Its Not a Date

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Marco P.O.V

Damn I'm tired. Last night was fun. Even though he caught an attitude near the end of the night, it was still fun messing with him. We just listened to music and smoked some more while I tried to talk to him even though he was irritated. Why was he irritated? I think I know why.

I stretched my arms but soon realized there was a weight on my chest. I looked down only to see Vontae laying on my chest with arm across my waist. Hm?

I began to slowly reach down and arm his arm in hopes of moving him off of me so that I could get up and maybe make us some breakfast. This nigga had a death grip on my shirt tho. Fuck. Pulled his hand a little bit harder while pushing at his upper had to move him off of my body. I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

"Stooooop," I heard Vontae whine out quietly, putting his arm back and grabbing my shirt again.

"You're laying on top of me man. You know that right? I'm tryna get up and cook for you. You not hungry?," I tried to explain this nigga grip is crazy as hell.

"I don't care brooooo. You're mad comfortable. Stop moving," he spoke. This couldn't have been the same nigga as before. Did something change in the last few months?

"Alright man," I said letting out a breathe. Was this pushing it. I brought my hand up to rub his back slowly, hoping it would help him fall back asleep. I felt movement and looked down at him. He was looking at me wide awake now.

"My bad you want me to stop?," I asked him lowly hoping he would say no. I'm aware I said we could work on just being friends, but I still wanted him.

"No," he spoke softly for the first time now trying to avoid eye contact. I could feel him tense up at his answer. It was obvious he was nervous. I guess because he actually admitted to wanting me to touch him.

"Relax Vontae. No one here but me and you. It's just us," I said to him while still rubbing his back. He had no reason to be nervous. It was just us.

After a few seconds I could feel him relax. It's just me and you.
I currently was standing in my kitchen cooking some breakfast for Vontae and I. It was about an hour or two later from us laying in bed before and although it was a struggle, he finally let me up to come cook. To which he followed me? I wasn't expecting that. But he did. Now he was sitting on one of the counters looking through k-cup holder to find some tea or coffee to drink. He had on some shorts and one of my hoodies which I knew he was planning on stealing. He claimed he "left" his at home. Who forgets their hoodie?

"Add some fruity pebbles in the pancake batter. That shit slaps," Vontae said with his eyes still glued to the drinks.

"Nigga. You want me to put cereal in the mix?," I asked him confused. Who the fuck does that? What the hell?

"I promise it's good bro. I swear to god it's good. Just try it, and if it's nasty I'll by you some pancakes from somewhere else. I'm telling you it smacks tho," he said looking at me with a cute side smile. I mean I guess I can put some.

I grabbed the cereal from the top in the refrigerator and poured some into the batter. This shit better be good got me wasting my fucking Fruity Pebbles.

"You know what's funny? You a Fruity Pebble with a big ass box of Fruity Pebbles!," Vontae said laughing hard as fuck throwing his head back like he just told an $1,000,000 joke. I slowly turned around with a straight face and just looked at him while he continued to die of laughter. This nigga is not funny. I walked up to him and stood in front of him with either arm on both sides of him.

"You sure I'm the only Fruity Pebble in here baby?," I asked him with a raised eyebrow. Yea I called him baby, but hopefully he wouldn't dwell on it too much. His laughter slowly died down as he looked at where I was standing. He gently bit his lip and looked away from me, not saying anything. What did I do? I got closer. I walked forward more so I was now standing in between his legs almost chest to chest. "I'm the only one here?," I asked him again turning his face to look at me.

"Yea," He mumbled causing me to chuckle at his response. Let's see how far this will go.

"Lemme get a kiss," I asked him him while not moving the hand that was on his chin from when I turned his head.

"Bruh thats g-gay," He stuttered out. Poor baby.

"So?," I shrugged. Yea I know it's gay I'm tryna be gay witchu baby.

"If I give you one, just ONE, will you take me to out to eat later. Like a sit down place. Or better yet cook for me later?," He asked me like a little kid. This nigga can get whatever he wants.

"Yea I gotchu Von," I answered cheesing at the fact he agreed to kiss me. He leaned down closer to me and all I could he was him quietly telling himself "It's just one kiss". He really had to coach himself through it huh?

Connected. His really did have some soft ass lips. Even though it was only a peck at first, I could tell he wanted more. I leaned back in and kissed him again this time deepening it. The way our tongues intertwined with each other and the way he was sucking on mine had my about to say fuck breakfast and eat this nigga instead. I had to stop myself though and remember not to take things too far with him so he didn't get uncomfortable. He "wasn't gay" after all.

Finally after about ten more seconds kissing he pulled away from me slowly. I could see the tent in his shorts.

"That was more than one kiss so you owe me twice now," He said while slyly trying to cover the tent with his hands. "I'll be back,"

Ok baby.
It was about 7:30 and I had just got out of the shower. I was kind of excited to see him. He was cool after the kiss. No calling me a faggot, a bitch, or a pussy. Thank god. I think we made actual progress. I'm geeking. Is this a date? This is a date. It definitely is a date. Once we finished our breakfast I took him home and then hung out with my brother for a little bit.

I was planning on stopping at my moms house first just to check in her before I picked up Vontae.

"Yo can you take me with you and just leave me at mom's house. I think imma just chill over there," my brother said just walking into my room. Ok?

"Nigga can you knock?," I asked him lost as to why he felt it was ok to just walk into my room.

"Naw I don't know how. Anyway though, why you tryna be cute you gotta date ?," his nosy ass asked me.

"I'm just about to hang out with Vontae, and I just wanted to take a shower and shit. Why does that equate to a date? And why you tryna act like I don't take showers and I'm dirty ?," I asked him, because what is he implying.

"I mean if the shoe fits...," Montae said running as I through my shoe at him. This nigga was so annoying I swear. Niggas can't even take a shower now. Just childish.

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