Morning After

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DeMarco P.O.V

I woke up and tried to stretch but I quickly realized there was someone laying on me. I must of had some little shawty over last night. But then I soon realized that this was not my room. Bits and pieces of last night started to flood my head. I scratched my head and looked down to see who I was laying with. Whoever it was was warm as hell.

This can't be. I know I'm trippin. I know for a fact we wasn't that blowed. I-I can't believe this. I peeked under the covers to see if we were naked. I'm shook as fuck right now. I can't believe I had sex with a another nigga. I went to wake him up but he looked so comfortable and peaceful I didn't want to. He had one of his legs laying across me, his arm and his head laying on my chest.

He was honestly adorable. There was no denying that. I checked my phone and noticed it going on 9. I gently shook him until he opened his eyes and let out a hiss.
"Ssss ouchhh why the fuck does my ass hurt so bad" He mumbled into my chest with a pout. It's like once he did so he realized that. He hopped up, or well he tried to hop up but fell instead. He let a low groan out and asked me why we were in bed naked together.

"I honestly don't remember but I think we had sex last night " I told him.
"Ok well why am I the only one with a hurt ass. Shit is not cool man. And my goddamn legs don't wanna work WHAT THE FUCKKKK" He said shouting. I just shrugged my shoulders while looking around my room to spot my boxers. Once I found them I put them on and walked over to Vontae. He started backing up the closer I got to him.

He looked terrified.
"How do I know you ain't rape me or some shit. I'm not even gay man. I swear to God I'm never smoking alone with a nigga again. " He said looking me in my eyes.

"Why in the hell would I rape you bruh. Do I look like a rapist to you nigga? All I know is we smoked and drank and then went in yo room cause you invited me to. The rest was a blur," I said getting frustrated. I would never rape anybody at all. He took a deep breath.

"Can you go in that top drawer and hand me a pair of underwear? " He said quietly. I grabbed him a pair and tossed them to him. He put them on and then tried to get up with no luck. I leaned down and put my arms around him and pulled him up. He had a scowl on his face but he just stared at me.

It's crazy because I never really took in how cute this nigga was. He had pearly white teeth. Big pink lips. A round fat ass. He was just beautiful.

"Why you looking at me like that?" I just shook my head and grabbed my clothes and began to put them on.

"You know we can never talk about what happened. Let's just forget it did happen and move on from this. " He spoke. "I can't believe I was actually high enough to let another nigga fuck me. I might as well kill myself. You took my ass nigga I'm not a man anymore. People gone think I'm a-" I cut him off by pulling him closer and kissing him to make him shut up.

He kissed me back and then slowly pulled away while I had his bottom lip in my mouth. He stood there and looked at me with a shocked expression and lightly touched his lips.

"Why you kiss me nigga I'm not gay" Vontae spoke.

"Why you kiss me back and blush if you not gay NiGgA" I said back to him with a raised eyebrow.

"I wasn't blushing I'm embarrassed now can you please leave my room or how about get the fuck out. " He spat. I raised my arms in defense and grabbed my belongings. I walked towards his door but looked back to see his head in his hands and he was sitting down on his bed.

"You straight? " I asked concerned.
"OUT NOW! " He yelled at me. I let out a breath of frustration and I walked out closing his door. I saw my brother knocked out on the couch and I shook him.
"Aye bro wake up I need a ride home man" I said while still trying to wake him up. "Just give me a few more minutes I got a fucking hangover. " He mumbled while turning over. I sighed and sat down in the chair. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone but had no luck. I guess I left it upstairs. I got up and walked towards his room. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer but I never got one.

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