Chapter 27 - Unfolding

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Wednesday 29th of June

Murphy comes back this morning, I'm dreading it. I didn't even get enough time with Logan with him not being here. It'll be impossible to see him now.

I'm actually nervous about it, my paranoia is driving me crazy. I get scared thinking Murphy will find out, but then I really wonder. Could it really be that bad? Will Logan just get another slapped wrist or worse? Maybe Murphy is just that evil that he will tell Logan he can't have the resort anymore. That would be terrible, I would feel terrible.

Anyway, I'm not working today and I'm going to have some fun to take my mind off of it. We'd all got ready and met at the pier where we were gonna go for a swim. It was a lovely day and I wanted to work on my tan some more. Stella and I left with all our things and headed down the hill from the distance we could see the boys and some of the lifeguards had made a little camp by the water. As I got closer I could see a very familiar face. Logan's. Is he not working today?

He looked at me as we walked closer. But showed no expression on his face, he just turned away again. Stella nudged me and I nudged her back.

"Look who's here?" She giggled.

"I know, Shh," I whispered.

She laughed and went straight to Caden giving him a big kiss.

Logan had carried on talking to the boys. I knew it was because Murphy was back but I hated that we were just fully avoiding each other now.

I laid my towel down, sat on it, and dropped my bag, layering on my sunscreen. There was music playing, lots of drinks, and snacks, someone had brought some card games and we had floaties and even armbands.

Logan did lock eyes with me every now and then, but he never faltered once. There was always a plain look on his face. He's always so calm, yet I felt like I was weltering up in the heat. Is it the heat or is it Logan? Am I going through early menopause?

The boys had got up to go jump off the pier, we watched for a while as they splashed around in the water and eventually we got up to join them.

"Come on Laney! I've jumped now you!" Stella yelled.

Everyone had started to swim away in the floaties. I threw myself in like a bomb, then swam my way to the surface of the water.

"Ahh, I can't reach the bottom!" I laughed. "I didn't think it was that deep."

I got splashed and felt two arms around my waist.

"Need help?" Logan said from behind surprising me. He lifted me up on to his floaty. I was shocked that he'd talked to me, I thought he would just avoid me in front of everyone. He hung onto the edge of the floaty swimming and pushing it with his arms. Everyone was being loud and playing in the water completely oblivious to us. Which why wouldn't they be? I'm just being paranoid, all he's doing is hanging off the floaty I'm sitting on.

"How are you?" He said, not looking at me in the eye.

"I'm okay and you." I replied also looking away.

"I want you to meet me after this... if you can?"

I tried not to smile, "where?"

"I'll message you, I know somewhere no one will see us."

I jumped in the water next to him and grinned at him. "Looking forward to it." I said.


We stayed there nearly all day. Eventually, Stella and I got bored of the snack food, so we went to go back up to the restaurant for some dinner. Logan and I had managed to avoid each other but my heart raced a little every time I got close to him or even looked at him. The boys had planned to see us at the restaurant later. We collected all our things and walked back up the path. Once we'd made it to the restaurant I saw Murphy in the distance standing outside reception. He had an unsettling smile on his face.

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