The Meet Up

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Vontae P.O.V
"Bruh what the fuck are you talking about man", I spoke to my homie Jujuan.

"Nigga I said...shit man I don't even know you threw me off you dumb bitch", Juan said to me.

"Why are you so aggressive nigga sheesh ", I said to him.

"Says the king of aggressive niggas. But any ways me and Quinn broke up", He said with a sigh.

" Nigga how and why y'all been together for like a year", I said shocked. This shit couldn't be true.

"I walked in on her fucking some nigga. But the thing is. She had a strap on was fucking him. When I say I was flabbergasted I was so shook. But aye on to the next. I'm not gone let this bitch hold me down", He said frowning and then geeking up his own self. I just shook my head at his story that shit was crazy.

As we continued to talk about any and everything I heard my phone ringing. I looked down to see it was Marco calling me. After our talk a little over a week ago we decided to talk and take things slows. I still couldn't believe how fast I got turned out. I still don't even believe I really got turned out. I say I was just exploring. I don't like men either. I'm just Marcosexual. Shit is cringe.

"Hello", I spoke into the phone.

" WHO IS THAT VONTAE WHO IS THAT?", Juan screamed into my phone trying to to take it. This nigga was so childish.

"Move nigga. Anyways wassup Marco and don't mind that. ", I said.

"Alright man well I wanted to meet up today. Me and Sabias over here bored so all of us including your friend could meet up", He told me. I guess that wasn't a problem.

"Uhh sure that's not a problem we could go to the mall I guess. I need to get some more shit anyway give us a hour", I said.

" Aight I gotchu", He spoke before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?", Juan asked me as soon as I got off of the phone.

"A friend of mine wants to meet up so we about to go to the mall I told him to give us an hour tho".

"Fuck we need an hour for nigga? We not doing shit", He said with a confused face. I just rolled my eyes and went and got my stuff so we could leave.
Once we arrived at the mall I sent him a quick text to let him know that we were here. I took a deep breath and started to grab my stuff.

"Why you look nervous as fuck? You like this nigga or something? Did you finally cross over bestie?", Juan said a little bit too excited.

"Nigga I told you to stop callin me bestie that shit is gay. And no nigga I didn't "cross over" I still don't like niggas", I informed him.

"Yea but you could like just this one nigga. I'll find out for myself", He said with a sneaky grin on my face.

"Just drop it man", I mumbled to him.

"That's all the conformation I needed. Your secret is safe with me", He said before doing a motion like he was locking his mouth and then throwing the key out of the window. I punched him in his shoulder (not hard) rolling my eyes.

"Im not gay bitch," I replied.

Once I got a text back of him telling me he was in the food court we got out of the car and headed towards it. Only after he picked up his imaginary key to unlock his mouth. I stopped waking and just looked at him only to began walking again while shaking my head. After walking for a minute I spotted him with Sabias and I almost left. I hated how bad my nerves were around him.

"Uhm H-Hey wassup Marco", I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Wassup grumpy," He said with a smirk. I gave him a straight face before turning on my heels and walking away only to be snatched back and pulled into one of those bro hug things. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me because the hug was a little long.

Once I saw eyes on me I pushed him back to receive a lip smack and a faint eye roll. I sighed and turned to to say what up to Sabias.

"Hey man wassup", I said dapping him up.

"HEY", I heard Juan speak loudly causing the three of us to look at him. "So I know you're Marco but what's your name?," He directed to Sabias who was looking like he was star struck at Ju.

"Uhm I-it's um my name is Uhh... guys what's my name?", He ask turning red even though he was chocolate. Me and Marco started laughing while Ju just stood there waiting on an answer looking confused as fuck. Wondering why this nigga was stuttering over such a simple question. Sabias looked like he was about to pass out.

"It's Sabias", I whispered to him.

"My name is Sabias", He said more quiet this time. I knew he was shy but this is new. He looked terrified.

"W-well ok Sabias. I'm Jujuan. You can just call me Ju tho, or Juan," He answered back looking around awkwardly. I guess he was picking up on the fact that this dude was giving him heart eyes.

"O-ok cool. I'm Sabias. Wait I a-already said that. Sorry. I'm just...I just... I'm just gonna go find us a table," He said with a slightly defeated look. I know he was embarrassed as hell. I would be too if another nigga was making me shit on myself just by asking for my name. Little dude nervous as hell for no reason.

Me and Marco just looked at each other before slowly walking away.

"Well looks like they hit it off", He said sarcastically. I just nodded my head before stopping at the great steaks place so I could get a Philly cheesesteak. I had to wait in line and there was a lot of people there. While I was standing there I felt something press on my ass. I soon realized that it was Marco standing extremely close. As much as I wanted to move I was so embarrassed and shocked to move. I was frozen in place.I didn't want people to think I was gay. I definitely didn't want people to know that we "talked" and then again it made me look like I was the bitch. I hate my life. Also, I couldn't move because it was like my body wouldn't allow me at all. I was stuck.

I pushed back on him to get him to move but he discreetly grabbed my side and stopped me from moving.

"Quit it", He said in my ear before placing a small kiss on it walking away. I felt my face heat up as I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Luckily no one was. Once it was my turn to order I told him I wanted the combo and I paid for my food. After returning to the table I saw Sabias and Juan still talking. I looked around before spotting Marco walking my way with a tray a food. He waked over to where we were and began eating. I looked at him then back at my food before doing the same.

A few minutes later Sabias and Juan got up to go find them so food. After we were all done eating we decided to walk around and go in a few stores.

This was pretty cool. I guess. My ear was on fire. Fucking fire. I hate this nigga.

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