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Vontae P.O.V
I was taking a nap in a comfortable ass bed when I felt fire get slapped out of my ass. I hopped out the bed with my fist balled and a frown on my face. I opened my eyes only to be met with a laughing Marco.

"SEE THIS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT YOU ALWAYS DOING GAY SHIT. ALWAYS DOING STUPID SHIT AT THAT I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD BITCH IM ABO-", I screamed  at him until I was cut off by him wrapping his hand around my throat and slammed me into a wall.

I went to push him away but he only squeezed harder which made me stop trying.

"What I tell you about that bitch word? I said next time you called me that I was gone show you a bitch right?", He said calmly to me.

"Marco chill man I was just playing I ain't mea-".

"Naw shut that shit up you always wanna be so tuff talking to me calling me out my name so wassup then. You want me to make you my bitch?", He asked me with a smirk on his face.

"I don't wanna be yo bitch I'm sorry man for real I didn't mean to call you one it just came out. It's a habit and if you would have never hit me I wouldn't have went off on you and called you that", I said lowly while he only gripped harder. I was starting to get hard and wanted to stop.

He looked down at my basketball shorts and pulled me closer to him. Dick. To. Dick.

"What? You like this grumpy? You want my help?", He asked me seductively. I just stood there and tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"C-can I just please go back to sleep?".

"Ask me correctly", He said.

"I did. I just said".

"Naw what's my name and put it all together. You know what my name is", He said to me.

"Can I go to s-sleep n-now daddy?", I asked him quietly.

This shit is so embarrassing. The fact that I'm actually listening to this nigga is just. Ugh.

"I mean my name Montae but I guess that works too ,"he said while laughing and letting me go.

I got angry all over again and stomped over to the bed before throwing my self down and turning away from him. He just pissed me off. He came and got in the bed with me and kept on poking me and grabbing me to cuddle while I would try to get away from him.
"Stop fighting my love nigga", He said with laughter  laced in his voice. I continued to try to get away until he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him so that half of his body was on top of me and I was still in his arms.

"Lemme get a kiss", He said looking at me with a slight smirk that if you weren't close you wouldn't see it.

"Nigga that's actually gay", I said trying to get away. It was no use though because for some reason he was too strong. Or maybe he was that much stronger than me but I just didn't want him to let me go. I'll never tell.

"We already fucked I think we pass the "that's gay" phase baby", He told me. I could just feel my face heat up at the fact that he called me baby.

Yea and I'm not gay. Pfft. I turned my head just as he was about to kiss me. He landed on my cheek. I heard him sigh and unwrap his arms getting ready to move away. I took a deep breath and mentally said fuck it before grabbing the back of his head and crashing our lips together.

His lips were so soft and plump and all I wanted to do was just suck on them. I tried to gain dominance in the kiss but this nigga was destined to make his bitch. I guess he wasn't playing when he said that. I'm so glad he couldn't hear my thoughts. His tongue started to poke my lip but I denied him access. He reached up and put his hand around my neck.

"Open yo fucking mouth", He he whispered in my ear. I did as told and he leaned down and spit in my mouth then added his tongue to mix mine and his spit around.

I'm not gone lie. I almost just nutted. He continued to kiss me until he felt he had enough and gently but roughly bit my lip as a string of our saliva was the only thing connecting our lips. He smiled at me before pecking my lips once more and then laying down next to me. I took my hand and reached up to touch my lips.

"D-did you spit in my mouth?", I asked him still shook about the kiss. Oh this nigga freaky as fuck. Weird ass bitch.

"Yea and you straight swallowed that shit so shut up", He told me. He turned on some music on his tv and lay back while putting his hands behind his head. I looked over at him before saying a silent prayer and moving over so that I was closer to him. He opened his eyes to look at me and I stopped moving.

"Come on", He said chuckling lightly. I took that as my cue to get closer. I hesitated a little bit before putting my arm over his body, head near his shoulder, and my leg intertwined with his. It only took a few minutes for me to start falling back asleep. I felt him peck my head before I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

"Thank you for giving me a chance. Sweet dreams grumpy," He said laughing causing my half sleep body to vibrate. Was I really giving this nigga a chance or just using him for the free food. I say I'm here for the free food. Okay maybe he was cool too I guess.

"So tell me about your family and I'll tell you about mine. If we are going to be friends I should know some shit about you", I spoke. We had woke up from our 2 hour nap about 30 minutes ago and were sitting up in his bed talking.

"You mean if we are going to be together. Cut the bull shit. But my um dad isn't in my life. I guess...and don't be mad but I kinda lied about my sexuality. I've always been attracted to guys. The reason I didn't tell you is because you were panicking and I didn't want to cause more stress. I don't see how it would but you are you . But when I was little about 5 or 6 I think. Bias told me he had a crush on me and his dad told him to go for it basically. I was raised differently so I told him he was a bitch, a sissy, a faggot and all this other shit for having a crush on me and for him being a male likening another male. He told me that was wrong. But i knew Sabias like me. So me being me said well then be my boyfriend. Me and him leaned in to kiss and as soon as our lips touched my dad stormed outside basically threw him and broke his arm. We were told to never be around each other again by my dad. So we snuck around and obviously we are still friends. ", He said finishing up the story.

"Honestly your dad sounds like a bitch no offense. Especially if y'all were little like that. I mean I get having your own beliefs of feelings but actually treating someone different because of it and abusing them is different. What about your mom and stuff?", I asked him I was really becoming intrigued.

"Well my m-mom is still alive. She has always been a supporter of me and my brother when our dad would do crazy shit to us. Like he would hit us and mentally abuse us. Fortunately we had our mom to keep us sane for the most part. But my mom has uhm...C-cancer and I don't know how much longer she has. When her and my dad broke up she remarried her old friend which is now my stepdad. I love him. He was the only father figure I had. Him and my mom are still together but I don't know for how much longer. ", He told me.
"And you already know my dumb big brother Montae", He said to me.

I chuckled getting ready to speak before his phone started going off in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out and and clicked around on his screen a few times before reading a message. He then locked his phone and unlocked it for a second time rereading the message. I studied his face and for a second it almost looked like he wanted to cry. He got up and started putting his clothes back on. Not that he was naked before he just wasn't wearing a shirt and only had on shorts. I saw him frantically start looking looking for his shoes and when I saw them I got up and handed them to him.

"So are you going to tell me what going on or", I started only to be interrupted by him.

"Either stay here or come on now. I don't have time to waste come the fuck on!," He yelled at me frantically looking around for whatever else he had sitting down.

"Ok but what's goi-," I started before getting cut of once more.

"I don't know come the fuck on NOW," He yelled again before pushing me out of the door. What the fuck?

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