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A few days later.
Vontae P.O.V
I was a fiend. No body had ever made me feel the same way he does. NO ONE. I just wanted to be up under him all the time now. Like now. I had asked him to come pick me up, but he was busy with family stuff. Man fuck them. Ok maybe not fuck them, but still. I was bored as fuck and I wanted my boyfriend. My boyfriend. That shit still felt weird to say. I couldn't believe I had been in love with pussy my whole life, one nigga comes around and now I'm getting fucked. And liking it. Who would have ever thought?

To Juan🖕🏾:
Aye you tryna match?

From Juan🖕🏾:
When nigga?

To Juan🖕🏾:
Now dickhead 🙄

From Juan🖕🏾:
I'll be there shortly hoe ass nigga. 🖕🏾

After reading his last message, I locked my phone throwing it on my bed, looking for my shit so I could roll up. I wonder what Marco was doing. I hope his mom was ok. I don't know how he would be if he lost his mom and dad right after each other. The other day I was finally able to find out why he was in a weird mood. I guess I helped him release that frustration into me that night.

Nah that sentence was mad gay. Im really with a whole nigga. That's crazy.

To Marco😈 :
Lemme get a kiss.

From Marco😈:

To Marco😈:
You really a simp fr lame ass really sent that lmaooooo 🥴

From Marco😈 :

To Marco😈:
Nooooooooooo stooooop 😭 I was just playing 🥹

From Marco😈:
Cant even give my nigga a kiss 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

One thing I loved about this nigga was that he would play along with the shit I do. Like now. He could have taken me serious and started getting mad, but he didn't. He just went along. I also liked that most of the time when I got angry, he wouldn't get mad at me. He didn't judge me either. I think he knew I was wired differently and he also knew about my meds now. Although I barely took them, I hated the way they made me felt, I told him about it. He tried to convince me to take them, but fuck no. I was fine without them.

After waiting for about an hour on my couch, I heard my door bell ringing. It must be Juan. I stood up and walked to my door and looked out of the peephole. It was him. I opened the door and in walked Juan.

"Who the fuck been sucking on yo neck and shit bestie?," Juan said smirking, adding the "bestie" in there because he knows I hate it.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me yo bestie hoe ass? And don't worry about who was sucking on me bitch. Mind yo business," I said frowning, walking back to my couch to sit down while he followed me.

"Damn you don't even wanna share yo hoes no more? That's crazy," Juan said sitting next to me pulling out a bag of weed, getting ready to roll up.

"First of all Im not fucking no hoe, also I'm not sharing shit no more. Fuck outta here," I said getting mad at the thought of anyone even looking at that nigga. Like he really just blew me. Talking about some fucking share. Man nigga share this dick in yo mouth bitch.

"Damn my bad bruh, you in love or sumn? She got yo ass hooked?," He asked me laughing at my anger.

"Im not in love with no one, but sumn like that nigga," I responded huffing. I want this bitch to go home.

"Aye bruh, chill out. I was just joking around with you. You look like you about to go off," Juan said now lighting he blunt, that he had just rolled. Hm.

After he had it lit we began passing it back and forth. I felt better now. He just better not say no shit about sharing Marco again, even tho he doesn't know it's Marco.

"Aye bro, I've been talking to Sabias a lot. He's mad cool. I mean I know he likes me and shit, but I never feel like uncomfortable around him. I feel mad comfortable around him it's weird," He said to me looking at the second blunt that was now in his hand.
"Would you judge me if I dated a nigga?,"

"I mean...nah," Was all I said keeping it short. That's all I needed to say was naw. I wouldn't judge him.

"So if I was to say, Sabias and I already had date night at his crib watching movies and shit and we ended up kissing, you wouldn't judge me," He said taking a hit from the blunt and then passing it to me. What?

"You tryna tell me something?," I asked him. Was this nigga sweet too?

"I mean, yea," He said to me shrugging. Was everyone around me sugary?
Marco P.O.V
"Montae please call me back when you get a chance," I said, leaving a voicemail message for him. He still hasn't talked to me or responded to me since the other day. I knew he was ok tho, because he had been posting on social media like he usually did.

"He's still not answering ma. What am I supposed to do?," I asked her dragging my hand down my face. I was in my moms house sitting on her bed while she was laying down next to me.

"I don't know sweetie. Maybe he just needs more t-time," She said to me slowly closing her eyes to go to sleep. Today was one of the bad days. I knew she was feeling like shit. I hated seeing her like this. This was like torture. I stood placing s kiss on her forehead, before saying goodnight and walking out of her room. I'm gonna head home now, but maybe I should try calling Montae again.

From Baby❤️:
You ain't talk to me alllllllll day. It's 11:30.

To Baby❤️:
Imma just come get you ok? Be ready

From Baby❤️:
You swear you can just tell me what to do like I gotta listen to you. 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️
Imma be ready tho🥴😅

To Baby❤️:
😭something is wrong with you. I'll be there in like 10-15 baby. Goofy ass nigga💀

From Baby❤️:
Ok Daddy I'll be waiting 😏

Oh I know what he wants. Horny ass. The other day was amazing. I felt like I was way closer to him now. We shared something special. It was our "first" time together. We were technically each other's first anyway, but this time we were conscious. That was my baby tho. Just seeing him made me feel better. Even when he was being an ass hole, he still made me feel better. It was funny to me how angry he got when I messed with him. Of course he wasn't seriously angry at me, but I would say stuff like I'm leaving or imma find someone new and it would start him getting mad.
He tried to fight me, but I think that was just so he could get on top of me.

I was now around the corner from his house getting ready to pull up. As soon as I pulled up in front of his house he was already coming out of the house. I unlocked the door and let him in.

"Gimmie a kiss niggaaaa," He said laughing at the face I made.

"Fuck you say it like that for?," I said leaning in to kiss him. I grabbed his chin placing a small kiss on his soft lips, before letting go and sitting back getting ready to drive again.

"You know what we doing when we get in the house?," He said to me smirking and looking over at me.

"You gone ride me baby boy?," I asked him reaching over to grab his thigh. He grabbed my hand, placing it inside of his shorts. This was gonna be a long night.

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