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Marco P.O.V

"Mar," I heard Vontae call for me, in a tired ass voice. He was sleep or at least he was sleep.

"Hm?," I responded looking over at him. I was up and getting dressed. I wanted to be ready for the day now so I wouldn't have to worry about it later.

"I can't sleep," He mumbled out still not opening his eyes.

"You were just sleep baby," I responded looking at him confused.

"I can't go back to sleep. Help," He spoke, still not moving at all.

"I'm about to make some breakfast baby. You should start getting up too. Come on," I said to him, looking at him slowly turn around and look at me.

"I'll be up later. I'm tired," He spoke, closing his eyes again. I walked over to him and kissed him on his head and walked out of the room to make us some breakfast. Nothing crazy, maybe just some pancakes and sausage. I didn't feel like going all out today.

I began cooking, but also heard footsteps behind me.

"Feed me," I heard Vontae say. I had on out left out of the room like 10 minutes ago. 

"Food is almost ready baby. I thought you were sleeping," I said to him taking out two plates.

"I couldn't sleep without you. You didn't wanna help me sleep," He responded, rolling his eyes at me.

"Don't we have shit to do today?," I asked him handing him a plate.

"Not until later, but it's fine," He spoke taking his fork and putting a small amount of food on it. Hm?

"Are you feeling ok baby?," I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea. I'm just not that hungry," He started taking a sip of his juice. Vontae... Not hungry...

"Yea wassup with you? Since when have you not been hungry? You're hungry after you eat baby boy," I reminded him eating some of the food on my plate and waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine. Just tired. That's all," He responded. He wasn't cussing me out, and he wasn't hungry...

"You sure? You know you can talk to me right?," I asked him still not believing that he was just tired.

"I...I just feel weird. Like some shit is gonna happen. Something bad. I've never felt like this either. I just feel...weird," He spoke looking at me.

"Did you have a bad dream or something, that's putting these bad thoughts in your head?," I questioned, looking at him with a concerned expression.

"Not that I remember, but it's probably nothing. I'll be fine. Let's just eat," He said giving me a fake smile and eating more food. I hope his bad feelings are just bad feelings and they don't come true. We don't need anything else fucking with us. We were already dealing with enough.

Please let nothing bad happen. I'm not sure we could take much more.

"What else do you need bro? We're gonna be mad fucking late," I spoke frustrated, while Vontae took his sweet ass time in the store, picking up some 'must haves' for this party.

"I'm not your bro dickhead. And don't rush me," He told me, looking me up and down before walking off yo grab more snacks and alcohol that he just 'needed'.

"It's a party, kinda, you don't think he has snacks and alcohol there?," I asked him confused. He acts like we were the ones throwing the party, fuck did we need all this shit for.

"Stop questions me and give me money so I can buy this shit," He spoke, picking up what I assumed was the last thing he needed, and holding his hand out. I looked at him and then his hand, and then back at him. "Give. Me. Money,"

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