Chapter 44 - Rainfall

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It had been busy this weekend again. The Stone brothers had decided to keep the place open whilst sorting everything out. They weren't taking new bookings but there were still lots of people arriving for the weekend.

I gave Logan space. It's hard enough all this stuff going on with the resort, he doesn't need me added on there. I sent him a message Sunday morning.

Me: I'm sorry how we left things last night. I want you to know that the last thing I want to do is hurt you, I think you're amazing. Please don't stress, I'm always here to help, and even when I go home I'm only a message away. I mean that. ❤️

He didn't reply for a while. I thought he wouldn't at all, but then on my second cabin my phone dinged.

Logan: ❤️

I didn't see him all of Saturday. I hope he doesn't push himself away from me now.


Monday, 15th of August

I felt like I was never going to get finished, we ran overtime cleaning the cabins and then finished off by cleaning up the public toilets and finishing work by 4:30 pm. I was exhausted. Stella accompanied me to a meal at the restaurant where we had a nice chat. She never brought up Caden and I never brought up Logan. We just talked about any old crap and made each other laugh. This is why she's my best friend. We can make conversation out of anything. Afterward, we wandered back down to the cabin, watching as the sun slowly made its way down the sky.

Before we made it into the cabin I stopped. "Actually I might go for a wander down the lake."

"Oh okay." She said. "Well I'm gonna go for a nap if you don't mind, let me know how you are."

"Will do." I turned and headed for the lakeside humming to myself as I wandered down. I got to the pier and sat down looking out at the incredible view. The trees were so tall in the distance, the water was shimmering as the sun lay down over the hills.

I'd been hanging out by the lake for at least ten minutes. I was playing my music quietly to myself looking out at the sunset. It was a beautiful evening.

"What a beautiful view." I heard behind me.

I looked over my shoulder. Logan was standing with his hands in his pockets staring down at me. I felt my heart pound against my chest. I steadied my breath, giving him a relieved smile.

"Isn't it." I uttered.

His mouth curved to a soft smile as he sat down next to me, letting out a breath of air. He looked better than he did the other day. He was content in the moment, there was peace in his eyes. I stared at him smiling, seeing him like this made me happy.

"How was today?" I asked.

He glanced at me, his eyes were reflecting the suns light. I was lost in how beautiful he looked. We stared at each other for a while as I waited for his answer.

"You're so beautiful." He said softly.

I wasn't expecting that answer. His words made me emotional. I'd been called beautiful so many times, and every time it just felt like words. But when he said it... There was so much meaning, it was a genuine compliment, a thought that made me well up.

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