Chapter 6 - Charmer

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I left the reception and saw the golf buggy parked outside. I climbed in and started it up. It made a chugging sound as I stepped down on the pedal. As I made my way down the hill, I couldn't help but wonder how bad Logan must be for his own Stepfather to warn new staff about him? Maybe, he was just trying to be funny? He didn't look like he was though, Oh god does it really matter? I just need to remember what Murphy said. If I have any questions go to Kaley. Leave Logan alone!

Okay, so he said that the equipment shed was at the bottom? But what kind of shed, are we talking big, small, is it even open?

I passed Stella and I's cabin and drove towards the lake passing more and more cabins. They got older and more rotten as I went on. Then I see one cabin that looks different from the rest. It's as old as the cabin I'm staying in, but bigger. It has lots of garden furniture out the front and a big bench on the decking, next to a barbeque grill. There's a hammock hung between two trees and bright green plants and colorful flowers surround the cabin, a few garden gnomes hidden within them. Hanging from the deck were those decorations that jangle and twirl. In front sat a big yellow falling apart Ford pickup. Then next to that was a little shed, It looked like it was in better shape than the cabin. I drove towards it and climbed out. Then when I grabbed the door I closed my eyes praying it was not locked.

It's locked.

Well shit...

I tried walking around to see if there's any other way in. Nope. Maybe the keys in reception? No, Murphy said Logan was the only one with a key. But he said not to bother him? Well not too much was his words. Oh, I'll have to knock on the door.

I went up to the cabin hoping that it was actually this one that I needed to go to. I went up to the door which had a window but I couldn't see as it was covered by a blind. I knocked.

I jumped at the sound of a dog. It barked loudly, I could hear it jumping up at the door, vibrating the cabin walls and porch.

Suddenly I heard someone speaking to the dog and the door swung open. It's Logan. He's topless, wearing some grey shorts and... socks. I couldn't help but look at his chest. I hadn't seen it bare this close-up. It looked like he'd just been working out, His body was glowing with sweat. Shit, I moved my eyes back to his, he had an amused look on his face. He already knows what he does to me.

"Morning," I said quickly.

"Can I help you, Laney?" He said looking confused as to why I was at his door.

"I'm a housekeeper," I said.

What? What am I saying?

"I know," he said furrowing his eyebrows.

What is wrong with me? Stop acting like an idiot in front of him and speak properly!

"I mean... I need the stuff out of the shed, please," I uttered.

"Do you not have a key?"

My face scrunched. "No, I was told that you have it."

"So you've got me out' the shower, 'cause you're not prepared?" he folded his arms.

The shower? Oh, so it's not sweat it's water. Why am I upset by this? And why did he put socks on but not a shirt?

"I'm sorry, this is why I get fired from places. I'm really shit, at most things." I urged.

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