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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Vontae P.O.V ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

I was fucked up. Bruises everywhere, sore everywhere, bleeding... just fucked up. I hadn't eaten recently, yet I was hungry at all. I had no appetite. I wasn't thirsty. I was just tired. Is this what Marco felt like when he hurt himself? That there was no reason to even live anymore? Because that's how I felt right now. I was broken. Completely fucking broken, because of this maniac I was stuck in a house with. At least he didn't have the cuffs on me anymore. They have left bloody marks and scratches around my wrists, it was painful, but that pain didn't compare to anything else I was feeling. He now had me locked in a room in his basement. It wasn't the worst room ever, with a bed and a warm comforter at least. I was also alone so that was good, I guess...

I had been in my head. He had just left me alone after "showing me how much he loved me". Fucking sick. Now I could be alone and just stare at a wall.

I was thinking about Marco, Juan, Javon, and even my homie Sabias. I just wanted to go home. I swear if Marco would take me back, I would listen to whatever he said. I wouldn't trip on him or be mean or nothing. It's not like I would ever be getting out of here though. Maybe I should just get some sleep before he comes back starting shit.

"Baby you have to eat something. Come on please for me?," Don asked me, trying to feed me food off of a plate. I could only shake my head no.

"But I cooked dinner for you. You just gone sit there and be ungrateful? I slaved over a stove for you to be nice, and now you don't want it?," He spoke again.

"I-I'm just n-not hungry D-Do-," I started before getting cut off by him picking up the plate and smashing it into my face. The plate broke causing my fave to be sliced open as I held on to it crying. "FUCK. WHY WOULD YOU D-DO THAT?!,"


"I-I lo-love y-you," I whispered holding my face in my now bloody hands.


"I LOVE YOU BITCH DAMN!," Shit, I probably shouldn't have called him that. I was just angry. "I'm sorry Don,"

"You know when people love each other, they get tattoos of the other persons name. I wanna give you a tattoo of my name. What do you think? And if you say no...we'll just don't," He spoke laughing at his "joke".

"Just let me go Don please. I won't tell anyone it was you man please. I thought we were friends man? You left for conversion camp and just came back crazy as fuck? This wasn't you before Don. We're supposed to be boys man, you can't just force someone to love you. It'll never be real," I told him scooting away from him and sitting at the top of my bed in the corner.

"Wrong, I never went to conversion camp or whatever. I got into some trouble for doing this same thing and instead of it going public and me going to jail, my parents paid someone to just send me away. But I'm back now. I would have taking you back then if I could, but I went for someone else first and got caught, you've always been my endgame though, you're perfect for me. We're gonna get married and have kids and have a dog and just have a perfect life together," He spoke smiling like the true maniac he was.

"D-Don, you can't just kid-," I responding before getting cut off.

"Well I did so fucking deal with it," He spoke growing serious.

It was only me and him here. I was no longer tied up and I could probably take him. I was weak though, I hadn't been eating and I was in a lot of pain anyway. I needed to go though. I couldn't let him do this to me I just couldn't. I felt that I had a little bit of myself still here, that hope and spirit was all I needed to break out of here. I looked down at the blood stained bed and noticed the broken plate shards. Maybe I could stab him. Just do it, wait count to three. Ok.



Three. Swing.

"FUCK!," Don exclaimed falling onto the floor while holding his ear that had been stabbed. Blood poured from his ear as I hopped out of the bed and walked out into the dark basement. As soon as I spotted the stairs I took off for them, feeling nothing but pain and fatigue. My heart was beating out my fucking chest. Once I made it to the stairs I began to run up them, but I didn't make it very far before I felt my ankle being grabbed making me fall on the stairs.

I used all the strength I had to kick him in his face, as I held onto the rail. I continued to do it until he grabbed my other ankle yanking me down the stairs.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! DON NO STOP PLEASE!," I screamed he dragged me down the stairs. "NO PLEASE! IM SORRY LET ME GO NIGGA!,"

I held onto the rail and wouldn't let go and I started to thrash my body around causing him to drop me. I then used the rail to pull me up, even though I felt that my ribs just broke hitting the stairs so hard. I hissed as I went up the stairs. I made to what looked like his living room and continued walking to the front door.


"SHIT! Ahh fuck," This nigga really just shot me in my fucking knee.

"You have pissed me off for the last fucking time. I promise you that. I can't even believe you would fucking do that to me. After everything I've done for you?," He spoke in a calm voice grabbing me by my ankles and dragging me towards the basement again.

"P-please man. Im b-begging you please," I cried out grabbing the floor to try and stop myself from going back. Once we made it to the stairs, he dragged me down them like I was a rag doll making me hit my head on almost every step, until I covered my head. Once me made it back into the room. He quickly began undressing himself and me. I couldn't take this shit again. I just couldn't.

"This is your way of apologizing fight me once I'll kill you. I also think it's time for that tattoo," He spoke putting his hand around my neck and forcing himself on me. I felt so numb and light headed. I'm gonna pass out. This is too much.

This is too much...

I was back handcuffed to the bed and I didn't even care. I don't care. I don't give a fuck. If he wanted to kill me he could, if he wanted to beat and rape me all day, fucking go for it. I caused this shit. It's my fault I'm here and I guess I just have to deal with it. Oh fucking well. This is my punishment for everything I've done in my life, everything I've done to Marco. Everything I've done to all those females I just fucked and then treated them like they were nothing. For calling my brother out of him name and Juan. For not listening to Marco, being there for him or anyone unless it benefits me. I was selfish and I didn't care about anyone but my self. I guess this was that karma coming back. I deserved everything that was happening to me.

I didn't even want to argue with Don himself anymore. He was right. I should have listened to Marco. I didn't oh well. I was spoiled and selfish. I was just a fucked yo human being. I was completely shut down. I couldn't even cry anymore. I was in so much pain too. My fucking knee had been shot, surprisingly it wasn't bleeding that much. I wish it was so it could just end me. My head was on 2000 right now and my vision was kind of blurry. My face was still cut open so that shit hurt. I had broken ribs I was sure of, obviously that hurt. He had forced me to have sex with him again so I was hurting there too. I was hungry and now getting cold. He took the comforter from me. He said I don't get shit when I misbehave. I didn't even care. I didn't care about what happens next. I bet Marco and them don't even care that I'm fucking missing because of how I left. But that was no body's fault but mine.

I was gonna be here forever.

It was what I deserved.

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