Food and Chill

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Marco P.O.V
After getting our food we walked outside to the car. I started to walk to my side of the car when he  stopped walking. I looked at him and he just stared at me. I looked back at my car and then him. I slowly reached out to open my door as he just stood there. I sighed and looked at him again.

"So you can open my door before but you can't now?", He spoke while frowning. I gave him bug eyes before scoffing and rolling my eyes.

"Aye quit playing with me and get in the car man. Earlier you just told me you didn't want me doing no "gay shit" so I said I wouldn't now you mad. Damn I gotchu spoiled already and I haven't even done shit", I said to him with a confused look on my face.

"I just need you to open it so I can get in I have food in my hands", He said quietly while looking away. Fuck see now I feel bad.

"My bad I gotchu grumpy," I said with a smirk. He
straight faced me trying not to smile but failed drastically. I sat my stuff down on the top of the car and proceeded to open his up. Once I got it open he mumbled a thank you and got in. I walked back to my side and then got in.

"Can I come to your house?," I heard him lowly ask. I was surprised. I didn't answer him at all. I heard him huff and then say never mind.

I continued to drive back to my house without replying to him. Which I know he thought at this point he was going home. When I pulled into my driveway he looked at me confused before looking out the window. I got out of the car with my food in hand and went to open his door. He mumbled another quick thank you before heading to my porch. I managed to put all of my stuff in one hand/arm while opening the door. Once I opened it I held the door open for him to walk in. I closed my front door and kicked my shoes off then walked towards my couch. I saw Vontae just sitting on my couch looking uncomfortable and nervous and it honestly irritated me.

"Look man you asked to come over here I could have taken you home. If your going to be here at least try and relax. Your not gay ok it was a fucked up mistake that shouldn't have happened but it did. I'm over it if you are. But I want to be friends with you at least. So can you just act normal and try not to think of it?", I said to him. I looked at him seeing him have a mental debate before slowly nodding his head.

"Alr bruh my bad you right. But watch how you talk to me bitch ass nigga", He said bucking at me.

"And we're back", I said with a chuckle. I turned the tv on and tried to find something to watch only to have him snatch my remote.

" The fucking disrespect", I told him.

" Suck my dick nigga we watching what I want to watch", He said moving the remote out of my reach.

" Yo first time at my house and this is how you behave you gotta go grumpy".

"What I say about calling me grumpy and I'm not going nowhere so put me out then nigga", He said challenging me. I just threw my hands up in defense and didn't say anything else.

"Balls in yo court grumpy", I said mumbling the last part.

Once we finished eating we decided to play some board games. Instead of playing a game like scrabble or monopoly, this man wanted to play smart ass. His slow ass should have stuck to something else. I got the game out and put it on the table only for my phone to start ringing. I looked at the caller I.D to see that it was my best friend Sabias calling me. He was saved in my phone under S💚. I clicked the green button on my phone and held it up to my ear.

"Hey Bias wassup", I spoke into the phone. After that stuff with my dad happened, me and Sabias ended up being friends anyway. We had to keep our friends ship a secret until we got older, always thinking he would come back and hurt us. My dad really didn't want me hanging with a "fag".

"Nun I'm  bored as fuck though. Can I come over?", He spoke before hugging indicating that he was bored.

"Yea man no problem at all. I'll see you in a few", I spoke before hanging up.

"Who was that?", Vontae asked me with a raised eyebrow. "That was my best friend. He's coming over here".

"Do you want me to leave or...?", Vontae asked.

"Naw unless you want to your good", I replied.

"Naw I wanna stay".

After playing a game of Smart Ass (which he lost) and listening to some music, Sabias finally arrived with a bag full of snacks.

After introducing Sabias and Vontae, we went back over to the living to watch tv, eat snacks, and just talk.

" So did you find you a boyfriend?", I asked my best friend. He was openly gay but I knew that he didn't have a bit of experience. I was the only guy he ever kissed, and we were kids. He never had a boyfriend or nothing. He was too innocent.

"Now you know I didn't. I'm too shy to keep a conversation going. Most of the guys just wanna get in my pants anyways ", He spoke while looking down. I didn't mean to make him feel embarrassed I was just concerned. I looked up to see Vontae looking bored. I honestly forgot he was here. He was being so quiet. I guess he didn't want to impose, but I didn't want him to feel left out.

"Aye grumpy why you so quiet over there?", I asked him.

"Why you call him grumpy Marco? Looks like he just chilling," Sabias asked me with a slight chuckle. Before I could respond I heard Vontae reply.

"I really fucking hate you bitch", He said irritated. This nigga must have anger issues. Like for real anger issues.

" Look man I been letting yo ass slide with that shit call me another bitch and imma show you one", I said my voice going an octave lower. I heard a faint yikes and saw my best friend get up and head to what I was assuming my room. Vontae was just staring at me looking pissed.

"Well now you see how I feel when you always calling me fucking grumpy. I told you, I'm not grumpy. I don't act grumpy, I just act like me. You act like I don't have a reason to be defensive. But you be acting like a bitch so I call you one. Only bitches act like they don't understand English after being told not to so fuck you. Bitch", He spoke aggressively at me. I could see him breathin' hard as hell. This nigga really has anger problems. All over a word. Grumpy. He act like I was calling him baby, or sum.

"Yea nigga...come on", I said to him.

"Come on where Man?", He asked.

"I'm about to take you home now cuz you just irritated me", I said sighing.

" Ok I don't care that I irritated you nigga but I'm not tryna-", He started before I could cut off.

"Get the fuck up and let's go. I'm being clingy and imma bitch I'm obviously making you feel some type of way let me just take you home. I was just joking around but it's coo. We have no reason to be friends anyway so let's go. I don't wanna hear shit else come outcho mouth", I said to him while grabbing my keys and heading out.

If I was being a bitch and too clingy or whatever, I could dead that shit immediately. It's coo. I was just tryna be nice, but I see that's getting us no where.

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