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Fight Night

Boxing has always been apart of his life. He was brought up boxing having learned it from his father. Doing the underground fights were good for quick money with large pay outs. It's the only thing he's ever been focused on...

Until it isn't...

Rehab (Addicted Sequel)

It's been a year and a half after Donovan entered his no contact rehab for his drug abuse. It's been a long time since he's heard Santiago's voice or even seen him. He thought the hardest part of his life was his drug use when it turned out be losing Santiago. He was his true addiction.

Leaving the facility would be hard and nerve wracking, but seeing Santiago again was worth. The only question was would he stay on the straight and narrow or would he go back down that wrong path?

Being on the outside was scary...

Beyond the Stars

A 17 year old boy(Ezra Millard) has been living in the pediatric ward of a hospital for 12 years. He has no friends and no family which gives him a pretty pessimistic look on life. When his favorite doctor brings her son to work as a "volunteer" after getting into some trouble Ezra is faced with some conflicting feelings. Will his look on life change for the better or will he ultimately stay the same?

Church Boy

The pastors son, Ezekiel Monroe, is a quiet, shy, yet socially awkward teenager, who befriends the boy next door who is the complete opposite, who's name is Corey Brewster. He's loud, he's outgoing, and good with people. The two seem like an odd match, but Corey doesn't mind it and over the summer Ezekiel starts to love it. It's a forbidden love for Ezekiel due his fathers and church's beliefs. For Corey it's a challenge to get Ezekiel to ignore them and be free. This summer will be interesting...

Sir's Saint

Sir has always been the type to avoid parties and drinking. He was more serious and more mature than others his age. He did participate sometimes, but whenever he got drunk he turned into a different person. Saint has always been the opposite. He welcomed smoking, drinking, and partying with open arms and was more immature than his younger best friend. One night he decides to throw Sir the biggest and craziest birthday party ever. What Saint and Sir didn't know was that this night was going to change their relationship forever. More than they had already changed it... They would never be the same.

College Yearz (Spin-off of Damaged Goodz Series)

Who said college would be this hard? Oh wait...everyone.

Gianni, Blaze, and Dario are back. This time in college and with new people. Will there college years go by smoothly or will there bad luck seemingly catch up to them.

(Spin-off of the Damaged Goodz series)

Undecided (Spin-off of Hood Baby)

Micah has always been the one to help other people out in the best way that he can and always give nothing, but genuine love back to those that give it to him and sometimes even those that have abandoned him. After his break up with his girlfriend Luna that happened years ago, he found another person that was like him. He was a genuine guy that lived to help others in the best way he could. Even though the two never made anything official, the feelings were still there. One day Micah receives a knock on his door and is shocked to see Luna standing there.

With his new found love and his first and most deep love, how will Micah manage? Will this be a smooth and easy ride or will it be a crazy and drama filled one? Who will he end up with in the end? Luna? Enzo?

Or nobody...

I also have a few more stories, but this one in particular is a spin off to the Damaged Goodz Series based in an outside character as the main character, but also related to Gia and Aries. This story is "Over the Rainbow" and would have to do with them being in highschool. If you DONT want the College Yearz story and only want this story than choose this one and Dario, Gianni, and Blaze won't get another book. If you don't want this story than just choose accordingly.

Over the Rainbow

An antisocial teen boy named Egypt has had a hard life. Coming from and abusive household and straight into a group home, Egypt is all about staying to himself and causing as little trouble at school. This means even against those at school who treat him like he's less than. The only thing he's ever known is orphanages and group homes and now that's he's nearing 18 that thought of being kicked out scared him. Luckily, Egypt gets transferred to a new group home for teens when he meets a small group of people that end up changing his life.

One that already has...

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