Its A Date

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Vontae P.O.V
Today was date night. I agreed to let him take me out. Just to get some dinner and then we would come back home and chill. We still had a lot of time before it was time for dinner. It was only like 11:00 am.

"You gone go to the gym with me?," I was asked, while I looked around like he was insane.

"Nigga, how long have you known me now? Did you really think putting gym and me in the same sentence was smart?," I said pulling the covers back over my head. Of course it was snatched off. He also thought it was a good idea to smack fire outta my ass.

"Brooooooo. That shit fucking hurt. Dumbass," I said reaching back to rub my ass, only for him to move my hands and pull my boxer briefs down, placing a kiss on both cheeks.

"Come on," He said dragging me out of the bed. Was this nigga really about to make me go to gym. Kill me now.
Here I was, sitting on the floor, listening to music while watching him do leg presses on a machine. I don't know how much he was pressing but it had to be a big number. He had mad weights on there. Nigga too strong for me with his bright ass. He had been doing it for a while too. I'm not sure what number he was on but this nigga was crazy. His body definitely matched how he was in the gym. Sexy ass nigga. He may get some ass tonight. Maybe...

"Yo turn," He said to me after wiping down the machine. Fuck no. I just pretended to not hear him. "Baby, I know you can hear me,"

"Bro what? I'm not doing it with that much on there nigga and how many did you do?," I replied irritated. I don't wanna work out.

"I did 200 now come one," He told me taking some of the weights off. Whatever. I rolled my eyes before laying down on the machine and positioned myself.

"I'm only doing 20, strong ass nigga," I said beginning to do the exercise. Shit still too heavy.

After I did my 20. I began to get up, he wouldn't let me though.

"Come one now do at least 20 more," He said chuckling at me.

"Hoe ass nigga YOU do 20 more. I need my legs," I said to him getting up, while he sighed shaking his head.

"Let's go do some pull-ups," He said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the pull-up bars and other arm workout shit. I could see a few people looking at him holding my hand but...I didn't really care right.

"Yea I'm about to "pull-up" a fucking bench to sit on and watch you," I said frowning and crossing my arms.

"Grumpy ass," He said to me, making me squint and look up at him since he was now doing pull-ups.

"I could have sworn I told you a long ass time ago not to call me grumpy, bitch," I retorted sitting back up against the wall. He hopped down and walked up to me. He squatted down in front of me before talking.

"And I thought I told you not to call me a bitch, I need to talk to you in the locker room?," He asked me grabbing my chin and pulling me towards. Him. I mumbled out a quick no and he pecked my lips. Bitch ass nigga.

"You're mean," I said pouting.

"You started it baby," He said kissing me all over my face.

"Bro M-Marco stop it," I said laughing and pushing him away from me. This nigga so annoying. Loved treating me like I was a baby.

This shit tastes so good. We were currently at home eating. We decided to just stay home and cook, have a little movie night if you will. I decided to cook. Yea I know. He had been teaching me some things tho and I quickly found out a go to meal for me to make. Sandwiches. But not just any sandwiches. Sandwiches with 5 cheese garlic bread. Onions, bell peppers, and other shit. Cant give away my recipe. I almost made fries to go with it. I can honestly say this shit was delicious. Marco liked them too. At least I think he did. I mean he would eat them all with no complaints. It could have been just because he was my boyfriend he didn't want tot hurt my feelings. But there was no one at because they were actually good tasting to me.

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