Dinner Time

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Vontae P.O.V

"Got a girlfriend son?," My father asked me as we were sitting at the table and now eating. The family was here and I just knew it was gone be some shit. Why my brother volunteered our home I would never know. The table consisted of my dad, mom, two uncles, and cousin. Our cousin was cool. He was homophobic just like my dad. Along with my uncles who were my dad's brothers. I was surprised to see my mom here since normally she rather be stuck up my fathers ass cleaning the house than taking care of her own children. Now I didn't hate my mother. I didn't hate my father either. They weren't the worst parents in the world but I still didn't necessarily... like them. My dad was annoying as fuck and always had to find something to talk about or judge. My mom did whatever my dad told her to do.

Whatever. That means when my father would fuck with me and my brother she would just watch. If I fell and hurt myself and she tried to help me up or make me feel better and he said stop babying me, she would stop. I don't even bother to call her anymore because I felt there was no real point.

"I don't," was all I said before I went to eat some more of my food. I could feel them staring at me.

"Why not son? Aren't you tired of hopping in bed with every female you meet?," He asked me raising an eyebrow. Of course not.

"Nope. I'm young. I like being a hoe it's fun," I said only to be slapped in the back of my head by my brother. I rubbed my head while frowning and looked at him. "Fuck was that for nigga?," I asked him confused. What did I say?

"You know you are so disrespectful. Let that have been my son... that's probably why you act the way you act now. No real consequences," My uncle spoke out.

"Nobody asked you shit tho," I mumbled to myself. Putting more food I to my mouth. If there was one thing my brother could do it was cook. This nigga was a chef. Like he actually went to school for it. I knew he wanted to open up his own restaurant one day, and I was going to be his number one customer.

From Marco 🫠:
You tryna come chill after your dinner? Or if not we could just FaceTime...

Before I could get a chance to answer I was being asked something else by my father while the rest of the family talked.

"When are you gonna move out and find your own place? Don't you think it's weird to still be living with your brother?," He asked me taking a sip of his iced tea.

"I mean he is my big brother. He said I can live with him as long as I take my medicine. Which I do...sometimes," I responded to him. I'm not paying any bills right now. And he cooks. What do I look like moving out?

"I'm just saying when are you going to be a man and grow up, and have you really been taking your medicine? We don't want you getting carried away. They gone put yo ass in jail. That's besides the point tho. It's time for you to be independent. Get you your own place, find you a nice woman, and settle down," He finished intertwining his fingers while looking at me waiting for my answer. See this is why I don't like when they come over. It's always I need to do this, I need to do that, get off my bumper a little.

"Why do you care what I do? My life doesn't affect yours. If I wanna live with my brother I can. He hasn't put me out yet so you need to just leave it alone. And why don't you ever say anything to him? He's not married, no kids, no girlfriend nothing," I said. I didn't necessarily want him to start fucking with my brother but it would be nice to have the attention off of me for a little.

"Well that's because we a little worried about you?," My other uncle said. Worried about me?

"What is that supposed to mean?," I asked. What are they tryna say.

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