Chapter 5 - *knock, knock* Housekeeping

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Sunday, 5th of June

The next morning I woke with a slight headache. But whatever I have won't be as bad as the other guys. They didn't get back till 2:00am. Apart of me wasn't jealous cause of the hangovers they will have today - Mine was bad enough. I tried to wake Stella up but she is completely out. I checked my phone it was 09:47am Shit, We're going to be late. I finished getting ready, putting the Lake Wildbeck Housekeeping dress on. I got excited when I found it had pockets. Then I put my hair up in my claw clip. I checked my phone again. 09:57am.

"Come on Stella!" I yelled to her. She is dead to the world.

I had to leave without her. I sent her a message on my phone telling her that I'd left. Then I ran and head up to the reception cabin. I rang the bell, expecting to see Kaley's face, but an older man, in his fifties, maybe sixties appeared. He had a stubbly beard and clean-cut hair and he was wearing a smart shirt tucked into light-washed jeans. Is that Murphy?

"Hello there sweetheart, are you one of my new workers?" He asked cheerfully, in a deep country accent.

"Yeah. I am, I'm Laney. Are you Murphy?" I asked.

"Yes. That's me! You must be Laney Mckenzie right?" He beamed.

"Yeah, nice to meet you... I thought you were away?" I said.

"Oh well when you own a business like this, you always end up changing plans. Have you been enjoying yourself here so far?" he asked.

"Yeah we had a nice night last night, it's a wonderful place," I beamed.

He smiled at me. "Well at least somebody's enjoying themselves" he laughed again. "It is beautiful here though, It's nice that my nephew could join me here."

I remembered Stella's still asleep and I stuttered nervously. "Oh di- uh, Did Nick get up in time? I never checked. I'm sorry my friend Stella, uh she should be ready anytime now."

"Oh don't bother them. At least one person started on time." He laughed and hit his hand on the table. "Oh, I do love that."

Was that sarcasm? I can never tell with the people here.

He got out a leaflet with scribbles all over it.

"Now, this is the map of the resort. We have written here in red, what residents are staying, where they are staying, and when they are leaving. Then in blue, we have who's arriving."

I looked at the map. "But there's no Blue?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, it's your first day so I thought I'd only give you the departures with no arrivals. I'd show you how it's done, but I can't be bothered." He laughed again, louder this time. "So I've got this leaflet with pictures in showing you how the rooms need to look." He continued to laugh. Is this guy on happy gas?

I tried to laugh with him but I think my face just looked puzzled.

He passed me the leaflet. "Don't worry I trust you'll clean them well. One of our other housekeepers will be around if you need help. I was gonna let you shadow one of them, but we had a girl quit yesterday so... what can you do?"

He started howling laughing again. I can't help but laugh with him this time, I think I'm catching a craziness bug, what a strangely happy man.

He reached under the desk and pulled out a walkie-talkie. "This is so you can communicate with the other girls and whoever's at reception." He handed it to me.
"We'll tell you who's checked out and any other important information."

"Great thanks," I said.

"Now, if you need me. I'll be in the big cabin that overlooks this place."

Oh, that big cabin the one where I saw Logan in the garden.

"All of the cleaning equipment, bed linen, and towels that you need are in Logan's shed, turn right at the square, it's at the bottom of the hill, next to the lake. He's the only one with a key, though it should be always open by this time. But you be mindful of him." His tone changed for the first time. "He's not got his priorities straight my boy if you know what I mean..."

Priorities straight? of course, with a face and body like his, of course, he's gonna' be a womanizer of some kind. Well, what Murphy doesn't know is I'm currently on a man suppression and have no interest in throwing myself into another meaningless relationship where a man uses me. So Murphy's got nothing to worry about.

I nodded my head. "I will keep that in mind, thank you."

"Good girl." He said smiling again. "Kaley knows everything you need to know about this place, so any queries go to her."

I continued nodding my head.

"Oh, and the most important thing," He added. "There's a golf cart just outside here for you. Every day you can collect it from here, to take it down to the shed and get everything you need. Then it's easier for you to drive from cabin to cabin. When you've finished for the day, put the cleaning equipment back in the shed and put the cart back outside reception. Okay?"

"Got it," I nodded my head taking a deep breath.

"We have four other housekeepers who work here. They start a little later today, they've all gotten their own maps, so you only focus on yours. There are ninety-six cabins altogether. But don't worry we're never fully booked. In fact, nearly half our cabins are currently completely closed off" He sighed, then chuckled at me.

I nodded my head slowly.

"Well have fun dear, it was lovely to meet you." He said whilst handing me the keys to the cart.

"Yes, thank you, you too," I smiled.

"See you around," he nodded his head giving me a studious glare and he walked off back into his office.

Let's get started then...

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