Chapter 1 - By The Sea

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I love living by the ocean. There's something about the feeling in the air that just settles me. I love going to the beach with my friends, sitting by the pier in a chic new cafe blaring alternative music. I love that fresh breeze that comes in waves as the evening sets in. It's everything! the sand, sunkissed skin, salty water. I live for it. I've lived near the coast all of my life and I've never had any reason to leave.
But sometimes things happen, you get bored, you want a change...

If there is anything I've learned from my first years of being in my twenties, is that things are more than likely never going to go your way.

Money is everything, no matter how much I try to make myself believe it isn't. I've only ever done basic jobs since I left school. Most of my friends went to uni, they had aspirations for great careers and yet I fully believed it wasn't necessary.

I thought all I needed was a job to get me by that I was somewhat good at. So I could focus on going out and having fun. Well, half my money goes to rent, then food, then travel, and then... Oh, wait, by then I've run out. Then you could argue that I should have aspirations for a better career, but the truth is, I have no idea what the fuck it is I want to do! I'm currently a barista at a cafe and I'm good at it, well I'm used to it. Don't know about being the best...


Friday, 20th of May

Where is my top! I yelled internally. Every morning it's always the same.

I could have sworn it was at the top of my draw.

This is why I wake up half an hour earlier than I really need to, things always go wrong in the morning! I looked in my draw again digging deep to look for the 'Mugs Cafe' logo to pop up. It's a very minimalistic illustration of a mug with bold squiggly writing, reading 'Mugs.' (Very cheaply done.)

Not in there.

I threw the clothes around on the floor next to the washing basket. Nope. I swear I had three worktops where have they gone? I go out of my room and head to the washing machine. Of course, all three of them were in the wash, soaking wet. I quickly hung them up to dry. I'd have to put the hairdryer on one before I left.

I went back to my room and sat on the floor to put my makeup on. I have a nice permanent spot for my makeup on the floor next to the mirror. I looked at my phone, 07:45. Shit, I had 15 minutes till I needed to be at work. Who's in charge today? I think it's Bodhi, or is it, Shirley? Oh god, I hope it's not Shirley, she'll kill me.

I grabbed my claw clip and put half my hair up. I looked in the mirror... she'll do. I'm wearing my denim skirt, and trainers, all I need is my top... My soaking wet top. Quickly, I grabbed my hairdryer and got one of the tops from the washing line. I blared the hairdryer on it whilst checking my phone. 07:55. Definitely going to be late.

I have to go now! I tried putting my top on without smudging my makeup or ruining my hair. I looked like the 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' trying to arch and stretch the top over my head, without touching my freshly made face. The top stuck to my skin.

Urgh, that's cold, oh that doesn't feel nice.

I grabbed my keys and my bag and ran out to my car.

The drive to work was quick, luckily I'd hit hardly any red lights. But I was still almost 15 minutes late when I arrived. I took a deep breath climbing out of my car.

"Please be Bodhi, please be Bodhi.." I muttered. I walked out of the car park and onto the path. I have a view of the Cafe. "Mugs Caf" is written above the door in squiggly writing.

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