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Marco P.O.V
He really showed up at my house drunk and high and horny. He was so persistent last night. Even after we got into the bed he thought it was a good idea to rub his ass on my dick. It took so much strength to now say fuck doing the right thing, and bend his fine ass over. It was so hard. I was so hard. I had never seen him like that before. He ignored me all day and then he just shows up at my crib demanding I touch him. What happened in that store? Who was that man? It was clear he didn't want to talk about it yesterday, so maybe he would today. All I know is that I was hard as fuck right now. I don't know how he got on top of me like this, but he was not helping. His body was completely on top of mine and his head was in my neck. He pressing right into me.

I needed to get away. I moved my arms from behind my head and gently started to peel him off of me. This time he wasn't waking up. Good. Once I got him off of me I got out of the bed and and stretched. My dick feels crazy.

"Marco?," Vontae whispered out with his eyes still closed. I didn't move. I couldn't tell if he was awake or if he walk sleep taking. Regardless I didn't want to wake him or tell him where I was. I needed to take care of my dick now.

"M-Marco ?," he asked again in a low voice slowly opening up his eyes. Can he not sleep without me? Every time we are sleep and I move he wakes up.

"Yes?," I responded to him. He probably had a hangover.

"Where are you going?," He asked me now looking dead at me.

"Bathroom. You good?," I asked him still walking towards the bathroom.

"My head hurts," He spoke quietly now trying to sit up.

"Yes that's cause' you got fucked up last night. But let me go to the bathroom real quick and then I'll make you feel better," I told him before I walked closer to the bathroom door that was located in my room.

"Lemme come with you," he said scratching his head and stretching. And I'm the clingy one.

"Baby I'll be right back just gimmie a minute," I said dragging my hand down my face.

"BAbY, I said lemme come with youuuuu," He whined out making grabby hands at me. Was this nigga serious?

"Nigga you are a big ass baby. You cant wait for a few minutes?," I said laughing at him acting like this, which made him laugh too.

"Take me with you," He said laughing while falling back into the bed.

"I gotta beat my dick Vontae. Now you still wanna come?," I said to him hoping he would stay here and leave me alone so I could go take care of this.

"Shit I'm hard too. You could beat both of ours," He responded chuckling and looking away from me. Ok.

"Come on then," I said walking into the bathroom holding the door open for him. He really got up.

Once we made it into the bathroom we both brushed our teeth and washed our faces. After that was done we both kinda just looked at each other waiting for the other to make a move. Since I'm not a pussy, regardless of what he loves to call me, I walked up to him and pressed the front of my body into. The eye contact right now was so intense. He wasn't backing down and neither was I. I lifted my hand to grab his chin and pull his face closer to mine while I placed a soft kiss onto his lips. When I tried to pull away he took my bottom lip into his mouth to suck it. That right there ignited everything.

While we stood there kissing each other, I took my hand and reached down into his shorts grabbing his dick pulling it out. It was big, long, and a shade darker than his actual skin color. He also had a thick vein going through it. Damn his shit looks good. I brought my hand up to my mouth and spat in it so I could use it to jack him off. I slowly dragged my hand back forth, up and down his dick twisting my wrist a little while kissing him. I could feel him rubbing his hands down my chest, stopping at the top of my sweat pants. Nervous?

"You don't have to if you don't want to. It's ok," I told him after pulling away from the kiss. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and bit hit lip. I guess what I was doing was feeling good. I kinda wanted to...try something. "Lemme try something," I said kissing him one last time. I turned his head to the side and began kissing his neck and collarbone. I then moved down to his chest kissing and licking everywhere I could. I payed close attention to his nipples and it seems like his left one was the more sensitive one.

"M-Marco. What are d-doing?," he asked me breathing harder then before licking his lips. I didn't respond and only moved down to kiss his pecks. I was still looking up at him but it seemed like he was trying to avoid eye contact. Once I made it to my destination (right above his little friend) I kissed him there which made his dick jump. He was leaking hard now. I could feel myself leaking too. I gripped his shit hard and and licked up the string of pre-cum he had leaking out of his tip.

"I've never done this before, so I'm sorry if it's not good," I said to him while jacking him off and looking up at him. I hope I do good. Well here goes nothing. I guess I just had to do it like I like it done. Shouldn't be too hard. I think. Shit now I'm nervous.

"Just uh...go slow. Do it how you like it. Or I mean you don't have to at all it's o-," He began, trying to make me feel more comfortable but i cut him off by putting the tip into my mouth and sucking it. I had never stopped jacking him off and now I was doing both. I looked up at him and watched as he held onto the sink he was leaning on. I went down further. I was about half way down now, still jacking him off while watching him. He bit his lip with a frown on his face. I could tell it wasn't a frown like he didn't like it, but of the exact opposite.

I slowly pulled it out of my mouth and then went back down. I just kept this motion for a little, sucking a bit harder finding my pace. I pulled off of him letting spit build up in my mouth before I took him back in.

"You're doing so good...f-fuck. So f-fucking g-good," He groaned out now running his fingers on his right hand through my hair. "Look at me," He told me and I did what he said looking him dead in his eyes while sucking him talking more into my mouth. He took his hand and put it in my head grabbing my hair at the back and pushing my head down further. I guess he wanted to be in control. I removed my hand form his dick and just let him guide me how he wanted.

After a few minutes of letting him control my head, he stood up straight repositioning himself before grabbing my head with both hands pulling his dick out of my mouth.

"Relax your throat," He told me licking his lips. I did what he said and also sat up to get a more comfortable position on my knees. He then grabbed my hair on both sides of my head and slowly put his dick back in. He got about half way before he looked at me like he wanted to go deeper. I simply nodded my head hoping he caught my drift. He did. He began to go deeper into my throat causing me to gag, which made him pull out some. He then did it again. And again. And again.

At this point his was fucking my throat making my eyes water up because of the gagging. I couldn't move either with the grip he had on me.

"It's so good. Your throat feels s-so good d-daddy," He groaned out. I could feel him swelling up in my mouth he was about to nut. He continued fucking my mouth for a about 30 seconds before he tried to pull out of my mouth but I stopped him by grabbing his ass pulling him into my mouth. Liquid. I felt warm ropes of nut shoot down my throat while I tried my best not to gag from him being so deep.

Once he was done nutting he pulled away from me looking down at me with shocked eyes. I opened my mouth to show him I had swallowed all of it while he just stared at me.

"You better not ever do that shit to any one else but me. You hear me," He asked me while I just nodded. "Ok good. Want me to do you?," he asked me nervously. As long you got yours I'm good.

"Nah baby. As long as you're good, I'm good," I told him licking my lips before getting up and kissing him.

"Throat Goat," He said kissing me back laughing. He's always  tryna be funny. Whatever.

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