. Although I've never made a move with any guy (before Vontae) I still knew I had an attraction to them. I told Vontae I wasn't gay. That wasn't exactly a lie, I just didn't want to freak him out.

"Why in the fuck are you banging on my motherfucking door like that nigga?", My pops spoke before looking at us. I just looked at Montae trying to keep my laughter in.

"We uh came to see ma a-and I was just knocking so you would know we was here", He said turning red.

"Well you couldn't have knocked like a normal person. I forgot yo dumb ass not normal. You still in them streets boy?", He asked my brother, while he just looked around while pulling on his dreads.

"Unhuh I got sum for you. Go ahead and see yo momma Marco so I can handle Montae", He said to me but only looking at Montae.

" HELP ME MARCO", Montae screamed at me while having a mini tantrum.

I just put one finger up and walked away. I walked through the living room and headed to the stairs. Once I got to the second floor I began walking to my mothers room. I knocked on the door gently and waited for her to answer.

"C-come in",  She replies followed by harsh cough. I cringed internally at the fact she was getting worst.

"Hey momma. How are you feeling?", I asked while walking into her room. She was so skinny so her clothes barely fit. She didn't have any hair at all and she looked almost like a skeleton. I hated seeing her like this.

"Hey baby what you doing here?", She asked me with a soft voice.

"I just came to check up on you and pops. How are you feeling?",I said to her genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine baby. But I heard that you have someone new in you life", she said to me.

"How did you know about that?", I asked her shocked.

"You just fell for the oldest shit in the book baby but since it's true you might as well tell me about her", She said laughing and then stopping to take a deep breathe.

"Well it's actually a boy ma and we not really together just trying to figure some things out. He's not really gay or into the whole thing but apparently he likes me a little do to certain circumstances so we gone try to ease into to", I said to her honestly.

"Well baby have you had sex with this boy?", She asked me. Why in the fuck would she ask me that. Nosy ass lady. The fuck?

"Uh I don't real-", I started before she cut me off.

"I think I know the answer," She said with a chuckle before coughing harshly into some tissue. When removed the tissue from her mouth it was covered in blood. I felt my eyes get teary eyed just watching. I quickly moved from position to find her water bottle. I looked and searched around until I found it sitting on her dresser. I then gave it to her. A few minutes later dumb ass Montae walked in screaming.

"HI MOMMY", He said with a big koolaid smile on his face.

"Hi boy and stop all that yelling", She yelled tryna hide the blood on the tissue. I was always more like the big brother when it came to stuff like this. He couldn't handle this type of stuff so it was my job to make sure he was ok. I didn't have a problem with that though he was my brother.

"Mommy I missed you. I know I talk to you everyday but I missed you. And I brought you some money to help with shi- I mean stuff around here since pops don't work no more", He said with a mother big smile. My mom just shook her head and looked away. His smile slowly dropped.

"What did I tell you about bringing that money in my house DeMontae? Huh. I know what you do for it and I don't want it", She said shaking her head before coughing.

"B-but mommy this is a lot of money and it's for you. I don't have a choice on doing what I do. Now that I'm in I can't leave. I've tried before, I swear I did but it didn't work", He said sadly to our mother.

" I don't want it in my house. If you would have never got caught up doing it when you were a teenager we wouldn't be here. I told you about the people you hung with but you ju-.", She before coughing once more and sighing before just turning over to I guess to get some rest.

"Mommy! Ma! Momma come on I'm sorry but you can't keep act like this forever. If I could go back and change it I would but I can't", Montae said with his voice cracking.

Even though I was the youngest he was always the baby. Ever since he started getting involved in the streets our mom started treat him differently. She didn't like neglect him but he wasn't her "baby" any more. She felt that if he could do grown shit like that after she told him not to he would be fine on his own. He was always dramatic though so it hurt him differently.

"Let's just go Montae", I said trying to calm him down. He looked at me and back at my mom and then scoffed before roughly wiping his face and walking out of her room.

"Keep an eye on my baby I love him to death, but I don't agree with what his is doing and I won't take his money if it comes from that", She spoke before turning over. I sighed and walked downstairs to see my brother gone. I know this nigga didn't leave me.

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