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Marco P.O.V
I walked out from my house and hopped in to the front seat of my car starting it up immediately. I saw Vontae walking towards the car to slow for my liking. I would have told him what was going on but I just wanted to get to the hospital as quick as possible, knowing that he would ask a billion questions and I didn't have time.

"COME ON NIGGA I GOTTA GO", I yelled at him. It seemed like he was taking forever on purpose.

"Don't fucking yell at me and I don't know what's going on the quicker you tell me the quicker I can react the right way. Until then imma do what I want regardless of what you say because I don't know what's going on", He said to me. I didn't respond and pulled off towards the hospital. I just wanted peace and quiet so I could calm down and collect for my thoughts. When serious shit happens I just liked peace and quiet.

"Bruh can you slow down a bit and tell me what going on instead of being a dick and ignoring", He asked looking out the window and rolling his eyes.

"My dad is in the hospital", I said keeping it short. Just like I expected he started to ask me a billion questions which I ignored them all.

"Stop ignoring me. You know what take me home", He said now starting to piss me off worst than before. "I said take me ho-."

"If you wanna go home your gonna have to either walk call an Uber or a cab because I have to go to the hospital and you're being selfish as fuck all because you have a shitty ass attitude. Obviously I don't feel like talking right now I told you he is in the hospital. When your upset or worried I'm sure you don't want to be in everyone face talking and shit and see I don't want to get you keep asking me questions.", I spoke calmly to him.

"No I wouldn't be quiet I would answer the simple question or cuss the person out as simple as that. All you had to do was say you don't feel like talking about it I would have stopped (probably not) talking about it I just wanted to know what was going on to have you flying like this. I just asked a question," He told me. This nigga here. Obviously if someone doesn't respond they don't wanna talk. I just gave him a thumbs up and continued to drive to the hospital. Out the corner of my eyes I could see him crossing his arms and sitting back in the seat while sighing.
Once I pulled into the parking lot I got out of the car and began to walk towards the hospital entrance. Once I made it to the floor that they told me my dad was going to be on I walked to the room my brother told me he was staying in. Vontae stayed in the waiting room since he didn't feel like he should be in the in room with us. I saw my dad laying in the bed with my mom sitting in a chair besides him holding his hand. The fact she is out of bed...

"Hey ma. How are you feeling?", I asked her. Even though my dad was in the hospital I still wanted to know how my mom was doing.

"I'm fine baby I just hope my husband pulls through. They said the car accident was really bad and he had a lot of internal bleeding and his brain was damaged. If that means I have to wipe his ass god knows I will because I love this man. I had to do it for you two I can do it again", My mom said cracking a smile. She would. Even though we all know she could barely take care of herself in the state she is in now. I'm surprised she had enough strength to get out of bed.

"Yea but ma that's nasty. What if he piss on you. That's not gone end good", Montae said and for a second it was like everything just stopped moving. Why is he so stupid.

"That's because he is not a baby and a grown ass man so of course it would be ba-... why am I even explaining this go sit down", I said to while covering my hand with my face.

"Always acting like I'm dumb I knew what the fuck I meant", He mumbled after he sat down.

"Stop fucking cursing little boy. You not too grown to popped in yo shit. Sick or not I'll do it", My mom said before taking a deep breathe, getting up and walking towards him.

"Why you always abusing me? I didn't ask to be here", He said covering his body from her hitting him with her shoe. I don't even know when she took it off or how.

While they were over there play fighting (more like seriously getting beat up on my brothers end) I was now holding my dads hand. A lot was going through my head. If he dies, who will take care of my mom. My brother can't do it he obviously isn't the smartest and he is too into the streets to have the time. I couldn't do it because when I tried to before she would tell me not to and to stop waisting my time on her. She would let him though. She was only soft for him. I just wished this never happened. My dad was the most careful driver and he was very responsible. So for them to tell us he was intoxicated had me a little skeptical.

I felt the grip on my hand tighten as I looked at him hoping he would wake up. I really appreciated this man. He looked after my mom as soon as he found out about what was going on. My biological dad didn't hit us often but when he did hit us it was bad. His mental abuse was definitely way worst then the physical but it was still there. When he came and helped us I swear he was like a super hero. He came and saved us. Unfortunately my brother still made dumb ass decisions but he felt that he needed to make fast money to pay him back and my mom. Now he is in to deep to leave.

I felt a tear roll down my face thinking of all the good times we had. I'm crying already and I don't even know what the outcome is but I just have that feeling I'm going to be fatherless again. When I looked up again, I could see him lookin at me with tears in his eyes which almost made me break down. I saw as his eyes slowly closed and the machine stopped beeping. I quickly stood up from my chair and as my vision started to get blurry. I saw my brother run out into the hallway to get a doctor or nurse or something. They started unhooking tubes and stuff and trying to bring him back to life. Someone told us to go into the waiting room while they continued to work.

I walked into the waiting room with my face full of tears. I saw Vontae sitting there looking at me. He looked like he knew what happened. I really just wanted for him to hold me while I cried but I knew he wouldn't so I didn't even act like I wanted him to. I sat one seat away from him only for him to get up and come closer.

"Hey are you ok? What happened in there?", He asked me.

"He flatlined and the last I saw they were trying to save him but I -I don't think that ", I started but then stopped once I felt that frog in my throat and could no longer talk.

I saw him go to hug me but when my brother and mom came into sight he quickly retreated back to his seat. God I needed that hug. The first thing I noticed was my brother's face. He showed no emotion what so ever. His face was just blank as he walked away to go (I'm assuming) home without saying a word. He was always the more emotional one. I knew he was going through it mentally. My mom was walking over towards me and wiped my tears with giving me what looked like a forced tight lipped smile.

"Well you father is suffering no more baby and i know this is hard on you but even harder on your brother. As hard as that boy acts he is a softy and always been daddy's boy so I'm gone go check on him. You and your friend can go on and leave baby I'll be fine. I just want to check in your brother and then get some rest. So you just go home and get some rest", She said to me before I could get a word out. I just simply shook my head as my way to say I understand before kissing her cheek telling her I love her and walking off. I didn't have to tell him to follow because as soon as I walked away he followed me. You never know when someone could leave. Just like that he was gone. That fast. For no reason.

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